Hellzapoppin Circus in South Florida
On this amazing circus performances await you fire eaters, swallowers of swords, yoga, able to walk on broken glass and more.
1. Marianne Magdalen, able to swallow swords and fire, a native of Sweden.
2. On the belt near Magdalen inscription "born to lose." She says: "We are here strange. And everyone has their own reasons for that. "
3. Bruce Graves, the owner of the circus. "I tried to recreate the atmosphere of the early twentieth century circuses standard," he says.
4. Tattoo "do not panic" from the "Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams decorates the chest Chelsea Noupents. "I was always very quiet and downtrodden," she said. "I decided this is something to do, knock yourself out of this shyness and restraint. Center chest - this is a very important place. That's why I chose it for his tattoos. "
5. Chelsea Noupents originally from New Orleans. She knows how to swallow swords, walking on glass and is the choreographer of the show. "In swallowing swords, believe it or not, no big deal, it demonstrates the control of mind over body," she says.
6. Evelyn Frentik native of Helsinki, Finland. She can swallow broken glass and walk on it. "This is my dream come true for children," she says. "I always wanted to run away from home to join a traveling circus. I'm not used to just sit and wait, but there is the glass is very interesting. "
7. Mr. Bagglas, French Bulldog. "Real decoration of our show," said the owner of the circus Bruce Graves. "In order to train him, it took almost half a year."
8. Jay Lee Beth from Mexico. "I - devourer fire and illyuzionistka," she said. "I used to work mime in Dallas, but then decided to join the circus Bruce."
9. Address by Jay Lee Beth. "Bruce taught me the basics of working with fire, and all the tricks I invented myself," she says. "Working with fire, you must become a unique, no one else like you should be able to make his speech totally unique."
10. Graves puts grain popcorn his nostrils and pushes them through the eyes. "It is very difficult. I strengthen the muscles to push grain tear ducts. When I first started training, I used a grain of rice, they are smaller. But the rice can not be used when it becomes wet, it becomes sticky. I had to push it with a needle, it was just disgusting! ".
11. Demonstrating the trick with a screwdriver, which he put through the nose, Graves missed a condom through the nose and throat. "I do not want my children circus gave the usual presentation," he says. "I want us to be more looked like a group playing rock."
12. The fire-breathing Graves during his speech.
13. Jay Lee Beth in a box that will pierce swords. Jay Lee Beit be dodging blades.
14. Jay Is Beit during a speech to the box in which it will pierce swords. "I have to curl up in a special way, in a special way to twist arms and legs to avoid the blade."
15. Left. Jay Lee Beth looks out of the box with the blades. On the right - the performance on the show.
16. Visitors are waiting for the show to begin.
17. Glotatelnitsa swords and able to walk on broken glass Chelsea Noupents. "The main thing - to learn to control the muscles of the throat and esophagus. The point here is not even in the muscles themselves, and in the head. "
18. Glotatelnitsa Chelsea Noupents swords during the performance. "I start with a skewer, then swallow a sword, then - a billiard cue, and then - a burning sword."
19. Jay Lee Beth swallows inflated balloons.
20. Absolutely stunned viewers of the show.
21. "I joined this circus about five months ago," says Evelyn Frentik. "I want to become the best Tsirkachka in the world, simply the best."
22. Marianne Magdalen lying on a bed of nails. "After the show, people are always fit to check whether the real nails, sharp they."
23. Graves puts a brick in the stomach Magdalen, which lies on a bed of nails. "Do not you dare try this at home!" She warns. "What we are doing - it is very dangerous. You can get a serious injury. "
24. Graves sledgehammer break bricks, located on the belly lying on a bed of nails Magdalen. "During each trick there is a 10 percent probability of making a mistake," she says. "The main thing is that the error was not very significant."
25. Evelyn Frentik with a light bulb, which she will eat during the show. "I had once admitted to the hospital because he made a mistake during a stunt," she said.
26. Evelyn Frentik swallowing broken glass. "Good for teeth, you will never decay," she jokes. "This diet is very helpful, my dear!".
27. Address by Evelyne Frentik. "Once I cut myself, it was a sea of blood and stuff. And it was terrible the first time only, "she says.
28. Evelyn Frentik standing on broken glass. "I like to be Tsirkachka," she said. "I think that my most important childhood dream come true. I like to live like that. "
29. Marianne Magdalen able to climb stairs, steps which are sharpened machete.
30. Glotatelnitsa swords Magdalen.
31. In addition to swords, Magdalen able to swallow hangers. And even in a special way to twist them inside his own body.
32. The creator of the unique circus trying to convey the atmosphere of such notions period of the early twentieth century.
33. Graves, the owner of the circus, the bus in which the traveling circus troupe. "This prison was a good home for all of us," he laughs.
34. Chelsea Noupents smoke and style your hair before each performance ... In the background Marianne Magdalen and Jay Lee Beth.
35. Jay Lee Beth and Marianne Magdalen in the bus, which has become a real home for the circus troupe. "We used to live like that," they say. "We are used to having to put things marafet and go to the toilet on the bus." However, we are painted, we usually still at the stops. "
36. Glotatelnitsy fire torches used one hundred percent cotton.
37. Chelsea Noupents style your hair before the show.
38. Evelyn Frentik Jay Lee Beth, Marianne Magdalen and Chelsea Noupents, actress circus Hellzapoppin.
Source: pnikonov.livejournal.com

1. Marianne Magdalen, able to swallow swords and fire, a native of Sweden.

2. On the belt near Magdalen inscription "born to lose." She says: "We are here strange. And everyone has their own reasons for that. "

3. Bruce Graves, the owner of the circus. "I tried to recreate the atmosphere of the early twentieth century circuses standard," he says.

