That was 50 years ago (50 photos)
Half a century ago, the world was on the verge of global change: the United States out of the era after World War II directly into the Cold War era and space exploration, in a world where movement is gaining momentum for human rights and protests against the use of nuclear weapons. In 1961, John F. Kennedy was the 35th President of the United States, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space, the US fighters for the rights of colored buses went south to fight segregation and the GDR started construction of the Berlin Wall. In that year, Kennedy approved the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, and the program of flights to the Moon, launched by NASA. Kennedy also found the start of US military operations in Vietnam by the end of 1961 there landed about two thousand soldiers. Let's take a trip back in time, 50 years ago, and see how the world was in 1961.
1. John F. Kennedy was first drawn to the US president in front of the Capitol in Washington on 20 January 1961, during the inauguration ceremony. (AP Photo)
2. Singer Bobby Darin with your hand picked the car, nicknamed "Machine Dream Bobby Darin" in Hollywood, March 31, 1961. Car owner Andrew Di Dia, to create a car for 150 thousand dollars, brought it on tour around the country. (AP Photo)
3. A priest of the Cathedral of St. Paul, John Collins, a leading figure in the campaign for the renunciation of nuclear weapons, within which was organized by the two march on Easter Sunday, addresses the crowd during a rally in Trafalgar Square in London on April 3, 1961. (AP Photo / Staff / PRI)
4. Kennith Gelpi in protective suit emerges from the fallout shelter in Medford, Massachusetts on October 23, 1961, with a Geiger counter to "measure the level of radiation." Gelpi and his family spent the weekend at this shelter, to check anti-radiation suits and equipment. (AP Photo)
5. firmly clenched in the hands of the statue of the Madonna and with tears in his eyes, an African-American girl leaving from the campus of the University of Georgia in a police vehicle January 12, 1961. 18-year-old Hunter had Sharleyn in order to take her own safety, as students rebelled presence of African Americans in the classroom. (AP Photo / Horace Cort)
6. Yuri Gagarin (right) and General Secretary of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev after Gagarin awarding the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union for his achievements in space. (AFP / Getty Images)
7. The 21-year-old Mike Heylvud Oxford on a motorbike, "Norton" during the International Tourism race through mountainous terrain in the UK June 16, 1961. He won the race at speeds of 161, 90 km / h, went into history as the winner of three races this week. (AP Photo)
8. Police and undercover agents trying in vain to bring President John F. Kennedy (center) from the crowd of students in the yard of Harvard University in Cambridge, January 9, 1961. Usually fast moving Kennedy detained students break through the police barrier. The President had to take refuge in a hostel until the police drove up to the building of the car. (AP Photo)
9. lonely road Malecon drive in Havana, a well-known American tourists, while capturing the country's Fidel Castro. A lone soldier walks along a deserted road, the once crowded transport, January 6, 1961. (AP Photo)
10. Fidel Castro in the tank during the Bay of Pigs in April 1961. About 1,300 Cuban exiles, backed by the US government, invaded the island of Cuba, tried to overthrow dictator Fidel Castro. The operation failed miserably, killed 90 invaders captured the remaining three days. (OAH / AFP / Getty Images)
11. Blackout on the strike of the Chicago airport hangars again earned February 23, 1961. (AP Photo / EM)
12. Dr. AG McLeod demonstrates charged electricity control system of the human brain at a meeting of the Association of American doctors in New York on June 26, 1961. This maze of curved tubes and flashing lights monitors the way in which our brain receives information and turns it into a thought, and then in the action. (AP Photo)
13. Two police stifle student in Tokyo, June 8, 1961, when police tried to disperse student protesters during demonstrations against political violence. More than 10 thousand students took part in a mass demonstration. (AP Photo)
14. Gene Lloyd from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, lost control of his sports car race at Sebring juniors at the airport 24 March 1961. She did not suffer. (AP Photo)
15. Freedom Riders bus station in Montgomery, Alabama, May 24, 1961, buy tickets to the south. In the center - the leader of the integration of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. (AP Photo)
16. The arrest of one of the Freedom Riders. (AP Photo)
17. The smoking Freedom Riders bus after a bomb thrown at a window near Anniston, Alabama, in May 1961. (AP Photo / File)
18. A police officer ordered the dog to attack an African-American who served his instructions too slow and did not want to go out of the way, shortly before the commencement of the trial of nine students staged a sit-in library, March 29, 1961, in Jackson, Mississippi. (AP Photo / Jackson Clarion-Ledger)
19. George Lincoln Rockwell (center), leader of the American Nazi Party, and his "hatred of the bus" with several members of the movement with a swastika on the armband in Montgomery, Alabama, May 23, 1961. (AP Photo)
20. In just a few seconds before Tommy Langston attacked, he could make this picture May 14, 1961. Pictured kuklusklanovtsy Freedom Riders beaten at the bus station in Birmingham, Alabama. This image helped identify kuklusklanovtsev involved in the beating. (AP Photo / Birmingham Post-Herald, Tommy Langston)
21. National Guard troops during a training exercise with bayonets and gas masks at Fort Dix Graves in Montgomery, Alabama, May 3, 1961. (AP Photo / Horace Cort)
22. Photos freedom rider Joan Trumpayer June 8, 1961. This 19-year-old girl was a student at Duke University and a temporary secretary in the office of Senator Claire Engle in Washington. The town of Jackson, Mississippi, Joan came to participate in the action Freedom Riders June 4, 1961. Her and another eight marchers were arrested, refusing to pledge. She left for three months in jail, then was admitted to the 'black' College, who had just started taking white students. (AP Photo / Mississippi Department of Archives and History, City of Jackson, File)
