Popular dishes of different countries and their analogues in our way, we explore the cuisine of the peoples of the world

How cool can they be? cuisine! It has everything from raw seafood to deer cooked literally in a swamp. From fruit pies to dishes based on several varieties of cheese. In general, a person can cook literally anything, if he can digest it. And more!

So often it happens that some eaters like this or that kitchen. Italy attracts with its simplicity and rich taste. France is known for minimalism and a lot of sauces. Japan is loved and appreciated for how it can handle literally any seafood. England... Well, but from oatmeal you can quickly lose extra pounds. And the famous “fish and chips” will appeal to everyone who likes to snack something fast. In general, the choice today is huge!

As a chef, I know many dishes firsthand. In addition, I happened to be in many countries by this time. No bragging, honestly. I just had to try a lot of dishes to form my own opinion. And I want to say that I like our kitchen the most. If you discard very exotic cuisine, like crickets or the same "smelling" Swedish herring, many world analogues can be replaced by domestic options. It will be no worse, and often even better.

Of course, traditional cuisine develops its own habits over time. Therefore, the taste in general is very subjective, and it is useless to argue about it. For example, to a typical Mexican, you’ll never prove that you can make something delicious without using a ton of pepper. An Italian can chew pasta all his life without getting bored. And a German in life will not agree to live at least a month without his favorite sausages with an unpronounceable name. We also have some culinary preferences. But still. Let's just, for fun, compare some overseas food and see what happens.

Cordon Blue (French: Le Cordon bleu) Are there any French food lovers here? I think so. No, I have no alternatives to frog legs and stuffed snails. There's nothing to cover. Although, if you think about mussels, you could somehow argue, and yet. I want to talk about the world famous Schnitzel. Cordon blue is a schnitzel in crackers made from veal and stuffed with ham cheese. Delicious, hearty. No questions. But if you think about it a little bit, it turns out that we've seen it somewhere.

Of course! Meat in the crackers, and even with filling! Go to any cafe or restaurant and order there. Kievan! In fact, dishes are very similar. Except that other meat is used for cutlets, or rather, minced meat. But it is also tasty, hearty, and I personally prefer to cook a patty than to play half a day with veal. And French chefs, to be honest, too often scold others for cooking their dishes incorrectly. It is simply not given to a foreigner. Come on, let's go. Plov sometimes turns out to be "wrong" too.

Falafel (Arabic: فلافل) This dish was invented in Egypt, but because of its huge popularity, Israel gave it the status of a national dish. There is nothing complicated, just local ingredients. Mostly chickpeas. You take this chickpea, you soak it in water, and then you turn it into puree. But at this point you need to be careful: you need to puree only in a meat grinder, so that the chickpeas are not too tender. It is necessary to achieve the desired texture, so that after cooking in vegetable oil falafel was crispy and with a pleasant texture.

This dish was invented as a substitute for meat. Accordingly, I suggest our version, which, in my personal opinion, turns out even tastier than falafel. Ordinary chebure. He's cooking in oil, too. It has a familiar, crispy texture. Only if falafel by itself goes without dough (it is often put in a pita, like a flatbread), then the Cheburek is already prepared with its use. In both versions it turns out tasty, crispy, hearty and with its own flavor.

Kitchen of the peoples of the world: gazpacho (Spanish Gazpacho) Delicious soup, in which it is not customary to add meat. Pleasantly cools the body, overheated from the sultry Spanish sun. Actually, the Spaniards are good. They invented siesta as a national feature. And what, the day is hot (and in this country such days are enough), to work reluctantly. It is better to sit somewhere more comfortable, and turn a plate or two of cool soup. And life will be more fun. Grated fresh tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers. Add some delicious bread, and it's done. What else does an ordinary Spaniard want? Except for an ordinary Spanish and a well-tuned guitar.

About the alternative dish, I hope everyone has guessed. Yeah, that. okroshkaThere's nothing secret about it. Except that in our version meat is still present. However, for those who protest against my approach, I can offer another option. Tura Not as famous as okroshka, but still soup. Cook with bread, onions and spices. Of course, the taste is not as rich as in gazpacho. But vegetarians will. Vegans too. Bon appetit.

Potato salad (Potato salad) Although Germany is officially considered the birthplace of this dish, it received its rebirth in the United States of America. For the basis used familiar potatoes and mayonnaise. Salad is served chilled or room temperature. And as an additive, literally anything is suitable. Onions, celery, vinaigrette, bacon, eggs. Many countries that also love this salad try to supplement it at their own discretion. Simple and delicious. Most often this is the key to success.

Cold potatoes and mayonnaise. And even if you add some sausages, boiled eggs, peas, carrots. That's right. olive yourself! Only we usually serve it more on holidays, for example, on the New Year. There and there the dish is chilled. Olivier, by the way, is also served in different regions in a slightly modified version. But the basis is always the same. Although now it has become fashionable to add yogurt or something less caloric than mayonnaise instead of mayonnaise. But it's fashion.

Kitchen of the Peoples of the World: Paella Finally, let’s think about sunny Spain. Paella, oh, this delicious thing will drive anyone crazy and make you fall in love with yourself from the first plate. Rice cooked with saffron, which gives it a special color. From meat can be anything: rabbit, chicken, duck. Often used and seafood: shrimp, mussels, langoustines, octopuses. And all this splendor, by the way, is not specifically cleaned. To preserve the taste. Believe me, it really matters, I assure you.

There can be only one alternative to Peels. Of course, pilaf, and nothing else. Yes, the Spaniards do not like lamb in paella. It seems too heavy for them. But otherwise, it's very similar. What a spice. Well, onions in paella are not needed, as well as carrots. I would call paella something of a "exquisite pilaf." It's not for nothing that women love her. But you can come up with a definition to your liking. Either way, the taste of the dish will not be affected.

Of course, there are many more examples. And maybe I will do that sometime in the future. But for now, we have what we have. I am sure that many people who have been abroad can share their observations. What did they try that made them nostalgic and homesick? What, on the contrary, has no analogues? It would be interesting to read about it, maybe learn something new. So don't be shy. Share your impressions with others!


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