How to Spend Good Friday
Orthodox believers all week prepare for the bright feast of Easter, remembering the last days of Christ on earth. And now the week comes to the most mournful and important day - Good Friday. It is on this day that we remember the trial, the crucifixion, the death of Jesus on the cross at Calvary, as well as the removal of his body and burial.
On this day, the editorial board "Site" It tells you in detail. What date is Good Friday? And how to do it right.
Good Friday 2019 Good Friday is a passing holiday, the date depends on when we celebrate Easter. This year, Good Friday falls on April 26. For every believer, this is a very important and mournful day that must be spent correctly. And today we'll find out exactly how.
Friday is the day of Jesus’ crucifixion, the day of great tribulation. In the divine service on this day, the events that occurred after the Last Supper are remembered: the arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane, the trial of Pilate, the triple abdication of Peter, the torture of Christ, his crucifixion and the laying of the body of the Savior in the coffin. There is also no liturgy in the temples on this day.
Good Friday is considered the most severe and mournful day of the year. Therefore, there are such strict prohibitions that cannot be violated.
Our ancestors tried to spend this day in prayer, remembering the exploits of Christ and thanking him for the sacrifice he made. On this day you can not quarrel, indulge in bad thoughts and slander. It is best to devote this day to prayer, go to the temple and listen to the service. Despite the fact that the service in the church on this day is imbued with sorrow, it is already preparing parishioners for the bright feast of the Resurrection of Christ.
In the past, we’ve told you how to spend every day of Holy Week correctly.
And also wrote about what is forbidden to do on the holiday of Easter.

On this day, the editorial board "Site" It tells you in detail. What date is Good Friday? And how to do it right.
Good Friday 2019 Good Friday is a passing holiday, the date depends on when we celebrate Easter. This year, Good Friday falls on April 26. For every believer, this is a very important and mournful day that must be spent correctly. And today we'll find out exactly how.
Friday is the day of Jesus’ crucifixion, the day of great tribulation. In the divine service on this day, the events that occurred after the Last Supper are remembered: the arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane, the trial of Pilate, the triple abdication of Peter, the torture of Christ, his crucifixion and the laying of the body of the Savior in the coffin. There is also no liturgy in the temples on this day.

Good Friday is considered the most severe and mournful day of the year. Therefore, there are such strict prohibitions that cannot be violated.
- You can not eat before taking out the shroud, and after that you can only eat bread and water. If for some reason you can not do this, at least do not break the fast. Food should be as modest as possible.
- You can’t do housework, all physical work is forbidden today. It is believed that all preparations should be completed on Clean Thursday, so that on Friday nothing distracts you from the service and prayers. Business on this day is considered a great sin. Those who follow the strictest rules don't even bathe on Friday.
- Under a particularly strict ban today, partying and fun. It is believed that someone who has fun on Good Friday will cry all year. We must prepare ourselves for the great feast of Easter and pay due respect to the sacrifice Jesus made for us.
- It is forbidden to touch sharp metal objects: knives, needles, tools. On this day you can not sew, embroidery and even bread is accepted to break.
- Everything planted on this day will not yield a harvest. Working on the ground on Good Friday is a big sin. In any case, you can not pierce the earth with iron - this is to trouble.
- You should also refrain from alcohol and intimacy. It is said that those who are drunk on this day are at risk of serious problems with alcohol, and children conceived on this day can be born sick.
- In order not to harm your health, it is recommended to refrain from haircuts, hair coloring and any other cosmetic procedures on this day.
Our ancestors tried to spend this day in prayer, remembering the exploits of Christ and thanking him for the sacrifice he made. On this day you can not quarrel, indulge in bad thoughts and slander. It is best to devote this day to prayer, go to the temple and listen to the service. Despite the fact that the service in the church on this day is imbued with sorrow, it is already preparing parishioners for the bright feast of the Resurrection of Christ.

In the past, we’ve told you how to spend every day of Holy Week correctly.
And also wrote about what is forbidden to do on the holiday of Easter.