23. Player of the famous baseball team «New York Yankees» Mickey Mantle in the match against «Detroit Tigers» at the stadium "Yankees" in New York, September 3, 1961. (AP Photo / stf)
24. Signature of the time: the audience of the 70s will be watching the program on TV quite differently if now begin to develop these designs. This TV - novelty presented in Chicago June 21, 1961. At the bottom is automatically programmed device that records TV programs if you are not home. The thickness of the color TV 81 x 55 cm is 10 cm. (AP Photo / Edward Kitch)
25. Construction of the Space Needle in Seattle is in full swing - the city is preparing to host the World Expo 1962. (CC-BY Seattle Municipal Archives)
26. The Argentinian Alex Mitoff dodge Cassius Clay in the sixth round of a boxing match, which was broadcast on television on October 7, 1961 in LUzville, Kentucky. Mitoff could not continue the match was declared a technical knockout. (AP Photo / H.B. Littell)
27. The last test space suit astronaut Alan B. Shepard Jr. Cape Canaveral in May 5, 1961, before an astronaut will wear it for the first flight of a rocket. (AP Photo)
28. Chimpanzees Ham in the capsule during the flight into space from Cape Canaveral in Florida in early 1961. Ham was the first chimpanzee launched into outer space on the American program. The capsule successfully Ham fell into the Atlantic Ocean 16 minutes 39 seconds. (AP Photo)
29. Draft NASA LOLA - simulator, designed to study the problems in relation to the landing on the moon. It was a complex project, worth almost $ 2 million. This simulator was created to ensure that the pilot could see the detail the lunar surface; the unit consisted mainly of the cockpit, closed television system and four large paintings or models of parts of the lunar surface from different angles. The pilot in the cockpit moved along the track past the paintings, which were to introduce him to some of the nuances of control of the ship near the moon. (NASA)
30. Helicopter lifts astronaut Alan Shepard out of the water in May 1961. (AP Photo)
31. Adolf Eichmann in the glass cage with the guards in the courtroom in Jerusalem, where he went on his case for war crimes during the Second World War. After the abduction by Israeli agents in Argentina, Eichmann was found guilty of all 15 charges against him, including crimes against humanity. May 31, 1962 he was executed. (AP Photo)
32. The angry crowd surrounded the car of the US embassy in Cairo on February 15, 1961 during a protest against the death of Patrice Lumumba in the Congo. Lumumba was an independent leader of the Congo and the first legally elected Prime Minister of the Republic of Congo. Lumumba was killed during the uprising. Many believed that this helped the rebels, the US government, and in 2002 it formally apologized for the Belgian government. (AP Photo)
33. The Japanese ultra-nationalists during the Patriot Day in Tokyo May 1, 1961. A record number of workers - 1.56 million - came for the annual celebration of Labor Day. "Rights" held a rally in a park Hibiyya passing with swastika flags and calling for the dissolution of the Socialist Party. (AP Photo / Mitsunori Chigita / Nobuyuki Masaki)
34. Fresno college students trying to set a world record for the number of people in the same bed (73 people) May 17, 1961 in Fresno, California. The record was broken when the pile perched five girls. (AP Photo)
35. Native American tribe of the Apache kissing the hand of Pope John XXIII, during an audience at the Vatican delegation to the Apaches 16 May 1961. (AP Photo)
36. The actress Marilyn Monroe in December 1961. (AP PhotoPRNewsFoto / Eagle National Mint)
37 Dog on an empty Times Square during the 10-minute exercises citizens about the rules of behavior in an air raid in New York on April 28, 1961. (AP Photo / Bob Goldberg)
38. US President John F. Kennedy points to a map of Laos at a press conference in Washington in March 1961. He said that Laos communist threat "is complex and potentially dangerous." (STF / AFP / Getty Images)
39. North Korean leader Kim Il Sung, surrounded by orphans in May 1961. (Korean Central News Agency / Korea News Service via AP Images)
40. The American soldiers of the UN and North Korean soldiers squabbled after the meeting April 23, 1961 on base in Korea. The fight occurred after one of the soldiers hit the Korean Private First Class John Clark. (AP Photo)
41. Working East Germany puts the first blocks of the Berlin Wall in August 1961. (AP Photo)
42. The workers of the GDR put a wall in the French Quarter of East Berlin August 15, 1961. (AP Photo / Worth)
43. A refugee from the GDR trying to cross the western part of Berlin October 16, 1961. (AP Photo)
44. American tank took up a position outside Zimmerstrasse in Berlin, "looking" in the direction of Soviet tanks on the border with East Berlin. (AP Photo)
45. The US First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy at work. (AFP / Getty Images)
46. Astronaut Alan Shepard (left) awards US President John F. Kennedy in Washington. (AP photo)
47. Louis' Setchmo "Armstrong on a camel in the background of the Sphinx and the pyramids at Giza, near Cairo, January 28, 1961. His wife, Lucille (bottom left) takes it to the camera. Armstrongs came to Egypt during the Tour of goodwill for Africa and the Middle East. (AP Photo)
48. An eight third-grader Billy Stanley, the only white student in the school of St. Philip the Apostle, in Albany, New York. Billy said that he likes to study in this school, and that his classmates "treat him well." (AP Photo)
49. Wilma Rudolph of Clarksville, TN, with flowers and medals after two victories in track and field competition between the US and Russia in Moscow on 15 July 1961. Rudolf drew level with a world record at 0:11, 3 in the 100m and then won in the composition of the team relay at the 400 meters. (AP Photo)
50. Soldiers of the Marine Corps of the Republic of Vietnam with the machine gun and rifles guarded their positions January 20, 1961. These soldiers are similar to their American counterparts - they were ordered to fight the guerrillas. They use American weapons, and methods for their preparation have been developed by US Marines. Many of the soldiers were training at the US camp in Virginia. (AP Photo)
1. John F. Kennedy was first drawn to the US president in front of the Capitol in Washington on 20 January 1961, during the inauguration ceremony. (AP Photo)

