Why the Annunciation in 2023 is special and what miracles to expect from this holiday

The Annunciation (good news) is the name of a religious holiday dedicated to the day when the Virgin Mary learned from the archangel Gabriel that she had the great honor and great responsibility to become the mother of the Son of God. Nine months later, the Virgin Mary by virgin conception gave birth to Jesus Christ. The holiday has a permanent date: Orthodox Christians will celebrate the Annunciation in 2023 on April 7, and Catholics prayed to the Most Holy Mother of God on March 25.

The Annunciation in 2023 The service in the temple on the Annunciation lasts from evening to morning. The priests are dressed in blue robes to the color of the celebration. The symbol of the holiday is a white dove, and after the All-Night Liturgy, the priests in the morning let snow-white birds into the sky. This ritual is a moving and majestic spectacle. It symbolizes the good news from God about the appearance of the future Savior.

Orthodox Christians go to church to communicate with the Lord, because they are convinced of his ability to hear every person on the day of the Annunciation. Often believers go on pilgrimage to holy places.


On the holiday, Christians bake sparklers Prohibitions and signs associated with the holiday

They were forbidden by the Gospel. For the holiday, you can not cut poultry, work in the field, clean the house or do needlework. No one was married on the day of the Annunciation. It is forbidden to arrange feasts and noisy parties.

It is a sin to swear and swear on holiday. Women are advised to postpone all household chores until lunch. On this day it is forbidden to cut hair and shave. Crumbs from the sparkler can not be thrown away: the remains of bread were given to birds or fed to animals.

People believed in signs. What the weather will be like on Easter. A weathery day foreshadowed a harvest year and frequent thunderstorms in the summer months. The storm for the holiday predicted a warm summer and a mushroom autumn. People made wishes for the Annunciation and believed that they would come true.

It was considered a bad omen for the holiday to borrow or lend. We were not advised to wear new clothes on the holiday, because we were convinced that the clothes would not last long. If the wife during the day 40 times will affectionately address her husband "cute", then by the end of the year they will live in love and harmony.

If family members are polite all day, they will spend the whole year without swearing and scandal. Good luck awaited the one who was lucky to see a white bird at the Annunciation.

Do not forget to go to church and pray to the Most Holy Mother of God for the welfare of your family. Bring holy water and sparklers to the house, treat them to your relatives – this is the least you can do for their happiness and health!


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