Legendary photo magazine LIFE
A selection of photos of the famous magazine «LIFE», unpublished at different times on its cover. «LIFE» - The weekly news magazine, published from 1936 to 1972. With a strong emphasis on photo journalism. Then, he published monthly from 1978 to 2000.
1. Puppet show (The Puppet Show). Photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt, 1963 on puppetry in a Paris park, time of the killing the snake of St. George.
2. Goin 'Home. Photo by Ed Clark, 1945 Petty Officer Graham Jackson plays «Goin 'Home» at the funeral of President Roosevelt April 12, 1945.
3 American way of life (The American Way). Photo by Margaret Bourke-White, 1937 The queue for food at the point of the Red Cross during the Great depression in the background of the poster: "There is no other way of life as an American."
4. Marlene Dietrich (Marlene Dietrich). Photo by Milton Greene, 1952
5. The Longest Day (The Longest Day). Photo by Robert Capa, 1944 The moment of landing the US Army at Omaha Beach in Normandy June 6, 1944, as displayed in the movie "Saving Private Ryan" by Steven Spielberg. See also: 66th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy
6. Hate Eyes (Eyes of Hate). Photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt, 1933 It captures the moment when Gebbels (sitting), learned that his translator - a Jew and a friendly smile gone from his face.
7. Meeting peace With fire hoses. Photo by Charles Moore, 1963 Dispersal of a peaceful rally against segregation in Bermengeme (Alabama) with fire hoses (fire hoses).
8. «The Marlboro Man». Photo by Leonard McCombe, 1949 39-year-old Texas cowboy Clarence Hailey, whose image was later used to advertise cigarettes.
9. Peek-A-Boo. Photo by Ed Clark, 1958 John F. Kennedy and his daughter Kerrolayn, one of the legendary photographer of Life magazine 48,360,596
10. Iwo Jima sand (Sand of Iwo Jima). Photo by Photo by W. Eugene Smith, 1945 US Marines during the Battle of Iwo Jima in the spring of 1954 29,860,790
11. Liberation of Buchenwald (Liberation of Buchenwald). Photo by Margaret Bourke-White, 1945
12. Great Soul (The Great Soul). Photo by Margaret Bourke-White, 1946 Mahatma Gandhi's spinning wheel next to it - a symbol of non-violent movement for India's independence from Britain.
13. A Child Is Born. Photo by Lennart Nilsson, 1965 The first ever picture of a child in the womb.
14. Freedom Riders (Freedom Riders). Photo by Paul Schutzer, 1961 "Freedom Riders» (Freedom Riders) - joint bus trip of black and white activists protesting against violations of the rights of black people in the southern piece. USA. In 1961, they rented a bus and toured the South. states to oppose segregation laws and customs, was attacked by white Southerners and arrests. To protect the activists during the trip from Montgomery (Alabama) in Jackson (Mississippi) were identified soldiers of the National Guard.
15. Agonia (Agony): Photo by Ralph Morse, 1944 Army medic George Lott, badly wounded in both hands.
16. Sea hats (Sea of Hats). Photo by Margaret Bourke-White, 1930 in New York.
17. Reaching Out: Photo by Larry Burrows, 1966 Marines during the Vietnam War. A dark-skinned soldier reaches for his wounded comrade white.
18. Alexander Solzhenitsyn Breathes Free. Photo by Harry Benson free breathing. Alexander Solzhenitsyn in Vermont
19. Royal Jumping (Jumping Royals). Photo by Philippe Halsman, 1959 The Duke and Duchess of Windsor 10,798,139
20. Focus (Center of Attention). Photo by Leonard McCombe, 1956
21. A person's death (Face of Death). Photo by Ralph Morse, 1943 The head of the Japanese soldier on a tank 93,111,606
22. Picasso and the Centaur (Picasso and Centaur). Photo by Gjon Mili, 1949 Ephemeral drawing air.
23. Winston Churchill (Winston Churchill). Photo by Yousuf Karsh, 1941 British Prime Minister in 1940-1945 and 1951-1955. The politician, soldier, journalist, writer, Nobel Prize for Literature.
24. Killer Leopard (A Leopard's Kill). Photo by John Dominis, 1966
25. Pied Piper of Ann Arbor (Pied Piper of Ann Arbor). Photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt, 1950 Drummer of the University of Michigan marching with children 7,870,930
