Scandalous magazine covers
Today, the famous American magazine Rolling Stone, to put it mildly outraged the world community and its readers. The editorial board decided to put her on the cover of the August issue of the photo tsarnaev Johar, who is accused of organizing the terrorist attack in Boston, which occurred on April 15. Total 3 hours message on Facebook about the new cover of ambiguous gained several hundred indignant and angry comments. Some readers have even threatened to stop reading all previous edition of a favorite. Those who still open August issue of Rolling Stone with a scandalous cover with the caption "Bomb» (The Bomber), will also be able to read an article about turning "a child with a promising future in a monster" - the website of the magazine. It should be noted that the US court has not recognized Dzhokhar tsarnaev guilty. The trial is postponed until 23 September. Himself tsarnaev could face the death penalty.
In the meantime, the court let the case, I propose to recall the other no less scandalous magazine covers in the history of the press.
1. Family Obama, «The New Yorker», 2008.
This image of the artist Barry Blitt, satire submitting terrifying tactics and misinformation used in the election campaign of Barack Obama.
2. Adolf Hitler: Personality of the Year, «Time», 1938
This cover caused much controversy. "Personality of the Year" - the number of the magazine, which comes out once a year and dedicated to or the person or group of persons, or even the idea that "for better or worse most strongly influenced by the events of the year." Excerpt from the magazine: September 29, 1938 was an important event - four politicians met in Munich to redraw the map of Europe. Three of them were British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, French Prime Minister Edouard Daladier and Benito Mussolini, dictator of Italy. But, oddly enough, a major figure in Munich was Adolf Hitler.
3. "God is dead?», «Time», 1966.
This headline most of the readers considered it offensive. In the journal article, it was a radical movement "Death of God", which appeared in the 60s of the 20th century. In addition, it was the first case in the history of journalism, when the cover was used only the title without a photo or picture. As a result, this cover has caused the largest number of letters sent to the editor of the magazine in the history of its existence.
4. Prison picture O. Jay Simpson, «Time», 1994.
In 1994, the famous American football player Jay O. Simpson was charged with the murder of his wife Nicole Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman. The case was named one of the "disclosed" in American history. And the problem with the cover was the fact that the editors did Jay O. darker and sinister in it than it actually is. As a result, O. Jay still justified despite the evidence.
5. "Yes, I'm gay," Ellen DeGeneres, «Time», 1997.
While the cover of such a statement, and even from the TV star was more than scandalous. When it decided to remove most of the TV channels from the airwaves transmission Ellen DeGeneres. She was the only presenter who was not afraid to admit their homosexual.
6. nude and pregnant Demi Moore, «Vanity Fair», 1991.
The picture of the famous Annie Leibovitz became a cult artwork. It was only later the same magazine starring Cindy Crawford, Britney Spears and Jessica Simpson. A pioneer was Demi Moore appeared on the cover of a naked and pregnant. Then the actress was 28 years old, she was married to Bruce Willis, and they were waiting for the second child.
7. "Caught in the loop», «Golfweek», 2008.
This cover «Golfweek» came after the reporter Kelly Tilghman criticized Tiger Woods during the broadcast of the tournament on Jan. 4, 2008. In jest his co-host Nick Faldo that young players should "unite against" Woods, Tilghman said, and give him a lynching in a dark alley. As a result, the cover and an article on this subject so criticized all readers that the editor was forced to resign the next day.
8. Princess Diana on the cover of «Newsweek», 2011.
This scandalous cover «Newsweek» shows Princess Diana, who "moved" on the cover with the help of computer technology and "added" to this photo Catherine Middleton.
9. "If you do not buy this magazine, we will kill the dog», «National Lampoon», 1973.
It seems, at first glance, this cover there is nothing scandalous, but she could not seriously excite the public his pronounced hint of cruelty to animals. And when all know that this is not a photomontage, then even more alarmed.
10. "If you do not buy this magazine, Dick Cheney will shoot you in the face», Texas Monthly.
And here is the interpretation of the above cover only now with the magazine «Texas Monthly» and Vice President Dick Cheney. The scandal was more that cover beaten unfortunate incident that happened with the vice president on the hunt.
11. The first gay president, «Newsweek», 2012.
Here we see how Barack Obama over his head hung a halo of rainbow colors, which symbolizes the protection of the president of the US gay community and promotion of same-sex marriages. Yes, yes, to the cover of the author made the assumption that perhaps the president himself gay?
12. John Lennon and Yoko Ono, «Rolling Stone», 1980.
This image can be called Annie Leibovitz even more cult than with the naked Demi Moore. Initially, the photographer wanted to shoot one of John Lennon, but he insisted on the presence of his wife. In addition, this photo was taken just hours before Lennon's murder in New York on December 8, 1980.
13. schoolgirl Britney Spears, «Rolling Stone», 1999.
While young starlet Britney Spears was still only a "teen queen." So it called the magazine «Rolling Stone» in its April 1999 issue. A majority of readers thought that the image presented by too bold for an adult and 17-year-old schoolgirl.
14. "The problems of the merger", "The Economist», 1994.
The mixed reaction of readers has been on the cover - someone she just nauseated, and someone just amused.
15. "repent governor of New York», The New York magazine, 2008.
«The New York magazine» has always been famous for its extraordinary covers. But this, according to the readers, surpassed all others. No one expected to see an image of Eliot Spitzer, the governor of New York, to repent of having links with prostitutes.

