The Annunciation: God's Will and the consent of the person
April 7, the Church celebrates the great feast of the Annunciation. This year it fell on Holy week that precedes Easter. About the history of the holiday, its spiritual meaning and importance for the Church, "Thomas" told the rector of the Church of saints Cosmas and Damian in Shubin Archpriest Alexander Borisov.
HOLIDAY TIMEApril 7, Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the greatest feasts — the Annunciation of the blessed virgin. Historically, that is often the feast of the Annunciation coincides with the time of lent. The fact that the entire earthly life of Christ is linked with the salvation Which He brought us. This salvation, as the time begins from the moment of taking the good news by the Archangel Gabriel to the virgin Mary, and ends with a suffering and atoning death of the Lord on the Cross. The Annunciation came into the world the good news about that was our release, there was a connection of the divine and human natures, which fully revealed in the victory over death.
The holiday itself everywhere in the Church was installed to the VI century, that is, to the time when, starting from the end of IV – beginning of V century, Christmas was celebrated separately from Epiphany, i.e. the Feast of the Baptism of Jesus Christ by John, but not together like it used to.
As Christmas is called in the Church the birth of the sun of Righteousness, namely on 24-25 Dec (6-7 January, new style) starts increasing solar day, it is this event and decided to link the birth of the Savior, because the exact date of this day we do not know. In this regard, the Annunciation, is the immaculate conception of the virgin Mary took nine months before the birth of Christ, which, again, falls on March 25 (April 7). We can say that the incarnation occurred in accordance with the laws of earthly existence, because all women to normal conditions give birth to the ninth month after conception.
Mary, of course, was a very special person, otherwise the Lord would not have chosen Her for this amazing event that changed history – the Union of the divine and human natures in Her Son. Faith of the virgin Mary was no less strong than many Christian women who have chosen the path of service to the Lord, and which we already know from the subsequent history of the Church. But her nature was particularly open to the acceptance of the angelic tidings and the grace of God. One angel could not make the whole case was required and the consent, the consent of Mary to accept God's will and become the mother of the Savior. The virgin gave the consent on behalf of all humanity: "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto Me according to thy word" (LK. 1, 38). In the end, there was a double event – the phenomenon of God's mercy towards people and accepting that mercy, good news. Without the consent of Bolotbekovich would not have happened and for our salvation, since God never acts against the free will of man. God desired the free love of man to Him, and not forced by any outer circumstances. Therefore, in the Annunciation we see an example of synergy (co-action) of the grace of God and the consent of the person.
What did the blessed virgin, after heard the good news from the angel? In the text of the gospel of the Annunciation (LK. 1, 26) has these words: "In the sixth month, sent the angel Gabriel from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth...". This refers to the sixth month from the conception of St. Elizabeth of his son – the future Prophet and Baptist of the Lord John the Baptist. The Evangelist says about the sixth month, as it is the one time when pregnancy is already possible easily be sure. The virgin Mary, taking the gospel went to the righteous Elizabeth, saw that what the angel is the truth and shared the joy with His family.
At their meeting happened another amazing event — the Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary and "the baby leaped in her womb". Sure, it was a Testament to the fact that in the womb of Elizabeth is not just a baby, the future John the Baptist – a man and relevant to the earthly life of the Savior. We can say that with this "wygrane" has already begun his prophetic Ministry of John the Baptist about the coming of Christ to the world, and because of the immaculate conception of the virgin Mary by that time had already happened.
For us, among other things, is also an indication that the baby is in the womb already knows what is going on around him. For future parents, and generally for all people, this passage is an important indication of how carefully we must treat pregnant women in General and to pregnancy. Scientists know that not only the conditions of fruiting, but even obstoyatelstvakh affect the future character and psyche of the baby. Oh, and most importantly, from the moment of conception begins the life of the new man!