26. Man-century jet (Jet Age Man). Photo by Ralph Morse, 1954 Pilot jet 61,444,730
27. 3D Movie Audience. Photo by J.R. Eyerman, 1952 On viewing the first full stereo movie Bwana Devil.
28. Steve McQueen. Photo by John Dominis, 1963 Actor Steve McQueen ("The Magnificent Seven").
29. The Country Doctor (Country Doctor). Photo by W. Eugene Smith, 1948 Country Dr. Ernest Ceriani, the only doctor in the region of 1,200 square miles, after a failed Caesarean section, in which due to the complications of the mother and child were killed.
30. Three American (Three Americans). Photo by George Strock, 1943 US soldiers killed in the battle with the Japanese on the beach in New Guinea. The first picture with the dead American soldiers on the battlefield during World War II.
31. Jack and Bobby: Photo by Hank Walker, 1960 John F. Kennedy (then Senator) with his younger brother Robert in the hotel room during the Democratic convention in Los Angeles. Both will be killed within a few years.
32. Sophia Loren. Photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt, 1966 Sophia Loren in the film "Marriage Italian." When this candid picture graced the cover of "Life", many have criticized the magazine for what it is "down." One reader wrote: "Thank God that the postman arrives at noon, when my kids are in school."
33. Charlie Chaplin. Photo by W. Eugene Smith, 1952 63-year-old Charlie Chaplin
34. Gunhild Larking. Photo by George Silk, 1956 Swedish high jumper Gunhild Larking at the Olympic Games in Melbourne (Australia) 1956
35. The Beatles in Miami. Photo by John Loengard, 1964 Beatles during US tour. The water in the pool was quite cold that day, as evidenced by the grimace Ringo.
36. Before the wedding (Before the Wedding). Photo by Michael Rougier, 1962
37. Survivor (Littlest Survivor). Photo by W. Eugene Smith, 1943 During World War II hundreds of Japanese were under siege on the island of Saipan, and committed mass suicide rather than surrender to the Americans. When US Marines searched the island, in one of the caves was found barely alive child.
38. Liz and Monty: Photo by Peter Stackpole, 1950 Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift during a break in the film «A Place in the Sun» in the studio Paramount.
39. «Dali Atomicus». Photo by Philippe Halsman, 1948 Six hours and 28 throws (of water, chairs and three cats). According to the photographer, "his aides and he was wet, dirty and almost completely exhausted" when the last shot was a success.
40. Both Sides Now. Photo by John Shearer, 1971 Muhammad Ali liked to taunt opponents before the fight. Before the "battle age" with Joe Frazier in March '71 he questioned his manhood, intellectual ability and "black skin".
41. Ingenue Audrey: Photo by Mark Shaw, 1954 25-year-old star of "Roman Holiday" Audrey Hepburn 28,924,386
42. The Lion in Winter (Lion in Winter). Photo by John Bryson, 1959 Hemingway near his home in Ketchum (pcs. Idaho) 91,906,805
43. Rasstuplenie sea in Salt Lake City (Parting the Sea in Salt Lake City). Photo by J.R. Eyerman, 1958 Avtokinoteatr in the capital of Utah Salt Lake City. On the screen before Moses parted the Red Sea in the movie "The Ten Commandments."
44. Runaway Boy (A Boy's Escape). Photo by Ralph Crane, 1947 Staged photo depicting a boy escaped from the orphanage.
45. Before Camelot, visit West Virginia (Before Camelot, a Visit to West Virginia). Photo by Hank Walker, 1960 John F. Kennedy, who will soon become the youngest American president, speaking in a certain town during the election campaign.
46. Plane over Manhattan (Airplane Over Manhattan). Photo by Margaret Bourke-White, 1939
47. In light of (Into the Light). Photo by Eugene Smith, 1946
48. Leap lone wolf (A Wolf's Lonely Leap). Photo by Jim Brandenburg, 1986 The fight for the survival of the polar wolf in northern Canada.
49. Kiss (The Kiss). Photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt, 1945 One of the most famous photos. Kiss of the sailor and the nurse, after the announcement of the end of the war.
50. Dennis Stock: Photo by Andreas Feininger, 1951
Source: bigpicture.ru