4. Tattoo "do not panic" from the "Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams decorates the chest Chelsea Noupents. "I was always very quiet and downtrodden," she said. "I decided this is something to do, knock yourself out of this shyness and restraint. Center chest - this is a very important place. That's why I chose it for his tattoos. "

5. Chelsea Noupents originally from New Orleans. She knows how to swallow swords, walking on glass and is the choreographer of the show. "In swallowing swords, believe it or not, no big deal, it demonstrates the control of mind over body," she says.

6. Evelyn Frentik native of Helsinki, Finland. She can swallow broken glass and walk on it. "This is my dream come true for children," she says. "I always wanted to run away from home to join a traveling circus. I'm not used to just sit and wait, but there is the glass is very interesting. "

7. Mr. Bagglas, French Bulldog. "Real decoration of our show," said the owner of the circus Bruce Graves. "In order to train him, it took almost half a year."

8. Jay Lee Beth from Mexico. "I - devourer fire and illyuzionistka," she said. "I used to work mime in Dallas, but then decided to join the circus Bruce."

9. Address by Jay Lee Beth. "Bruce taught me the basics of working with fire, and all the tricks I invented myself," she says. "Working with fire, you must become a unique, no one else like you should be able to make his speech totally unique."

10. Graves puts grain popcorn his nostrils and pushes them through the eyes. "It is very difficult. I strengthen the muscles to push grain tear ducts. When I first started training, I used a grain of rice, they are smaller. But the rice can not be used when it becomes wet, it becomes sticky. I had to push it with a needle, it was just disgusting! ".

11. Demonstrating the trick with a screwdriver, which he put through the nose, Graves missed a condom through the nose and throat. "I do not want my children circus gave the usual presentation," he says. "I want us to be more looked like a group playing rock."

12. The fire-breathing Graves during his speech.

13. Jay Lee Beth in a box that will pierce swords. Jay Lee Beit be dodging blades.

14. Jay Is Beit during a speech to the box in which it will pierce swords. "I have to curl up in a special way, in a special way to twist arms and legs to avoid the blade."

15. Left. Jay Lee Beth looks out of the box with the blades. On the right - the performance on the show.

16. Visitors are waiting for the show to begin.

17. Glotatelnitsa swords and able to walk on broken glass Chelsea Noupents. "The main thing - to learn to control the muscles of the throat and esophagus. The point here is not even in the muscles themselves, and in the head. "

18. Glotatelnitsa Chelsea Noupents swords during the performance. "I start with a skewer, then swallow a sword, then - a billiard cue, and then - a burning sword."

19. Jay Lee Beth swallows inflated balloons.

20. Absolutely stunned viewers of the show.

21. "I joined this circus about five months ago," says Evelyn Frentik. "I want to become the best Tsirkachka in the world, simply the best."

22. Marianne Magdalen lying on a bed of nails. "After the show, people are always fit to check whether the real nails, sharp they."

23. Graves puts a brick in the stomach Magdalen, which lies on a bed of nails. "Do not you dare try this at home!" She warns. "What we are doing - it is very dangerous. You can get a serious injury. "

24. Graves sledgehammer break bricks, located on the belly lying on a bed of nails Magdalen. "During each trick there is a 10 percent probability of making a mistake," she says. "The main thing is that the error was not very significant."

25. Evelyn Frentik with a light bulb, which she will eat during the show. "I had once admitted to the hospital because he made a mistake during a stunt," she said.

26. Evelyn Frentik swallowing broken glass. "Good for teeth, you will never decay," she jokes. "This diet is very helpful, my dear!".

27. Address by Evelyne Frentik. "Once I cut myself, it was a sea of blood and stuff. And it was terrible the first time only, "she says.

28. Evelyn Frentik standing on broken glass. "I like to be Tsirkachka," she said. "I think that my most important childhood dream come true. I like to live like that. "

29. Marianne Magdalen able to climb stairs, steps which are sharpened machete.

30. Glotatelnitsa swords Magdalen.

31. In addition to swords, Magdalen able to swallow hangers. And even in a special way to twist them inside his own body.

32. The creator of the unique circus trying to convey the atmosphere of such notions period of the early twentieth century.

33. Graves, the owner of the circus, the bus in which the traveling circus troupe. "This prison was a good home for all of us," he laughs.

34. Chelsea Noupents smoke and style your hair before each performance ... In the background Marianne Magdalen and Jay Lee Beth.

35. Jay Lee Beth and Marianne Magdalen in the bus, which has become a real home for the circus troupe. "We used to live like that," they say. "We are used to having to put things marafet and go to the toilet on the bus." However, we are painted, we usually still at the stops. "

36. Glotatelnitsy fire torches used one hundred percent cotton.

37. Chelsea Noupents style your hair before the show.

38. Evelyn Frentik Jay Lee Beth, Marianne Magdalen and Chelsea Noupents, actress circus Hellzapoppin.
Source: pnikonov.livejournal.com