These people just want to relax in the sun. And that's what came out of it ...
Some of the characters in this hilarious compilation of just relaxed in the sun, without calculating time. Others are deliberately created the image of his tan, plan everything in advance. They obviously love to be the center of attention and are willing to suffer for the sake of a painful burning charred skin. In those and other cases, the result came out quite original. Now it will have to endure the lucky few circles of hell burn, while picking up the right clothes that will cover all the intricate body-worn pattern. These fun photos will tell you about how not to sunbathe.
Apparently, friends joked.
All! Now no short T-shirts! B>
Beauty requires sacrifice.
After dinner drew to sleep.
The guy working undercover.
Here on this side of favorite hugging on the beach.
Yes anything, the hair will soon grow back, closed down.
T-shirt has been closed, and the sun - bright.
And what is now going?
But ventilation is excellent.
After about a week the picture will not be so attractive.
Colours exquisite dessert.
Superheroes among us.
These pictures painful to watch! The sun gives life to all living things on Earth, but do not underestimate its power. When you go to sunbathe, be sure to stock up on sunscreen and a beach umbrella! Otherwise, you risk to get to the next selection of pictures of people with the funny tan. If you liked these fun photos, be sure to share them with your friends on social networks.
via ofigenno ru
Apparently, friends joked.

All! Now no short T-shirts! B>

Beauty requires sacrifice.
After dinner drew to sleep.

The guy working undercover.

Here on this side of favorite hugging on the beach.

Yes anything, the hair will soon grow back, closed down.

T-shirt has been closed, and the sun - bright.

And what is now going?
But ventilation is excellent.

After about a week the picture will not be so attractive.

Colours exquisite dessert.

Superheroes among us.

These pictures painful to watch! The sun gives life to all living things on Earth, but do not underestimate its power. When you go to sunbathe, be sure to stock up on sunscreen and a beach umbrella! Otherwise, you risk to get to the next selection of pictures of people with the funny tan. If you liked these fun photos, be sure to share them with your friends on social networks.
via ofigenno ru
In spite of everything she wanted to become a model. Now her dream has come true!
The history of the most famous pictures in the world. On it you can safely make a movie!