2. Singer Bobby Darin with your hand picked the car, nicknamed "Machine Dream Bobby Darin" in Hollywood, March 31, 1961. Car owner Andrew Di Dia, to create a car for 150 thousand dollars, brought it on tour around the country. (AP Photo)

3. A priest of the Cathedral of St. Paul, John Collins, a leading figure in the campaign for the renunciation of nuclear weapons, within which was organized by the two march on Easter Sunday, addresses the crowd during a rally in Trafalgar Square in London on April 3, 1961. (AP Photo / Staff / PRI)

4. Kennith Gelpi in protective suit emerges from the fallout shelter in Medford, Massachusetts on October 23, 1961, with a Geiger counter to "measure the level of radiation." Gelpi and his family spent the weekend at this shelter, to check anti-radiation suits and equipment. (AP Photo)

5. firmly clenched in the hands of the statue of the Madonna and with tears in his eyes, an African-American girl leaving from the campus of the University of Georgia in a police vehicle January 12, 1961. 18-year-old Hunter had Sharleyn in order to take her own safety, as students rebelled presence of African Americans in the classroom. (AP Photo / Horace Cort)

6. Yuri Gagarin (right) and General Secretary of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev after Gagarin awarding the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union for his achievements in space. (AFP / Getty Images)

7. The 21-year-old Mike Heylvud Oxford on a motorbike, "Norton" during the International Tourism race through mountainous terrain in the UK June 16, 1961. He won the race at speeds of 161, 90 km / h, went into history as the winner of three races this week. (AP Photo)

8. Police and undercover agents trying in vain to bring President John F. Kennedy (center) from the crowd of students in the yard of Harvard University in Cambridge, January 9, 1961. Usually fast moving Kennedy detained students break through the police barrier. The President had to take refuge in a hostel until the police drove up to the building of the car. (AP Photo)

