The Annunciation in 2017 — a very special day. That's the important thing to do!
"The Annunciation girl braid weaves, the bird nest is not Vietnamese..." From childhood, I remember that on this day it was impossible to cut with scissors, sew. Grandma was not allowed! After all, if you work in such a great holiday to do the usual household chores, hustling, family will pursue unhappiness — so thought the people.
To hold a bright holiday should be calm, easy, and absolutely carefree. What about us working people if the special day falls on labor day? Why women are so important to comply with all the canons of the feast of the Annunciation?
Signs of the AnnunciationApril 7 is the Annunciation, one of the 12 most important religious holidays. Exactly 9 months will be Christmas, and while celebrating the first spring holiday. Good news! The Archangel Gabriel came down from heaven and announced to the virgin Mary on its true purpose: that she shall give birth to the son of God.
A normal woman would be scared, but the lady fully trusted the Lord, all relied on his will. The virgin Mary fulfilled his great mission, thanks to strong and unwavering faith.
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Every woman is important on this day to be calm and peaceful. Recommend to visit the Church, confession and communion. It is believed that the Annunciation even in hell at the moment comes the grace. So strong the day...
Not hard to work, even food to prepare it is most simple. In any case you can not sew, clean, make repairs, do Laundry and Ironing. All worldly Affairs should be postponed to the next day and work on improving your spiritual world!
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If you want to ask someone for forgiveness for something, ask him this day. You can pray for the people who have wronged you, which hold a grudge. Harmony with self is very important for women, the lack of harmony leads to constant anxiety, life failures.
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This day is resting all the earth, rest even birds and animals. People not to start a new business, make deals: all this can wait. In any case, do not let any quarrels, resentments, and conflicts. The feast of the Annunciation of the blessed virgin Mary gives hope to all who are willing to trust in the Lord as did the virgin who is ready to spend the holiday with light and joy.
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Will certainly say a prayer on this day, if you go to the temple does not work. Holy mother of God will protect you and your family from harm, give good health and support your faith.
Wish your friends with the Annunciation, showing them our article!
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Alexander Klimchuk Since childhood, interested in medicine, grew up in a family of doctors. Knows how to make a fancy Breakfast out of nothing, is not afraid to experiment in the kitchen, making pies without flour, low-fat mayonnaise, healthy sweets. Never give up and believes that people are created to help each other! In all its domestic Affairs the assistant to the son Sasha. Alexandra's favorite book — "the Art of loving" by E. Fromm.
To hold a bright holiday should be calm, easy, and absolutely carefree. What about us working people if the special day falls on labor day? Why women are so important to comply with all the canons of the feast of the Annunciation?

Signs of the AnnunciationApril 7 is the Annunciation, one of the 12 most important religious holidays. Exactly 9 months will be Christmas, and while celebrating the first spring holiday. Good news! The Archangel Gabriel came down from heaven and announced to the virgin Mary on its true purpose: that she shall give birth to the son of God.
A normal woman would be scared, but the lady fully trusted the Lord, all relied on his will. The virgin Mary fulfilled his great mission, thanks to strong and unwavering faith.

© DepositPhotos
Every woman is important on this day to be calm and peaceful. Recommend to visit the Church, confession and communion. It is believed that the Annunciation even in hell at the moment comes the grace. So strong the day...
Not hard to work, even food to prepare it is most simple. In any case you can not sew, clean, make repairs, do Laundry and Ironing. All worldly Affairs should be postponed to the next day and work on improving your spiritual world!

© DepositPhotos
If you want to ask someone for forgiveness for something, ask him this day. You can pray for the people who have wronged you, which hold a grudge. Harmony with self is very important for women, the lack of harmony leads to constant anxiety, life failures.

© DepositPhotos
This day is resting all the earth, rest even birds and animals. People not to start a new business, make deals: all this can wait. In any case, do not let any quarrels, resentments, and conflicts. The feast of the Annunciation of the blessed virgin Mary gives hope to all who are willing to trust in the Lord as did the virgin who is ready to spend the holiday with light and joy.

© DepositPhotos
Will certainly say a prayer on this day, if you go to the temple does not work. Holy mother of God will protect you and your family from harm, give good health and support your faith.
Wish your friends with the Annunciation, showing them our article!
Now everyone can publish articles
Try this first! To WRITE an ARTICLE the Author

Alexander Klimchuk Since childhood, interested in medicine, grew up in a family of doctors. Knows how to make a fancy Breakfast out of nothing, is not afraid to experiment in the kitchen, making pies without flour, low-fat mayonnaise, healthy sweets. Never give up and believes that people are created to help each other! In all its domestic Affairs the assistant to the son Sasha. Alexandra's favorite book — "the Art of loving" by E. Fromm.
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