The Liturgy in the Annunciation is read that passage from the gospel, which tells us about the essence of the holiday. The event, which is directly connected with this – the story of the journey of the virgin Mary to visit Her relative Elizabeth, though chronologically it happened later, on the eve of the Annunciation is read at the Vigil. This is not surprising, because approximately also sometimes in iconography, when one visible space fit events separated in time. They are all somehow linked, but in the center is placed the event, which is dedicated to the icon itself. This is what we see, and the icon of the Nativity, and the Nativity of the blessed virgin and many others.
At the Annunciation there are other liturgical features. For example, if the Annunciation falls on the Great lent, then these two events together in worship. The Church does not set between the feast and fasting", or" she says, "and," that is, it is a holiday and post at the same time. In liturgical terms, the day of the Annunciation fell on a Great post, it's always a pretty intense event. The Easter cycle is according to the lunar calendar and the Annunciation, and the Nativity of Christ, according to the sun, therefore, is the combination of separate parts into a Lenten worship celebration.
There is such a rare and amazing worship as Kyriopascha, that is the dominant Easter is the feast of the Annunciation fell on Easter. The last time such an event occurred in 1991. This probably can be seen as special and spiritual meaning, as it was a time when our country fell atheist regime and re-established freedom of faith. Assume that Kyriopascha 1991 brought our country a kind of spiritual renewal.
Speaking about the peculiarities of the celebration of the Annunciation should also be noted that the Annunciation in lent allowed the eating of fish, however, if the feast falls on Holy week, the fish are already not talking. In the Charter on this day there is an instruction that is allowed only the eating of the oil, that is cooking with vegetable oil. Thus, abstinence in fish extends to the entire Holy week, regardless of the occasion.
In addition, the Annunciation traditionally produced poultry, as a rule, the white doves. This custom is widely distributed not only throughout the Slavic Orthodox world, but also in other Nations. However, this tradition is connected with the Annunciation, and has pagan roots. But we are, of course, not paganism, but rather a symbol of the good news of the liberation of the soul, the joy of meeting with God, is the same: "God is the Lord and hath revealed himself unto us." published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: foma.ru/blagoveshhenie-volya-boga-i-soglasie-cheloveka.html
HOLIDAY TIMEApril 7, Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the greatest feasts — the Annunciation of the blessed virgin. Historically, that is often the feast of the Annunciation coincides with the time of lent. The fact that the entire earthly life of Christ is linked with the salvation Which He brought us. This salvation, as the time begins from the moment of taking the good news by the Archangel Gabriel to the virgin Mary, and ends with a suffering and atoning death of the Lord on the Cross. The Annunciation came into the world the good news about that was our release, there was a connection of the divine and human natures, which fully revealed in the victory over death.

The holiday itself everywhere in the Church was installed to the VI century, that is, to the time when, starting from the end of IV – beginning of V century, Christmas was celebrated separately from Epiphany, i.e. the Feast of the Baptism of Jesus Christ by John, but not together like it used to.
As Christmas is called in the Church the birth of the sun of Righteousness, namely on 24-25 Dec (6-7 January, new style) starts increasing solar day, it is this event and decided to link the birth of the Savior, because the exact date of this day we do not know. In this regard, the Annunciation, is the immaculate conception of the virgin Mary took nine months before the birth of Christ, which, again, falls on March 25 (April 7). We can say that the incarnation occurred in accordance with the laws of earthly existence, because all women to normal conditions give birth to the ninth month after conception.
Mary, of course, was a very special person, otherwise the Lord would not have chosen Her for this amazing event that changed history – the Union of the divine and human natures in Her Son. Faith of the virgin Mary was no less strong than many Christian women who have chosen the path of service to the Lord, and which we already know from the subsequent history of the Church. But her nature was particularly open to the acceptance of the angelic tidings and the grace of God. One angel could not make the whole case was required and the consent, the consent of Mary to accept God's will and become the mother of the Savior. The virgin gave the consent on behalf of all humanity: "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto Me according to thy word" (LK. 1, 38). In the end, there was a double event – the phenomenon of God's mercy towards people and accepting that mercy, good news. Without the consent of Bolotbekovich would not have happened and for our salvation, since God never acts against the free will of man. God desired the free love of man to Him, and not forced by any outer circumstances. Therefore, in the Annunciation we see an example of synergy (co-action) of the grace of God and the consent of the person.