9. lonely road Malecon drive in Havana, a well-known American tourists, while capturing the country's Fidel Castro. A lone soldier walks along a deserted road, the once crowded transport, January 6, 1961. (AP Photo)

10. Fidel Castro in the tank during the Bay of Pigs in April 1961. About 1,300 Cuban exiles, backed by the US government, invaded the island of Cuba, tried to overthrow dictator Fidel Castro. The operation failed miserably, killed 90 invaders captured the remaining three days. (OAH / AFP / Getty Images)

11. Blackout on the strike of the Chicago airport hangars again earned February 23, 1961. (AP Photo / EM)

12. Dr. AG McLeod demonstrates charged electricity control system of the human brain at a meeting of the Association of American doctors in New York on June 26, 1961. This maze of curved tubes and flashing lights monitors the way in which our brain receives information and turns it into a thought, and then in the action. (AP Photo)

13. Two police stifle student in Tokyo, June 8, 1961, when police tried to disperse student protesters during demonstrations against political violence. More than 10 thousand students took part in a mass demonstration. (AP Photo)

14. Gene Lloyd from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, lost control of his sports car race at Sebring juniors at the airport 24 March 1961. She did not suffer. (AP Photo)

15. Freedom Riders bus station in Montgomery, Alabama, May 24, 1961, buy tickets to the south. In the center - the leader of the integration of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. (AP Photo)

16. The arrest of one of the Freedom Riders. (AP Photo)

17. The smoking Freedom Riders bus after a bomb thrown at a window near Anniston, Alabama, in May 1961. (AP Photo / File)

18. A police officer ordered the dog to attack an African-American who served his instructions too slow and did not want to go out of the way, shortly before the commencement of the trial of nine students staged a sit-in library, March 29, 1961, in Jackson, Mississippi. (AP Photo / Jackson Clarion-Ledger)

19. George Lincoln Rockwell (center), leader of the American Nazi Party, and his "hatred of the bus" with several members of the movement with a swastika on the armband in Montgomery, Alabama, May 23, 1961. (AP Photo)

20. In just a few seconds before Tommy Langston attacked, he could make this picture May 14, 1961. Pictured kuklusklanovtsy Freedom Riders beaten at the bus station in Birmingham, Alabama. This image helped identify kuklusklanovtsev involved in the beating. (AP Photo / Birmingham Post-Herald, Tommy Langston)

21. National Guard troops during a training exercise with bayonets and gas masks at Fort Dix Graves in Montgomery, Alabama, May 3, 1961. (AP Photo / Horace Cort)

22. Photos freedom rider Joan Trumpayer June 8, 1961. This 19-year-old girl was a student at Duke University and a temporary secretary in the office of Senator Claire Engle in Washington. The town of Jackson, Mississippi, Joan came to participate in the action Freedom Riders June 4, 1961. Her and another eight marchers were arrested, refusing to pledge. She left for three months in jail, then was admitted to the 'black' College, who had just started taking white students. (AP Photo / Mississippi Department of Archives and History, City of Jackson, File)

23. Player of the famous baseball team «New York Yankees» Mickey Mantle in the match against «Detroit Tigers» at the stadium "Yankees" in New York, September 3, 1961. (AP Photo / stf)

24. Signature of the time: the audience of the 70s will be watching the program on TV quite differently if now begin to develop these designs. This TV - novelty presented in Chicago June 21, 1961. At the bottom is automatically programmed device that records TV programs if you are not home. The thickness of the color TV 81 x 55 cm is 10 cm. (AP Photo / Edward Kitch)

25. Construction of the Space Needle in Seattle is in full swing - the city is preparing to host the World Expo 1962. (CC-BY Seattle Municipal Archives)

26. The Argentinian Alex Mitoff dodge Cassius Clay in the sixth round of a boxing match, which was broadcast on television on October 7, 1961 in LUzville, Kentucky. Mitoff could not continue the match was declared a technical knockout. (AP Photo / H.B. Littell)

27. The last test space suit astronaut Alan B. Shepard Jr. Cape Canaveral in May 5, 1961, before an astronaut will wear it for the first flight of a rocket. (AP Photo)

28. Chimpanzees Ham in the capsule during the flight into space from Cape Canaveral in Florida in early 1961. Ham was the first chimpanzee launched into outer space on the American program. The capsule successfully Ham fell into the Atlantic Ocean 16 minutes 39 seconds. (AP Photo)

