Scientists have found that there is no use yogurt

Urgent sell shares in companies that manufacture kislomolochku. Spanish scientists from the University of Madrid, surveyed more than 4,000 people, came to a disappointing conclusion : regular consumption of yogurt has no effect on human health.
In tests performed 3.5 years, participated 4445 adults Spaniards. His results were published in the journal Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. It was held in conjunction with the fact that from 2006 to European law any statements about the benefits of food must be confirmed by scientific research.
"Regular consumption of yoghurt could not be associated with quality of life in relation to the level of health - said the study's author, Esther Lopez-Garcia. - Compared to people who do not consume yogurt, those who ate it regularly, showed no significant improvement of health as a result of our tests, and, although it was noted a slight improvement in intellectual, it is placed in the statistical error ».
The scientist explained that although dairy products are traditionally included in the diet of the so-called "Healthy diet", previous studies only the combined effect of this diet on the body, and research about its individual components has not yet been done.
At the beginning of the 20th century yogurt was popularized in Europe by Danon, and in the US - by Colombo Yogurt. Manufacturers of yogurt in advertising product always rests on its health benefits, although no exact mechanism of efficiency, nor its real existence has never been scientifically found or confirmed.
It would be interesting to conduct research related to other members of dairy products, particularly our native kefir . We are waiting for scientific papers Russian biologists.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/249394/
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