Modern food products that can not boast of good quality, a complete fake

If before, under the Soviet regime, many products on the shelves of stores simply did not exist, now modern It is customary to reduce the cost by using the method of counterfeiting. That is, in fact, falsification. On the one hand, retail chains in this way help to “save” money to the end customer, at least the legend of them is exactly that. But, to be honest, the only people who benefit from this manipulation are the suppliers themselves.

And even though in your heart you realize that parmesan or real dark chocolate can not cost much less than the price at which they are sold at home, from time to time you still buy them. But what does the consumer risk by purchasing such food? Maybe, fundamentally, nothing changes for him, except that the taste, and even then not always. Well, let's try to figure it out. What's the difference?

Condensed milk, sandwich set Most often in the CIS countries counterfeit high-fat products. These include condensed. And if you consider that palm oil as a commodity in Ukraine is prohibited, retail chains have a lot of new opportunities. During production, condensed milk, made not on animal, but on vegetable fat, is cheaper at times. And the tin cans are no worse. People get an edible, but low-quality product, and the manufacturer - a huge benefit. That's it, try it later. I should have read that it was written in small print.

In addition to condensed milk, other products from the “sandwich set” are also very popular. What can you spread quickly on bread? Right, oil. Since it also has a lot of fat in its composition, replacing them with vegetable is not much more difficult than in the case of condensed fat. What's next? Of course, cheese. Especially expensive. Parmesan or mozzarella. Most of the positions in our stores would have brought the average Italian into a quiet horror. What can I do? Maybe. sausage? It is a pity that boiled sausage is very often stuffed with soybeans and parts of animals that are practically unsuitable for consumption. Nothing. The industrial meat grinder will grind everything. Butter and cheese.

Smoked food even smokedfishFished personally and personally smoked, will never be good for your health. And there is such a product only a few times a month, no more. Smoke, however obvious, is harmful to our body. Although it gives any food its unique taste. But the smoking process itself is quite time-consuming and long in itself. Moreover, it requires certain knowledge and resources. Is it profitable to smoke fish, meat and cheese on an industrial scale?

Sure! After all, liquid smoke is used for such smoked products. Chemistry, to put it simply. This “smoke” much faster gives the product a familiar smell and taste, it is much easier to use it, and it is relatively inexpensive. And although scientists have not yet been able to fully prove its harm to health, in large doses, liquid smoke can cause poisoning and allergies. So this product we wholeheartedly advise to avoid.

Caviar is something, and caviar is faked, probably most often. And interestingly, all over the world. They say that in Europe, a third of all caviar is the most counterfeit. Red caviar It's a real canon of fakes. It is “cooked” from fish broth, gelatin, vegetable oil and flavored with dye. Then this mixture drop by drop turns into small, beloved eggs. To distinguish from real caviar such a mess is very, very difficult. It's easier to make yourself another sandwich and hope it wasn't a fake.

Even in our stores you can find “officially forged” caviar, which is prepared from algae. But the price immediately puts everything in its place. Who knows, maybe in the future it will be too high. Oh, yeah. Almost forgot. Caviar, which is served along with your favorite rolls, can also be fake. Flying fish caviar can actually be from ordinary capelin. And black caviar by all indicators will be dyed pike caviar. It looks like it's all natural. But there's one caveat.

The older generation often accuses of “chemosity” literally any products. Vegetables, fruits, meat and so on. But with creamy They're absolutely right. The fact is that this product is not something that is faked, but simply do not tell the whole truth or deliberately hide it behind a small, unreadable font on a can. In 1966, a substitute for these creams was invented in America, which made production cheaper and even surpassed the original in some ways.

The mixture of corn syrup, coconut oil, a drop of milk, thickener and flavorings very much resembled whipped cream and did not fall on cakes and other confectionery for even longer. But it was an official fake, and everyone knew it. And we, as it often happens, such a product began to pass off for natural whipped cream. Just attributed to the side "whipped cream" or "dairy product". The devil is in the details, and not just in this case. Try to pay attention to them the next time you go shopping.

Surprisingly, for the modern layman, "mineralka" has become something like water with bubbles. Although real mineral water is mineral, which contains a number of useful trace elements. However, if you overdo something, the benefit can turn into harm. But that's not it now. How do you fake mineral water? Yeah, actually, it's very easy. For example, the well-known “Borjomi” can be bottled in an unknown place, simply by sticking a familiar label on the bottles.

Most cheap mineral water has no mineral component at all. Just fizzy tap water. Thank goodness it is enough for frequent use. And ordinary pseudo-mineral water do this: take all the same tap water, add salt and iodine to it. Packing and selling. Such goods can even be dangerous to health. But who's paying attention? Water, and bubbles. And if it is salty and tasteless, then it is definitely useful. Isn't that right?

Modern food: cinnamon and peas No fraud, the usual forgery. The fact is that often on the shelves of stores we are offered to buy no cinnamon, but the real cassia. Cheap analogue, which is given for all known fragrant spice. The problem is that cassia itself is much cheaper, does not have the right smell and can even cause migraines in people. That's it. You can distinguish between these two products either by a person with experience, or by carefully reading the label on the package. Cassia is labeled as Cinnamomum aromaticum, but cinnamon is called Cinnamomum verum.

Yes, green. pea They're forging too. Rather, replace it with soybeans, snow peas (which is cheaper) and mix with dyes. Which, by the way, are not always harmless to humans. Since it is simply impossible to look into a pack of peas without opening it, we advise buying this product only from proven manufacturers. And even in this case, you should pay attention to the color. Too green, even a salad hue may indicate that in front of you lies a pack of counterfeit. It should not be used under any circumstances.

Making money at the expense of others is a long-standing human habit. Thousands of years ago, people traded this by diluting wine and olive oil. But now fakes have not only become cheap, they have also become completely unsafe. So, saving three pennies, you can spend much more on treatment in the hospital. You should not be greedy for your own health. Buy only products that you are 100% sure of. And then you'll be fine.


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