Traditions on Good Friday and how to conduct it
The Friday before Easter is not just called the strictest day of Holy Week. And although the time of Holy Week is associated with joy before the Resurrection of Christ, it is also filled with sorrow. After all, in these days and hours it is customary to recall the last events of the earthly life of the Savior.
Even if you can not visit the church before Easter, you should still remember the features of Good Friday and do not violate the prohibitions on this day. Also, priests remind of the importance of reading soul-saving literature, because it, like a compass for a traveler, does not let you go astray.
Friday before Easter "It was not for this that a sacrifice was needed to propitiate God, but a terrible sacrifice was made by Christ because God had compassion, had mercy on us," explains Luke Krymsky.
We dare to turn to the Lord Jesus Christ and hear the hidden words: I am the living bread that came down from heaven; he who eats this bread will live forever. My flesh is truly food, and my blood is truly drink.
How shall we, the poor, repay him for his immense love? He said, “If you love me, keep my commandments.” Let us pour out our love and tears upon His body, which lies before us on the Holy Shroud, and let us direct all our strength to keep His commandments.
How should you spend Good Friday? First of all, you need to know what to do on this day. And why should these prohibitions be enforced?
But the Friday before Easter is great for baking cakes. It is believed that bakingPrepared on this day, it will have healing power. It is also necessary to prepare yourself physically and mentally for Easter, and therefore it is recommended to read spiritual literature and, of course, pray.
Prayer for forgiveness of sins on Good Friday has great power. For all sins committed out of ignorance, you can ask forgiveness. Pray with sincerity, with faith in the soul.
Prayer: O Lord, hear me, O servant of God, forgive me my sins for which I sincerely repent. Let me work diligently and lead a righteous life according to your commandments. Give me the opportunity to offer You prayers, to be kind and in word and deed to others. Teach me how to resist demonic temptations, to do nothing wrong and not to harm anyone. I ask your forgiveness and advice. Amen.
Good Friday. It should be filled with spirituality, putting aside all household worries. You cannot blame and condemn the actions of others. It is necessary to calm the inner anger and try to forgive those who have offended you. Before prayer, it is also recommended to light a candle purchased in the church and pray until the candle burns out.
If you have to do urgent work, which is forbidden on Good Friday, then you must mentally ask forgiveness from God. It is important that at this moment the soul was light and calm, there was no despondency and longing. And in the intervals between work, you should read prayers again.
Even if you can not visit the church before Easter, you should still remember the features of Good Friday and do not violate the prohibitions on this day. Also, priests remind of the importance of reading soul-saving literature, because it, like a compass for a traveler, does not let you go astray.

Friday before Easter "It was not for this that a sacrifice was needed to propitiate God, but a terrible sacrifice was made by Christ because God had compassion, had mercy on us," explains Luke Krymsky.

We dare to turn to the Lord Jesus Christ and hear the hidden words: I am the living bread that came down from heaven; he who eats this bread will live forever. My flesh is truly food, and my blood is truly drink.
How shall we, the poor, repay him for his immense love? He said, “If you love me, keep my commandments.” Let us pour out our love and tears upon His body, which lies before us on the Holy Shroud, and let us direct all our strength to keep His commandments.

How should you spend Good Friday? First of all, you need to know what to do on this day. And why should these prohibitions be enforced?
- You need to completely refuse food for the whole day. Only in the evening you can afford a piece of bread and some water.
- You can not indulge in fun and entertainment, it is forbidden to joke and laugh. “He who laughs on Good Friday will shed tears all year long,” the saying goes.
- Do not postpone for this day and household chores, such as sewing, cleaning, repair. It is believed that order should be restored on Clean Thursday. Also, you can not tinker in the garden, because the harvest from such worries will not have to wait.
- There is also a ban on cosmetic procedures. Even mundane things like haircuts and hair coloring are not allowed.
But the Friday before Easter is great for baking cakes. It is believed that bakingPrepared on this day, it will have healing power. It is also necessary to prepare yourself physically and mentally for Easter, and therefore it is recommended to read spiritual literature and, of course, pray.
Prayer for forgiveness of sins on Good Friday has great power. For all sins committed out of ignorance, you can ask forgiveness. Pray with sincerity, with faith in the soul.

Prayer: O Lord, hear me, O servant of God, forgive me my sins for which I sincerely repent. Let me work diligently and lead a righteous life according to your commandments. Give me the opportunity to offer You prayers, to be kind and in word and deed to others. Teach me how to resist demonic temptations, to do nothing wrong and not to harm anyone. I ask your forgiveness and advice. Amen.
Good Friday. It should be filled with spirituality, putting aside all household worries. You cannot blame and condemn the actions of others. It is necessary to calm the inner anger and try to forgive those who have offended you. Before prayer, it is also recommended to light a candle purchased in the church and pray until the candle burns out.

If you have to do urgent work, which is forbidden on Good Friday, then you must mentally ask forgiveness from God. It is important that at this moment the soul was light and calm, there was no despondency and longing. And in the intervals between work, you should read prayers again.
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