When we celebrate the Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of God according to the new calendar and how to spend this important day

Christians around the world will soon celebrate the Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of God. This bright day is one of the dozen most important holidays of the Christian tradition. In importance, it is second only to Christmas and Easter. We tell you when we celebrate the Annunciation in 2024 in the old and new style. Let’s talk about the main traditions and prohibitions.

The Annunciation in 2024 On this holiday we remember the earthly path of the Virgin. According to legend, 9 months before the birth of Christ, the archangel Gabriel appeared to the All-Pure. He gave Mary the good news that she would soon bring the Savior to this world. The Messenger of God said: Rejoice, blessed Mary! You are full of the grace of God! From that moment on, God’s plan came into being. From now on, believers will be able to take the path to the Kingdom of Heaven.

The first mention of this holy day appeared in the III century. It was then called the “Salutation Day,” the “Conception of Christ,” and the “Notice.” This is one of the most significant Christian subjects, which is often depicted on frescoes and icons. In Ukraine, the very first mosaic scene of the Annunciation can be found in the Kiev Cathedral of St. Sophia. It's almost a thousand years old.

When we celebrate the Annunciation in 2024, since this holiday is intransitory, it always had one fixed date - April 7. So the Annunciation is celebrated according to the old style. After the transition of the OCU to the New Julian calendar, it should be counted 13 days ago. We will get a date according to the new style - March 25. On the same day, Catholics celebrate the Annunciation.

Traditionally, on the Annunciation, women ask for the Most Pure happy fate and family happiness. One should pray to the Virgin Mary for health, help and protection, attend the service and collect consecrated water in the temple. It is believed that on this holiday the Lord will heed all our requests and prayers.

Although the holiday falls on Lent, on this day you can add a little vegetable oil and fish to the diet, as well as eat church wine.

Our ancestors believed that if you wash on the Annunciation with melted water, you will banish disease from the body and strengthen your health. And stockpile the Annunciation salt - protect the family from the evil eye and even be able to cure a seriously ill person, return money and luck to the house.

How to prepare the Annunciation salt Therapeutic salt was done before themselves. They hid a bag in advance, and on the feast before dawn they fryed in a frying pan for about 15 minutes, saying a prayer: Our Father in heaven, you appeared in Jericho through the prophet Elisha and purified the water with salt. Bless this salt, that it may bring joy to my house. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The cooled crystals were poured into a pot of clay, a fabric bag or a glass jar. When I got sick, I ate fried salt on a grain. Added to food and drinking water, made on salt compresses and applied to sick places.

In ancient times, the Holy Annunciation informed the people about the beginning of sowing works. Next to the grain was put the Annunciation icon to sanctify it and charge it for violent growth. And the youth kindled fires, led around them dances and sang freckles. It was believed that the one who jumped over the flame, cleansed from the evil eye and strengthen health.

On this holiday, our ancestors strictly observed the rule from the proverb: “A bird does not wind its nest, a girl does not weave a braid.” Take a break from work so as not to do empty stupid things. They did not touch their hair; they did not cut or comb. They believed that if they combed their hair on this day, they would become brittle and dry. Worse, they'll start falling out. Therefore, it is worth moving the trip to the barbershop.

It is also a time of rest for garden and garden lovers. Any work with the earth on this day will not bring benefits and results.

It is believed that every house is visited by angels. They watch over our lives and give everyone what they lack. In order not to scare away the heavenly messenger, on a festive evening it is worth turning off all light sources. Candles included.

They do not lend or take out valuables from the house. Under the prohibition of quarrels, empty talk and even bad thoughts. Devote time to quiet prayer, mentally wish good to your loved ones and acquaintances. And it will come back to you with a good mood or an unexpected gift.


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