What did the blessed virgin, after heard the good news from the angel? In the text of the gospel of the Annunciation (LK. 1, 26) has these words: "In the sixth month, sent the angel Gabriel from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth...". This refers to the sixth month from the conception of St. Elizabeth of his son – the future Prophet and Baptist of the Lord John the Baptist. The Evangelist says about the sixth month, as it is the one time when pregnancy is already possible easily be sure. The virgin Mary, taking the gospel went to the righteous Elizabeth, saw that what the angel is the truth and shared the joy with His family.
At their meeting happened another amazing event — the Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary and "the baby leaped in her womb". Sure, it was a Testament to the fact that in the womb of Elizabeth is not just a baby, the future John the Baptist – a man and relevant to the earthly life of the Savior. We can say that with this "wygrane" has already begun his prophetic Ministry of John the Baptist about the coming of Christ to the world, and because of the immaculate conception of the virgin Mary by that time had already happened.
For us, among other things, is also an indication that the baby is in the womb already knows what is going on around him. For future parents, and generally for all people, this passage is an important indication of how carefully we must treat pregnant women in General and to pregnancy. Scientists know that not only the conditions of fruiting, but even obstoyatelstvakh affect the future character and psyche of the baby. Oh, and most importantly, from the moment of conception begins the life of the new man!
The Liturgy in the Annunciation is read that passage from the gospel, which tells us about the essence of the holiday. The event, which is directly connected with this – the story of the journey of the virgin Mary to visit Her relative Elizabeth, though chronologically it happened later, on the eve of the Annunciation is read at the Vigil. This is not surprising, because approximately also sometimes in iconography, when one visible space fit events separated in time. They are all somehow linked, but in the center is placed the event, which is dedicated to the icon itself. This is what we see, and the icon of the Nativity, and the Nativity of the blessed virgin and many others.
At the Annunciation there are other liturgical features. For example, if the Annunciation falls on the Great lent, then these two events together in worship. The Church does not set between the feast and fasting", or" she says, "and," that is, it is a holiday and post at the same time. In liturgical terms, the day of the Annunciation fell on a Great post, it's always a pretty intense event. The Easter cycle is according to the lunar calendar and the Annunciation, and the Nativity of Christ, according to the sun, therefore, is the combination of separate parts into a Lenten worship celebration.
There is such a rare and amazing worship as Kyriopascha, that is the dominant Easter is the feast of the Annunciation fell on Easter. The last time such an event occurred in 1991. This probably can be seen as special and spiritual meaning, as it was a time when our country fell atheist regime and re-established freedom of faith. Assume that Kyriopascha 1991 brought our country a kind of spiritual renewal.
Speaking about the peculiarities of the celebration of the Annunciation should also be noted that the Annunciation in lent allowed the eating of fish, however, if the feast falls on Holy week, the fish are already not talking. In the Charter on this day there is an instruction that is allowed only the eating of the oil, that is cooking with vegetable oil. Thus, abstinence in fish extends to the entire Holy week, regardless of the occasion.
In addition, the Annunciation traditionally produced poultry, as a rule, the white doves. This custom is widely distributed not only throughout the Slavic Orthodox world, but also in other Nations. However, this tradition is connected with the Annunciation, and has pagan roots. But we are, of course, not paganism, but rather a symbol of the good news of the liberation of the soul, the joy of meeting with God, is the same: "God is the Lord and hath revealed himself unto us." published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: foma.ru/blagoveshhenie-volya-boga-i-soglasie-cheloveka.html
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