Easter traditions and signs: preparing for a bright holiday!
We are approaching such a long-awaited and beloved by everyone. EasterThere are many traditions and rituals associated with it. For example, do you know what you need to do in the last days before Easter, so that the next year will be productive and successful? Editorial "Site" Discover all the secrets of preparing for feast!
Easter traditions are the most important and solemn holiday for all Christians. It is celebrated on the first Sunday after the spring full moon. Easter is preceded by a rather long fast and many traditions are associated with this period.
Especially important is Holy Week, the strictest week of fasting. Today we will tell you about the folk traditions that are observed during this week.

Easter traditions are the most important and solemn holiday for all Christians. It is celebrated on the first Sunday after the spring full moon. Easter is preceded by a rather long fast and many traditions are associated with this period.

Especially important is Holy Week, the strictest week of fasting. Today we will tell you about the folk traditions that are observed during this week.
- Monday.
We need to clean the house, fix old things. Also on this day people watch the weather: if the sky is clear, and the sun seems to be playing, then the summer will be good, productive.
DepositPhotos - Tuesday.
You can continue cleaning, and you should also prepare holiday clothes for Holy Sunday.
DepositPhotos - Wednesday.
It is customary to conduct general cleaning in the house. You can continue on a clean Thursday. - On Clean Thursday
You need to get up before dawn and take a bath, or better a shower, so that water pours on your head. This is how the ablution process takes place. On the same day, it is necessary to bring a passionate candle from the church, which helps in the treatment of various diseases.
Also one of the traditions is the preparation of Thursday salt: ordinary salt is baked in the oven or in the oven, and then consecrated in the church. Such salt will be a great charm for the whole family. The hostess on this day prepare pysanki, dyes and a dish of cottage cheese, called Easter. - Good Friday.
You need to work very hard, prepare for the holiday and in no case can you sin. It is on Friday that women bake cakes. Before you start cooking, you must read a prayer.
DepositPhotos - Good Saturday.
People grieve, fun, drinking alcohol and entering into an intimate relationship are also prohibited. On this day, Easter services begin in churches. If for some reason you cannot come to church to defend the All-Night, you must not go to bed.
DepositPhotos - Bright Easter.
There is such a belief that it is right to sanctify Easter and Kulichi on Sunday at dawn. After the All-Night Service, all parishioners greet each other with the words: “Christ is risen!” - Truly resurrected!
The morning meal begins with a kulich, then eat eggs, meat and other dishes. Children on this day like to “choke” eggs, hitting a dull or sharp end of a boiled dyed egg on an opponent’s egg. He is lucky to keep his egg intact. This predicts undoubted luck and luck in the future.
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