In the meantime, the court let the case, I propose to recall the other no less scandalous magazine covers in the history of the press.
1. Family Obama, «The New Yorker», 2008.
This image of the artist Barry Blitt, satire submitting terrifying tactics and misinformation used in the election campaign of Barack Obama.

2. Adolf Hitler: Personality of the Year, «Time», 1938

This cover caused much controversy. "Personality of the Year" - the number of the magazine, which comes out once a year and dedicated to or the person or group of persons, or even the idea that "for better or worse most strongly influenced by the events of the year." Excerpt from the magazine: September 29, 1938 was an important event - four politicians met in Munich to redraw the map of Europe. Three of them were British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, French Prime Minister Edouard Daladier and Benito Mussolini, dictator of Italy. But, oddly enough, a major figure in Munich was Adolf Hitler.
3. "God is dead?», «Time», 1966.

This headline most of the readers considered it offensive. In the journal article, it was a radical movement "Death of God", which appeared in the 60s of the 20th century. In addition, it was the first case in the history of journalism, when the cover was used only the title without a photo or picture. As a result, this cover has caused the largest number of letters sent to the editor of the magazine in the history of its existence.
4. Prison picture O. Jay Simpson, «Time», 1994.

In 1994, the famous American football player Jay O. Simpson was charged with the murder of his wife Nicole Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman. The case was named one of the "disclosed" in American history. And the problem with the cover was the fact that the editors did Jay O. darker and sinister in it than it actually is. As a result, O. Jay still justified despite the evidence.
5. "Yes, I'm gay," Ellen DeGeneres, «Time», 1997.

While the cover of such a statement, and even from the TV star was more than scandalous. When it decided to remove most of the TV channels from the airwaves transmission Ellen DeGeneres. She was the only presenter who was not afraid to admit their homosexual.
6. nude and pregnant Demi Moore, «Vanity Fair», 1991.

The picture of the famous Annie Leibovitz became a cult artwork. It was only later the same magazine starring Cindy Crawford, Britney Spears and Jessica Simpson. A pioneer was Demi Moore appeared on the cover of a naked and pregnant. Then the actress was 28 years old, she was married to Bruce Willis, and they were waiting for the second child.
7. "Caught in the loop», «Golfweek», 2008.

This cover «Golfweek» came after the reporter Kelly Tilghman criticized Tiger Woods during the broadcast of the tournament on Jan. 4, 2008. In jest his co-host Nick Faldo that young players should "unite against" Woods, Tilghman said, and give him a lynching in a dark alley. As a result, the cover and an article on this subject so criticized all readers that the editor was forced to resign the next day.
8. Princess Diana on the cover of «Newsweek», 2011.

This scandalous cover «Newsweek» shows Princess Diana, who "moved" on the cover with the help of computer technology and "added" to this photo Catherine Middleton.
9. "If you do not buy this magazine, we will kill the dog», «National Lampoon», 1973.

It seems, at first glance, this cover there is nothing scandalous, but she could not seriously excite the public his pronounced hint of cruelty to animals. And when all know that this is not a photomontage, then even more alarmed.
10. "If you do not buy this magazine, Dick Cheney will shoot you in the face», Texas Monthly.

And here is the interpretation of the above cover only now with the magazine «Texas Monthly» and Vice President Dick Cheney. The scandal was more that cover beaten unfortunate incident that happened with the vice president on the hunt.
11. The first gay president, «Newsweek», 2012.

Here we see how Barack Obama over his head hung a halo of rainbow colors, which symbolizes the protection of the president of the US gay community and promotion of same-sex marriages. Yes, yes, to the cover of the author made the assumption that perhaps the president himself gay?
12. John Lennon and Yoko Ono, «Rolling Stone», 1980.

This image can be called Annie Leibovitz even more cult than with the naked Demi Moore. Initially, the photographer wanted to shoot one of John Lennon, but he insisted on the presence of his wife. In addition, this photo was taken just hours before Lennon's murder in New York on December 8, 1980.
13. schoolgirl Britney Spears, «Rolling Stone», 1999.

While young starlet Britney Spears was still only a "teen queen." So it called the magazine «Rolling Stone» in its April 1999 issue. A majority of readers thought that the image presented by too bold for an adult and 17-year-old schoolgirl.
14. "The problems of the merger", "The Economist», 1994.

The mixed reaction of readers has been on the cover - someone she just nauseated, and someone just amused.
15. "repent governor of New York», The New York magazine, 2008.

«The New York magazine» has always been famous for its extraordinary covers. But this, according to the readers, surpassed all others. No one expected to see an image of Eliot Spitzer, the governor of New York, to repent of having links with prostitutes.