Celebrity Tattoos
I see that my post yesterday about tattoos ponrivilsya players here, so I decided to write about the tattoo Russian and foreign stars. So photos and text enough so the finish, I would say. Let's start with those closest to us ...
Timothy (aka Timur Yunusov) - If anyone can be called a leader in the number of tattoos among the Russian stars, only him. Timothy struck first tattoo in Los Angeles, where he lived for some time. By the way, it was there that he was filled with rap and relevant look. As you know, representatives of this musical are the "tattooed" of all musicians. This style of direction from this, nothing can be done, you want to conform to - be. Today, the body is covered with tattoos Timothy more than 70 (!)%. Among them, a huge (full-back) a human skull with the crossed microphones and the inscription «The Boss», tattoo «Moscow City» on the upper back, devoted, it is not difficult to guess his beloved city of Moscow and many other tattoos. But, of course, the most notorious is the tattoo on the outer sides of the palm rest with the inscription «Black Star». In fact, this is who sees himself as Timothy. Such is the meaning. This inscription is almost all around our rapper (on the body, clothing, jewelry, cars, etc.);
Timothy convicts would meet as the "kingpin" - because of the tattoos of stars on his elbow. Such tattoos convicts usually do on the shoulders »
King and the Clown. Pot.
I have 5 tattoos. First he made in 20 years - the Joker. Terrible, terrible Joker. And then I made them more and more.
One of tattoos - from the design of our first album, "Be at home, the traveler" - the head of the devil from a tree grows. Another tattoo Anarchy on the cross. In addition, there is a tattoo - seven of my dead friends, depicted in the form of skulls. It Sid Vicious, Kurt Cobain, Elvis Presley ... Well, they only hairstyles can be found.
Garik Sukachev made his right shoulder tattoo of the sun - in the area such tattooed read as "hello thieves."
Irina Khakamada has mysteriously Japanese tattoo on his forearm. On the question of the meaning of the character politician fashionista he restrained smile and replied that I did figure "to overcome difficulties in life."
Experts on Japanese tattoo deciphered the secret sign. "This character is read as" Say "or" sho ", - said at the Japanese Embassy. - Translated it as "live" or "exist", that is, this tattoo symbolizes the birth or life itself. It has become fashionable to put these drawings on the body. Irina active, solid position in life, perhaps this is what she wanted to emphasize.
His tattooed a shark in the underworld - figure without much meaning. Makarevich made a tattoo because once almost "caught" the shark by the tail - swam so close to it! By the way, the Americans shark means freedom, cunning and cruelty.
Zemfira - known for its tattoo of the letter «Z» in the circle on the right shoulder. This tattooed singer acquired at the beginning of his musical career. According to the most Zemfira tattoo made in the form of the first letter of his name, it protects and brings her good luck;
Zhanna Friske - the sex symbol of the national stage has a tattoo on his body in the form of a blue pearl in a shell - means love.
The singer made this tattoo to Miami. But Jeanne was not going to stop at one tattoo, confirming the truth that tattoo - it is a passion that is addictive. In its plans for a tattoo on the foot. And, despite the fact that such a tattoo is very painful, the singer will certainly want to put it without anesthesia. Like this;
Sergei Zverev - King of glamor struck a tattoo in the form of their own autograph. Well, it is his style;
Vladimir Vinokur - perhaps the most unusual star in our improvised charts. On the right shoulder of the actor flaunts a dancing ballerina. The history of the tattoo is very beautiful - Vladimir presented it as a gift for the birthday of his daughter Anastasia, what brought her and the guests overjoyed.
Intricate black monogram that singer of the group "Tatu" Yulya Volkova tattooed, was the cause of a large, almost an international scandal. In one of the areas of London Muslims burned posters of Russian singers and boycotted their concert. They argued that the monogram does the word "Allah" - a sacred place for Muslims. The leadership of the group, apologizing, saying that on the lower back is tattooed the word "love" (this value is most common in tattoo parlors).
Later, Julia has got one more tattoos on his back, this time the singer has chosen a meaningless figure in the ancient style mokmauri.
Kinchev Singer (lead singer of "Alice") invents himself a variety of subjects tattoos: on his body and a hut on chicken legs, and Baba Yaga in a mortar ... But Constantine miscalculated, "planted" on the shoulder of poppies. This tattooed Signals - the owner addict.
Camp criminals for a long time without costing a woman's affection, perceived to tattoo son Alexander Malinin Nikita - treble clef - as a call to action. It turns out that this tatuirovochka with spicy erotic overtones. Treble clef is usually applied to those who are engaged in oral sex.
The singer Tatyana Ovsiyenko on the left shoulder running wolf. In Europe, this animal - a symbol of valor and endurance. But their concept of prisoners - Wolf says that the owner belongs to the criminal world. She soon brought this tattoo.
