My wife left me after 15 years together, I lost everything and went into all serious troubles.

Time goes by, and people still have the same burning problems. How to Forget Someone and Stop LovingWhen are you over 40? How to find your soul mate, if you spent most of your life in a relationship with another person? Is it worth hoping for a new relationship in adulthood or the pure and gratuitous love that you had before will never be returned? The issues are relevant for both men and women. The answers to them are not always straightforward.

Unfortunately, many adults, especially men, misplace their priorities after a breakup. Instead of working out their inner well-being, understanding their desires and aspirations, they begin to walk, do not go to work, make acquaintances with dubious personalities. As a result, they lose not only a partner, but often work and the remnants of respect for others, relatives and friends. It’s all about emotions and inability to control them. Of course, we advise you to behave differently.

After 15 years of marriage, a breakup is the worst thing that can happen to a person. I don’t make anyone argue with me. A person may lose health, but remain the same on a spiritual level. And when you have a huge invisible wound in your chest, you become different without knowing it. Not only did this happen to me, we all know stories of men who killed themselves after losing their families. And I was on the verge of a similar fate.

The wife took the children, found a new man and moved to another country. The court found her actions legitimate, all because the new “dad” of my children was not only a foreigner, but also a very wealthy person in general. No matter how successful a businessman I considered myself: the house, the cottage, and the car of 2021, nothing could counter the wealth of a new “friend” of my ex-wife. That's why she didn't ask me much. Why share anything with me other than children? And the judge was totally on her side. The rights of mother and father are not the same in our country. I have said this before and will only repeat it more often.

I had to live and try not to go crazy. There was no strength to keep emotions in myself, so I started to get serious. If you list all my adventures and mistakes that happened to me in less than 7 months, you can probably write a small book. I'm serious. But to feel sorry for all of you and not to waste your time, I will mention just a few points. I'm bragging, so to speak. I really just want to be honest with myself.

In general, one day I and three other people I know (drunk in the insoles) ordered food at a restaurant, probably dollars for a thousand. And then they ran away without paying. And no one would have found us if I hadn't come to give up the next morning, sick and red with shame. I had to pay almost the entire amount and buy a small gift for understanding. It turned out that at least we did not have time to eat everything, and the most expensive dishes were served at the end.

I've been out with all sorts of fallen women, I don't even remember how many there were. All I know is a lot. Not that it's something to be proud of. Gordo, it's when you go after a beautiful and intelligent woman for a long time, and then you're in a relationship with her. And one-off meetings can only impress green school children or forever poor students. Adults know the value of these relationships. But what happened was what happened. Come on.

Peels A, yes. I crashed my car. Absolutely sober, by the way. Well, it was just about having bad memories. They played my ex's favorite song on the radio. I tried to ignore it, but after a while I changed the station. And five minutes later, probably, the same pop track played again at this station. I got distracted, stopped watching the road and drove into the tailbone of the car ahead. No casualties, except when you think about my wallet.

But now I'm older. I knew it was time for me to pull myself together and move on. Yes, marriage is lost forever. The kids started calling me less often, and there is no hope of getting everything back to normal. I need to find someone who can understand and love me. And to which I could feel reciprocal. A woman is neither stupid nor self-centered. Not ugly, but I don't need a beauty queen either. Ordinary and ready to let a new person into your life. Of course, I started looking for one on apps and dating sites.

And that's where I was really blown away by what free women my age could be. Those who are not looking for quick love, but hope to find someone for the rest of their lives. It wasn't me, it was their postings that were on the questionnaire. Literally, every other one. But in fact, my dear ones, this is quite an attraction. During my online training, I met 15 women. I wanted to stop at ten, but the rest of the unsubscribed just by inertia.

So, do you think they need a certain type of man or just a friend to talk to? No, not even close. They all need support. Support and security – that’s what they all say. In fact, these are the usual demands of money or some material goods. Nothing else. For example, the first woman I wrote to immediately made it clear to me that she is a very subtle person, does not accept violence and negativity and in general, is very spiritually developed. Men appreciate this and that, a set of different adjectives. You're crazy about travel. In general, our half-hour dialogue did not go beyond questions about travel.

The second girl texted me saying she was fine. She recently divorced, and now she has to repair the apartment on her own. Seems like, yeah. Sometimes. We have to start a conversation, not about Castaneda, we have to talk to her. But women are craftier than us men. I did not immediately understand her main message. And it turned out that everything was actually quite prosaic, repairs are needed, cudgel! Help an unmarried woman financially. She's out of money for the materials! I checked the date of her registration, so she has been doing repairs for the third year, can not finish anything.

In short, I realized that no relationship on the Internet I definitely will not work. I was thinking. Of all my friends I know, they are all married. Again, social networks and dating sites we miss, because it is a stupid swamp, which is better not to go into. Meet me on the street, and even at my age - you can get in the face, and for business. So what to do, where to find a life partner? Or did I just get to my final stop? Are things really that bad in this way?


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