1. Puppet show (The Puppet Show). Photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt, 1963 on puppetry in a Paris park, time of the killing the snake of St. George.

2. Goin 'Home. Photo by Ed Clark, 1945 Petty Officer Graham Jackson plays «Goin 'Home» at the funeral of President Roosevelt April 12, 1945.

3 American way of life (The American Way). Photo by Margaret Bourke-White, 1937 The queue for food at the point of the Red Cross during the Great depression in the background of the poster: "There is no other way of life as an American."

4. Marlene Dietrich (Marlene Dietrich). Photo by Milton Greene, 1952

5. The Longest Day (The Longest Day). Photo by Robert Capa, 1944 The moment of landing the US Army at Omaha Beach in Normandy June 6, 1944, as displayed in the movie "Saving Private Ryan" by Steven Spielberg. See also: 66th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy

6. Hate Eyes (Eyes of Hate). Photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt, 1933 It captures the moment when Gebbels (sitting), learned that his translator - a Jew and a friendly smile gone from his face.

7. Meeting peace With fire hoses. Photo by Charles Moore, 1963 Dispersal of a peaceful rally against segregation in Bermengeme (Alabama) with fire hoses (fire hoses).
8. «The Marlboro Man». Photo by Leonard McCombe, 1949 39-year-old Texas cowboy Clarence Hailey, whose image was later used to advertise cigarettes.

9. Peek-A-Boo. Photo by Ed Clark, 1958 John F. Kennedy and his daughter Kerrolayn, one of the legendary photographer of Life magazine 48,360,596
10. Iwo Jima sand (Sand of Iwo Jima). Photo by Photo by W. Eugene Smith, 1945 US Marines during the Battle of Iwo Jima in the spring of 1954 29,860,790
11. Liberation of Buchenwald (Liberation of Buchenwald). Photo by Margaret Bourke-White, 1945

12. Great Soul (The Great Soul). Photo by Margaret Bourke-White, 1946 Mahatma Gandhi's spinning wheel next to it - a symbol of non-violent movement for India's independence from Britain.

13. A Child Is Born. Photo by Lennart Nilsson, 1965 The first ever picture of a child in the womb.

14. Freedom Riders (Freedom Riders). Photo by Paul Schutzer, 1961 "Freedom Riders» (Freedom Riders) - joint bus trip of black and white activists protesting against violations of the rights of black people in the southern piece. USA. In 1961, they rented a bus and toured the South. states to oppose segregation laws and customs, was attacked by white Southerners and arrests. To protect the activists during the trip from Montgomery (Alabama) in Jackson (Mississippi) were identified soldiers of the National Guard.

15. Agonia (Agony): Photo by Ralph Morse, 1944 Army medic George Lott, badly wounded in both hands.

16. Sea hats (Sea of Hats). Photo by Margaret Bourke-White, 1930 in New York.

17. Reaching Out: Photo by Larry Burrows, 1966 Marines during the Vietnam War. A dark-skinned soldier reaches for his wounded comrade white.

18. Alexander Solzhenitsyn Breathes Free. Photo by Harry Benson free breathing. Alexander Solzhenitsyn in Vermont

19. Royal Jumping (Jumping Royals). Photo by Philippe Halsman, 1959 The Duke and Duchess of Windsor 10,798,139
20. Focus (Center of Attention). Photo by Leonard McCombe, 1956

21. A person's death (Face of Death). Photo by Ralph Morse, 1943 The head of the Japanese soldier on a tank 93,111,606
22. Picasso and the Centaur (Picasso and Centaur). Photo by Gjon Mili, 1949 Ephemeral drawing air.

23. Winston Churchill (Winston Churchill). Photo by Yousuf Karsh, 1941 British Prime Minister in 1940-1945 and 1951-1955. The politician, soldier, journalist, writer, Nobel Prize for Literature.

