I blinded him from what was 18 examples of how you can get out of any situation.
People say that in war all means are good. I dare to add that they are good not only on the battlefield, but also in any unforeseen domestic situation. Remember how in the good old advertising, familiar to all from childhood: the girl broke a heel, she ate a refreshing candy "Mentos" and one slight movement of the heel and tore the second shoe making ballet shoes. Sometimes great ideas are generated by our brain is quite unpredictable, so then all the cockroaches in my head a standing ovation.
Team Ofigenno.cc a little fumbled on the internet and found for you a selection of hilarious example of how people can go out. Some of these excellent ideas cause wild laughter. These images confirm once again that should never hang up his nose, panic or, God forbid, get hysterical - Output can be found almost any critical situation, especially in the home.
One ass on two chairs - I can, I know, practice.
For those who are in the tank ...
I have an engineer mom!
All ingenious - is simple.
While there is an hour to earn some money, why not?
Safety First!
Cook from God.
My light, mirror, tell me ...
Bravo to the author!
this gourmet breakfast.
The main thing - to think about the environment!
But I'm in a wheelbarrow, as you ride in the bus ...
Do - convenience.
Why buy a grille for grilling?
Scotch stick together all!
And again: tape - around the head.
Perhaps the most original button in the world.
Do not throw out anything!
We have a running joke among the people that the problems that can be solved with the help of super glue, tape or blue tape, not a problem. The words of the popular song "I blinded him from what was" as you can not exactly describe all of the above examples. Hooked on good materials - plant and another. Let the smile in the middle of the day.
via ofigenno ru
Team Ofigenno.cc a little fumbled on the internet and found for you a selection of hilarious example of how people can go out. Some of these excellent ideas cause wild laughter. These images confirm once again that should never hang up his nose, panic or, God forbid, get hysterical - Output can be found almost any critical situation, especially in the home.
One ass on two chairs - I can, I know, practice.

For those who are in the tank ...

I have an engineer mom!

All ingenious - is simple.

While there is an hour to earn some money, why not?

Safety First!

Cook from God.

My light, mirror, tell me ...

Bravo to the author!

this gourmet breakfast.

The main thing - to think about the environment!

But I'm in a wheelbarrow, as you ride in the bus ...

Do - convenience.

Why buy a grille for grilling?

Scotch stick together all!

And again: tape - around the head.

Perhaps the most original button in the world.

Do not throw out anything!

We have a running joke among the people that the problems that can be solved with the help of super glue, tape or blue tape, not a problem. The words of the popular song "I blinded him from what was" as you can not exactly describe all of the above examples. Hooked on good materials - plant and another. Let the smile in the middle of the day.
via ofigenno ru
It seems that this simple cargo containers. But we need only look inside ...
Yevgeny Leonov sentimental message of the beloved son. It is worth reading for all parents!