Singer Glyuk'Oza graced own name not his body, and ... belly beloved Doberman Duke. "This procedure is painless for dogs - told us the singer. - Dobermans have lowered the threshold of sensitivity, so the Duke did not even make a sound. "
It is said that Joseph Kobzon on his shoulder at one time could be read: "Do not forget your own mother." "Aphorisms" managed to make over the years.
The body presenter several tattoos. On the neck - a solar sign, on the shoulders of an inscription in Sanskrit and the dragon, two flowers on her back, the character at the ankle ... There is an inscription on the neck. "Body and soul" - a similar inscription in Latin only, and have girlfriend TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva SAVE.
Marat Safin during a friendly match appeared before the public with an interesting tattoo. On the right shoulder showed off open eye with a bar code below. But the famous tennis player did not know what a bad reputation enjoyed this drawing!
"Eyes" in prisons do mainly passive homosexuals. Apply them forcibly, as their owner shall enjoy in the area a bad reputation.
Director Ivan Ohlobystin loves to shock the audience. They say one time he drank, dabbled in drugs, then suddenly burst into a religion, but zagulnoe past give tattoos, which is not reduced. Here's how Ohlobystin talks about his tattoos:
"I do not regret that I did as a young man tattooed on his right arm.
Here's my blue-eyed dragon, good, but angry. Here horse - good luck, obstacles, and will be well-being. Unicorn - a celtic ornament, marijuana around here ... All of this is partly a reflection of my life ».
Renowned singer Roma youth (group "Animals") last year on tour in Chelyabinsk he tattooed on his left shoulder a pretty girl. According to him, the tattoo he made friends in a local tattoo parlor in record time - in just four hours.
"I really like the cute girl - said Roma. - So I decided to make myself a tattoo ».
On zekovskom jargon meaning of this tattoo stands for "Betrayed one».
The actor Valery Nikolaev, the leading man in the film "Birthday Bourgeois-2" recently "lit up" fans a small tattoo on the left shoulder - baring wolf's head. Such graphical "give a damn" in prison do convicts convicted of robbery and looting, and this is a threat of death in someone's address.
In a resort town singer Alsu walking around in a bikini with a mysterious tattoo on his left buttock. So curious photographers have discovered the secret sign on a beautiful ass, decipher which under force only to experts-orientalists. Some argue that a tiny blot is endowed with a mystical sense and like a guiding star. Others believe that it is - a sign of the great Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan. Similar characters who "rewarded" distinguished themselves in the battles of soldiers and dignitaries. In one opinion experts came together: a generic stamp of Turkic tribes, and its owner is taking on more responsibility. Woman on the body that has such a tattooed should only marry a Muslim, and her fate is inscribed give birth to seven children.
The actor and director, according to the wife, Svetlana, vehement in decorating their bodies with tattoos. Basically, he knocks out the names of the family - the wife and children. Drawings, perhaps, it could be more if it were not for the requirements of the acting profession - it imposes restrictions on freedom of expression.
The fact that Ani "the pope to draw something," the buzz for a long time, but Kournikova methodically stuck on the "interesting place" a large patch of solid color, which explains the need for back pain. Apparently, it eased back, and now the "tattoo" can boast of. Fully tattoo see, however, failed, but on the basis of Anya's achievements in sports, there should be scrawled something in the spirit of "The Age of victory can not see!".
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1257432732 [/ mergetime]
Valery Meladze on bicep tattoo emblazoned circular, symbolizing the universe. In recognition of the singer, he always wanted to have a tattoo, but shy young: around could interpret it wrong. Only with the advent of fashion for tattoos, he decided to go to the salon. "I've always loved movies about Indians, in this regard, and I decided to make a tattoo on Indian grounds. But I do not want a tattoo like most musicians know - means nothing pattern. I decided that it should carry some meaning. So there was a circular, which depicts Venus, Moon, Earth and the sun. " By sozhileniyu, tattoo photos found. Partizan still that our Meladze
For example, Angelina Jolie opted for a tattoo symbolizing equality and freedom, and have the form of intricate passages and texts of thinkers and prayers. It is absolutely certain that success came to her after the application of the famous master from Thailand first tattoo.
Tigress 30 cm apart on the back of the actress brings her luck has wealth and power. Magic meaning of the image was reinforced by the singing of the famous master Sompong Kanpai ancient spell after the procedure.
On wrists Angelina tattooed letter H in honor of his brother, James Haven, and M in honor of his mother, and the abdomen - a large black cross (which hides a tattoo of a dragon, which it in a drunken state made in Amsterdam) and the Latin inscription «Quod me nutrit me destruit »(« What nourishes me, then kills "). In addition, it has several tattoos in intimate places, and some tattoos she removed - for example, on the forearm instead of the dragon and the name and surname of her ex-husband is now pinned coordinates of places where I came from her foster children, and the place where she gave birth to Shiloh.
But Penelope Cruz, who wished to see the tattoo on her ankle, put special meaning. Her choice fell on a mysterious number "883". As it turned out, the number "3" and "8" - her lucky numbers, and the second "8" - the symbol of the double good luck.
Natalia Marisa Oreiro.