29. Draft NASA LOLA - simulator, designed to study the problems in relation to the landing on the moon. It was a complex project, worth almost $ 2 million. This simulator was created to ensure that the pilot could see the detail the lunar surface; the unit consisted mainly of the cockpit, closed television system and four large paintings or models of parts of the lunar surface from different angles. The pilot in the cockpit moved along the track past the paintings, which were to introduce him to some of the nuances of control of the ship near the moon. (NASA)

30. Helicopter lifts astronaut Alan Shepard out of the water in May 1961. (AP Photo)

31. Adolf Eichmann in the glass cage with the guards in the courtroom in Jerusalem, where he went on his case for war crimes during the Second World War. After the abduction by Israeli agents in Argentina, Eichmann was found guilty of all 15 charges against him, including crimes against humanity. May 31, 1962 he was executed. (AP Photo)

32. The angry crowd surrounded the car of the US embassy in Cairo on February 15, 1961 during a protest against the death of Patrice Lumumba in the Congo. Lumumba was an independent leader of the Congo and the first legally elected Prime Minister of the Republic of Congo. Lumumba was killed during the uprising. Many believed that this helped the rebels, the US government, and in 2002 it formally apologized for the Belgian government. (AP Photo)

33. The Japanese ultra-nationalists during the Patriot Day in Tokyo May 1, 1961. A record number of workers - 1.56 million - came for the annual celebration of Labor Day. "Rights" held a rally in a park Hibiyya passing with swastika flags and calling for the dissolution of the Socialist Party. (AP Photo / Mitsunori Chigita / Nobuyuki Masaki)

34. Fresno college students trying to set a world record for the number of people in the same bed (73 people) May 17, 1961 in Fresno, California. The record was broken when the pile perched five girls. (AP Photo)

35. Native American tribe of the Apache kissing the hand of Pope John XXIII, during an audience at the Vatican delegation to the Apaches 16 May 1961. (AP Photo)

36. The actress Marilyn Monroe in December 1961. (AP PhotoPRNewsFoto / Eagle National Mint)

37 Dog on an empty Times Square during the 10-minute exercises citizens about the rules of behavior in an air raid in New York on April 28, 1961. (AP Photo / Bob Goldberg)

38. US President John F. Kennedy points to a map of Laos at a press conference in Washington in March 1961. He said that Laos communist threat "is complex and potentially dangerous." (STF / AFP / Getty Images)

39. North Korean leader Kim Il Sung, surrounded by orphans in May 1961. (Korean Central News Agency / Korea News Service via AP Images)

40. The American soldiers of the UN and North Korean soldiers squabbled after the meeting April 23, 1961 on base in Korea. The fight occurred after one of the soldiers hit the Korean Private First Class John Clark. (AP Photo)

41. Working East Germany puts the first blocks of the Berlin Wall in August 1961. (AP Photo)

42. The workers of the GDR put a wall in the French Quarter of East Berlin August 15, 1961. (AP Photo / Worth)

43. A refugee from the GDR trying to cross the western part of Berlin October 16, 1961. (AP Photo)

44. American tank took up a position outside Zimmerstrasse in Berlin, "looking" in the direction of Soviet tanks on the border with East Berlin. (AP Photo)

45. The US First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy at work. (AFP / Getty Images)

46. Astronaut Alan Shepard (left) awards US President John F. Kennedy in Washington. (AP photo)

47. Louis' Setchmo "Armstrong on a camel in the background of the Sphinx and the pyramids at Giza, near Cairo, January 28, 1961. His wife, Lucille (bottom left) takes it to the camera. Armstrongs came to Egypt during the Tour of goodwill for Africa and the Middle East. (AP Photo)

48. An eight third-grader Billy Stanley, the only white student in the school of St. Philip the Apostle, in Albany, New York. Billy said that he likes to study in this school, and that his classmates "treat him well." (AP Photo)

49. Wilma Rudolph of Clarksville, TN, with flowers and medals after two victories in track and field competition between the US and Russia in Moscow on 15 July 1961. Rudolf drew level with a world record at 0:11, 3 in the 100m and then won in the composition of the team relay at the 400 meters. (AP Photo)

50. Soldiers of the Marine Corps of the Republic of Vietnam with the machine gun and rifles guarded their positions January 20, 1961. These soldiers are similar to their American counterparts - they were ordered to fight the guerrillas. They use American weapons, and methods for their preparation have been developed by US Marines. Many of the soldiers were training at the US camp in Virginia. (AP Photo)