24. Killer Leopard (A Leopard's Kill). Photo by John Dominis, 1966

25. Pied Piper of Ann Arbor (Pied Piper of Ann Arbor). Photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt, 1950 Drummer of the University of Michigan marching with children 7,870,930
26. Man-century jet (Jet Age Man). Photo by Ralph Morse, 1954 Pilot jet 61,444,730
27. 3D Movie Audience. Photo by J.R. Eyerman, 1952 On viewing the first full stereo movie Bwana Devil.

28. Steve McQueen. Photo by John Dominis, 1963 Actor Steve McQueen ("The Magnificent Seven").

29. The Country Doctor (Country Doctor). Photo by W. Eugene Smith, 1948 Country Dr. Ernest Ceriani, the only doctor in the region of 1,200 square miles, after a failed Caesarean section, in which due to the complications of the mother and child were killed.

30. Three American (Three Americans). Photo by George Strock, 1943 US soldiers killed in the battle with the Japanese on the beach in New Guinea. The first picture with the dead American soldiers on the battlefield during World War II.

31. Jack and Bobby: Photo by Hank Walker, 1960 John F. Kennedy (then Senator) with his younger brother Robert in the hotel room during the Democratic convention in Los Angeles. Both will be killed within a few years.
32. Sophia Loren. Photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt, 1966 Sophia Loren in the film "Marriage Italian." When this candid picture graced the cover of "Life", many have criticized the magazine for what it is "down." One reader wrote: "Thank God that the postman arrives at noon, when my kids are in school."

33. Charlie Chaplin. Photo by W. Eugene Smith, 1952 63-year-old Charlie Chaplin

34. Gunhild Larking. Photo by George Silk, 1956 Swedish high jumper Gunhild Larking at the Olympic Games in Melbourne (Australia) 1956

35. The Beatles in Miami. Photo by John Loengard, 1964 Beatles during US tour. The water in the pool was quite cold that day, as evidenced by the grimace Ringo.

36. Before the wedding (Before the Wedding). Photo by Michael Rougier, 1962

37. Survivor (Littlest Survivor). Photo by W. Eugene Smith, 1943 During World War II hundreds of Japanese were under siege on the island of Saipan, and committed mass suicide rather than surrender to the Americans. When US Marines searched the island, in one of the caves was found barely alive child.

38. Liz and Monty: Photo by Peter Stackpole, 1950 Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift during a break in the film «A Place in the Sun» in the studio Paramount.

39. «Dali Atomicus». Photo by Philippe Halsman, 1948 Six hours and 28 throws (of water, chairs and three cats). According to the photographer, "his aides and he was wet, dirty and almost completely exhausted" when the last shot was a success.

40. Both Sides Now. Photo by John Shearer, 1971 Muhammad Ali liked to taunt opponents before the fight. Before the "battle age" with Joe Frazier in March '71 he questioned his manhood, intellectual ability and "black skin".

41. Ingenue Audrey: Photo by Mark Shaw, 1954 25-year-old star of "Roman Holiday" Audrey Hepburn 28,924,386
42. The Lion in Winter (Lion in Winter). Photo by John Bryson, 1959 Hemingway near his home in Ketchum (pcs. Idaho) 91,906,805
43. Rasstuplenie sea in Salt Lake City (Parting the Sea in Salt Lake City). Photo by J.R. Eyerman, 1958 Avtokinoteatr in the capital of Utah Salt Lake City. On the screen before Moses parted the Red Sea in the movie "The Ten Commandments."

44. Runaway Boy (A Boy's Escape). Photo by Ralph Crane, 1947 Staged photo depicting a boy escaped from the orphanage.

45. Before Camelot, visit West Virginia (Before Camelot, a Visit to West Virginia). Photo by Hank Walker, 1960 John F. Kennedy, who will soon become the youngest American president, speaking in a certain town during the election campaign.

46. Plane over Manhattan (Airplane Over Manhattan). Photo by Margaret Bourke-White, 1939

47. In light of (Into the Light). Photo by Eugene Smith, 1946

48. Leap lone wolf (A Wolf's Lonely Leap). Photo by Jim Brandenburg, 1986 The fight for the survival of the polar wolf in northern Canada.

49. Kiss (The Kiss). Photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt, 1945 One of the most famous photos. Kiss of the sailor and the nurse, after the announcement of the end of the war.

50. Dennis Stock: Photo by Andreas Feininger, 1951
Source: bigpicture.ru