What not to do on Good Friday 2022, not to cause trouble
On the last Friday of Lent before Easter, faithful Christians around the world celebrate Good Friday. On this day, believers observe mourning, Good Friday 2022 falls on April 22. Today's edition. "Site" It will tell you how to spend this day and what are the prohibitions for Christians.
Good Friday 2022 The Catholic Church celebrates Easter on April 17, they have already met Good Friday on the 15th. Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter on April 24, and it is preceded by Good Friday on April 22. Good Friday is of great importance in Christianity, because it was on this day that Jesus appeared before the court of Pontius Pilate. The emperor sentenced Jesus to death. On Mount Calvary, Jesus was crucified on a cross, and two days later he was resurrected.
Until the fourth century, worship and the procession in memory of the crucifixion took place on the night of Thursday to Friday. Now Christians come to the temple for Matins, which begins on Thursday evening and continues throughout the night. The priests read the Gospel accounts of the sufferings of Christ. On this day, no church serves the Liturgy unless Good Friday coincides with the Annunciation.
In the center of the temple, the Shroud of Jesus Christ is installed during the day, decorated with flowers and anointed with incense. At the second service, believers stand with candles in their hands, and the Shroud is wrapped around the temple. After that, Christians observe fasting, only bread and water are allowed.
After the service, 12 candles are brought to the house, with which the faithful stood in the temple. These candles were installed in different parts of the house and let the candles burn out. People used to believe it would bring joy and good luck to the home.
Good Friday is a day of mourning, so there are many prohibitions on this day. On Friday, you can not work and do household chores. All preparations for the celebration of Easter end on Clean Thursday. On this day, you should also bake cakes and paint eggs, so as not to be distracted on Friday from services. The Church does not prohibit the baking of cakes on Good Friday, but insists on the primacy of worship. Without prayers and services in the temple, the earthly attributes of the holiday have no meaning. Priests say that it is possible to bake kulici, but before cooking it is necessary to read the prayer “Our Father” and be sure to visit the church.
They say that if you bake a cake on Good Friday, it will never spoil and will have healing power. But some housewives argue that the cake baked on Friday turned out poorly. Many are of the opinion that kulich is better to bake on other days of the week, but if there is not enough time, it is allowed to bake kulich on Friday.
Washing, sewing, planting something in the garden is a big sin. The harvest will be bad, and iron objects stuck in the ground will bring trouble. On this day, nothing is cut with a knife, even bread is broken with hands. It is inappropriate to have fun and drink alcohol on this day. People who have fun on Good Friday will cry all year long.
This day should focus on prayer and help loved ones. Believers should observe strict fasting: on Friday, Christians do not eat anything, and after taking out the Shroud drink water and eat bread. Fasting is the redemption of sins before God. Previously, people believed that a person who observes fasting for 3 years in a row from Thursday to Friday would be warned about going to the Lord for 3 days. Prayer on Good Friday is the most important thing for a believer.
Prayer for the salvation of the soul“Lord, hear me at this hour!” I come to you, and I pray you, hear me, your sinful and unworthy servant. Do not leave me, Lord, come to me and comfort my sorrow. I pray for Your help, the Almighty and Merciful Lord and Shepherd. Do not leave me and your servant in darkness, do not let fall and abyss, light my way and your servant, and send salvation and light to him for whom I ask you. For the sake of the Virgin Mary and the Life-giving Cross, forgive our sins and do not leave us without Your intercession. Amen.
Prayer for the forgiveness of sinsO Lord, hear me, O servant of God, forgive me my sins, for I sincerely repent of them. Let me work diligently and lead a righteous life according to your commandments. Give me the opportunity to offer You prayers, to be kind and in word and deed to others. Teach me how to resist demonic temptations, to do nothing wrong and not to harm anyone. I ask your forgiveness and advice. Amen.

Good Friday 2022 The Catholic Church celebrates Easter on April 17, they have already met Good Friday on the 15th. Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter on April 24, and it is preceded by Good Friday on April 22. Good Friday is of great importance in Christianity, because it was on this day that Jesus appeared before the court of Pontius Pilate. The emperor sentenced Jesus to death. On Mount Calvary, Jesus was crucified on a cross, and two days later he was resurrected.
Until the fourth century, worship and the procession in memory of the crucifixion took place on the night of Thursday to Friday. Now Christians come to the temple for Matins, which begins on Thursday evening and continues throughout the night. The priests read the Gospel accounts of the sufferings of Christ. On this day, no church serves the Liturgy unless Good Friday coincides with the Annunciation.

In the center of the temple, the Shroud of Jesus Christ is installed during the day, decorated with flowers and anointed with incense. At the second service, believers stand with candles in their hands, and the Shroud is wrapped around the temple. After that, Christians observe fasting, only bread and water are allowed.
After the service, 12 candles are brought to the house, with which the faithful stood in the temple. These candles were installed in different parts of the house and let the candles burn out. People used to believe it would bring joy and good luck to the home.

Good Friday is a day of mourning, so there are many prohibitions on this day. On Friday, you can not work and do household chores. All preparations for the celebration of Easter end on Clean Thursday. On this day, you should also bake cakes and paint eggs, so as not to be distracted on Friday from services. The Church does not prohibit the baking of cakes on Good Friday, but insists on the primacy of worship. Without prayers and services in the temple, the earthly attributes of the holiday have no meaning. Priests say that it is possible to bake kulici, but before cooking it is necessary to read the prayer “Our Father” and be sure to visit the church.

They say that if you bake a cake on Good Friday, it will never spoil and will have healing power. But some housewives argue that the cake baked on Friday turned out poorly. Many are of the opinion that kulich is better to bake on other days of the week, but if there is not enough time, it is allowed to bake kulich on Friday.

Washing, sewing, planting something in the garden is a big sin. The harvest will be bad, and iron objects stuck in the ground will bring trouble. On this day, nothing is cut with a knife, even bread is broken with hands. It is inappropriate to have fun and drink alcohol on this day. People who have fun on Good Friday will cry all year long.
This day should focus on prayer and help loved ones. Believers should observe strict fasting: on Friday, Christians do not eat anything, and after taking out the Shroud drink water and eat bread. Fasting is the redemption of sins before God. Previously, people believed that a person who observes fasting for 3 years in a row from Thursday to Friday would be warned about going to the Lord for 3 days. Prayer on Good Friday is the most important thing for a believer.

Prayer for the salvation of the soul“Lord, hear me at this hour!” I come to you, and I pray you, hear me, your sinful and unworthy servant. Do not leave me, Lord, come to me and comfort my sorrow. I pray for Your help, the Almighty and Merciful Lord and Shepherd. Do not leave me and your servant in darkness, do not let fall and abyss, light my way and your servant, and send salvation and light to him for whom I ask you. For the sake of the Virgin Mary and the Life-giving Cross, forgive our sins and do not leave us without Your intercession. Amen.
Prayer for the forgiveness of sinsO Lord, hear me, O servant of God, forgive me my sins, for I sincerely repent of them. Let me work diligently and lead a righteous life according to your commandments. Give me the opportunity to offer You prayers, to be kind and in word and deed to others. Teach me how to resist demonic temptations, to do nothing wrong and not to harm anyone. I ask your forgiveness and advice. Amen.
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