My husband was constantly making fun of my modest style of dress, so I decided to teach him a lesson.

The character of a person often manifests itself in stressful situations. Not when you have time to think and think. But How to make quick decisionsAnd with a good result? To do this, you need to be resolute, cool and not worry too much about the consequences. It is this trait that distinguishes many successful people. Businessmen, politicians, financiers – their actions and words are often based on instinct. Unless, of course, they are professionals in their field.

Peels is not available to ordinary people, most of them. In everyday life, we can sometimes stand for a long time even in the supermarket, wondering whether we need this product now or better go to see somewhere cheaper. There is nothing wrong with that, we are all different. Not everyone knows how to make quick decisions. However, sometimes, even in ordinary life, one should try to step over oneself and try to go on some kind of adventure. Whether it’s an unplanned purchase, or advocating for authority or whatever, it doesn’t matter. Risk is noble. And it is still better than sitting in one place for years, afraid to change something in your own dull life.

How fast to make decisions I am a pessimist. I work as a customer service manager for a local ISP. This is the girl you come to swear at when your connection suddenly goes missing. Everyone knows that other people are responsible for the functioning of the Internet. Engineers, tuners. At least the bosses. But my job is to be the pear, the scapegoat on which all the bumps fall. So in the morning I'm ready for the arrival of a nervous person or even a couple whose mood will be lower than the plinth. And they will try to ruin him and me. That's the job.

Peels has never tried to be better than they really are. It's just not mine. Even my makeup is light, not provocative. To cover up any possible shortcomings and nothing more. A trouser suit and tightly knotted hair on the back of the head. What glasses. Gray mouse, inside, outside. And I walk around with that slogan. My more open friends have tried many times to influence me, but always unsuccessfully. Even the funny thing was, one day we went shopping and I wore a pretty revealing dress for a joke. I changed very quickly and was covered with paint. I'm not the kind of person who knows how to make quick decisions.

But my husband is handsome. We've been living with him for 7 years. I met some students, but somehow everything turned out. I know about his past adventures and never blamed him for it. The past is the past. Sometimes it’s hard to go shopping with him. It's not him, but I'm asking him what stuff I should pick up. He is better versed in perfumes, shoes, jewelry. If it were my will, I would come to the cash register with exactly the same outfit that the dummy wears at the entrance. I'm so unsure of my sense of taste.

At the same time, Tikhon likes to pamper himself with new things. He only has three jackets in his closet. All kinds of bracelets, a couple of good Italian shoes. And you can't get him out of the gym, and I only went there once, and then the next day I canceled my subscription due to body pain. Well, at least she's naturally thin. So I'm well aware of women walking by looking at my husband even in my presence. What happens when you walk down the street alone?

And I'd be fine with our situation. If not for the fact that over time Tikhon began to behave too frivolously. No, he's not cheating on me, no. I know my husband well, and he never gave me any reason to suspect himself. We will meet somewhere after work. And here comes my peacock. Four rings on his hands, a shirt unbuttoned on three buttons, a tight jacket, neat unshavenness, sunglasses and a smug grin. That's a perfume plume, of course.

I told him several times not to put too much emphasis on his masculinity in front of a living wife. Like I said, I was joking. Well, he answered, also as a joke, saying that you would put a burqa on me, I am what I am! You understand. But at some point, I was not funny at all. It was not even a feeling of jealousy, I just wanted my loved one to understand and support me. He knows he's handsome. Would it be difficult for him to dress like a normal person? Well, to balance our pair. Yeah, now. No, he does, that's it.

I just thought so. All the above I have described up to this point is a preamble to how I spent my NZ, which I put aside for rest, in one day. Yeah, an impulsive decision I don't remember in my life. And yet. So I decided that if my husband didn't want to meet me, he would have to meet me. Our good friends were just about to have a party, and they naturally invited us both to visit. So I decided firmly. I wasn't, I gotta get some hair. How quickly do you make decisions? That's it!

I wasn't going to buy a new dress or go to a beauty salon. I did everything at once. Makeup, new clothes, manicure, pedicure. A new haircut, and even increased eyelashes, which always secretly dreamed of, but was afraid to try. I did everything I had the money and imagination to do. It was a surprise not only to me, but to everyone else, including my husband. He came to the party before me. I had to help a friend in the morning. But I think it was even better. For several years, I did what I did to watch unhappy faces every day. Now I saw a pure, undiluted surprise. And even, I confess, admiration.

My husband didn’t seem as impudent as he always is. No jokes or jokes about anything. This time he looked at me alone and even tried to pretend to be a gentleman: he constantly moved my chair, stood up when he left the table. My friend always winked and smiled at me. She also liked my transformation. Then she even told me she was offended that I had stolen all her attention. It was very nice and pleasant. It feels like you’re in a movie.

But it's time, and the fun is only an hour. I couldn’t wear new clothes and combat colors all day long. Especially in his "combat" post. The reality, heartless, quickly reminded me of the gray days when I had to go to work in the morning. Well, I like the haircut now, but I can add some makeup. Why not? And take shoes with a small heel. I know how to wear them, I just don’t do it often.

And you know, our clients appreciated my metamorphosis, too. For the first couple of hours, I thought it was me. Dizzy with success. But no, people who have seen me not for the first time, suddenly became softer, more educated. No one raised their voice. Nobody cursed our company or me with it. They were just asking if they could wait long. Well, or asked to call the authorities, but kindly, quietly. Apparently, the energy was saved for him.

I don’t really believe that you can’t touch your hands. In all these stories about the “special” feminine energy or our power to control people with just a glance. No, these are fairy tales for those who believe. But I want to admit that appearance is still a great influence on others, it is true. Therefore, I advise everyone, both men and women. You should not, like a hermit cancer, lock yourself in prison. Whatever you are, you can make yourself a little better. Or even a little. And this will help you live better, stand on your feet more confidently, and even breathe will become easier. Don’t be afraid to take the first step. And then it gets easier. I promise you that.


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