She has two tattoos on the body. The first of these is located on the ankle. It represents a bracelet in the form of floral ornament. When she was done, this Natasha silent. The second tattoo - a ring on the ring finger. In 2001, Natalia met a 44-year-old rock musician, with whom he played a wedding in early 2002. Tattoo-ring was made instead of a wedding ring. In one of the interviews, which gave Natalia Russian television, she admitted that she is not against make a few more tattoos, but a tiny figure does not allow it.
Popular singer Rihanna, who is a passionate fan of the drawings on the body, got a tattoo on his right wrist. Proudly showing a new tattoo, Barbadian beauty said that this sign is a symbol of power and of love. Perhaps the tattoo still imprinted on the life of the owner - Rihanna recently and enjoyed the power and love of her boyfriend Chris Brown, who beat her.
Popular American singer Christina Aguilera is also a longtime fan of tattoos. One of the latest jewelry on her body image appeared on his left arm with the inscription «Te Amo Siempre», which translated from Spanish means "I love you always." We know that this star tattoo dedicated to her husband Jordan Bretmenu.
Without ceasing to be a passionate love for each other, David and Victoria Beckham made a tattoo in honor of each other. It is known that football tattooed name of his wife in Hindi with an error on his forearm. She also his initials tattooed on his wrist - «DB».
Scarlett Johansson
Famous Hollywood actress surprised fans by appearing in public with a new tattoo - a funny bright pattern. Explaining the importance of tattoos, the star admitted that this figure - the fruit of her creative imagination. The actress also said that a week sketching his own tattoo.
Hip-hop singer Eve adorned his body all different footprints bulldog. This unusual choice is absolutely consistent with exuberant nature girl who was repeatedly arrested for various offenses. According to the most Eve paws on her body seem to be very sexy.
Eva Longoria
"Desperate Housewives" Eva tattoos adorned his arms, shoulders, neck and even the private parts. The final figure was the tattooed wedding date with her husband Tony Romo - the wrist in roman numerals stamped date "July 7, 2007».
He prefers a tattoo in the form of inscriptions and Megan Fox. On the back, the actress put out lines «We will all laugh at gilded butterflies», and on the left side - «There once was a little girl who never knew love until a boy broke her HEART» (lived once a little girl who did not know what love until a boy broke her heart did not). In addition, the right forearm she punctured a portrait of Marilyn Monroe, and the right lower leg - the moon and the fish. According to Megan, to make a new tattoo for her - this is a way to emphasize their individuality and to cope with depression and annoy those who do not like her style.
Scandalous star Nicole Richie has always dreamed of being a good girl. Her tiny body, the growth of 155 cm, 9 tattoos. With wearable pictures actress tried to appear before the public in the form of a "good Christian girl" and she succeeded. It is not known whether the cause became a tattoo, but Nicole managed to acquire a reputation horoshistka - she gave birth to a child from a loved one, refused to parties, cocktails and gulyanok, and became an semyaninkoy and mother.
Blond beauty Charlize prefers delicate tattoo. So, on her right leg flaunts blue flower, and she recently tattooed on her ankle at a goldfish. It is known that goldfish symbolizes the fulfillment of the most unfulfilled desires, which the actress seems to be a lot.
Lady Gaga
Disco diva rarely talks about his tattoos, but often shows them. On her left shoulder tattooed daisies that have value in the criminal world - a tattoo community, and the number of petals corresponds to the number of members of the criminal group or persons convicted in a criminal case. However, in today's world of daisies rather denote innocence, not crime.
Moreover, judging by the number of drawings on her skin, she is a real fan of tattoos. On the back she had pinned a star and an angel under the buttocks - two huge bow at the neck from behind - barcode album «Missundaztood», on the forearm - the inscription «what goes around comes around» («What you sow, so shall you reap") Cartoon cat in the abdomen, a large dragon in oriental style on the left thigh ...
Britney Spears graced his body tattooed for life. On the back of her neck flaunts another name of God consisting of three Hebrew letters "Mem", "Hey" and "reysh." Britney Spears was dissatisfied with the value of their Japanese tattoo done on the lower back. Estimated value of the "mysterious" turned into a "strange". This is not such a nice shade of meaning. According to some media reports, Spears did not want to be "strange" and removed the sign. Also absurd itself has a tattoo of Hollywood. Tattoo in the form of pink Kryven'ka dice - the most harmless prank "crazy" period in the life of Britney Spears. I wonder what it would feel when will contemplate them in the mirror in 50 years?

Timothy (aka Timur Yunusov) - If anyone can be called a leader in the number of tattoos among the Russian stars, only him. Timothy struck first tattoo in Los Angeles, where he lived for some time. By the way, it was there that he was filled with rap and relevant look. As you know, representatives of this musical are the "tattooed" of all musicians. This style of direction from this, nothing can be done, you want to conform to - be. Today, the body is covered with tattoos Timothy more than 70 (!)%. Among them, a huge (full-back) a human skull with the crossed microphones and the inscription «The Boss», tattoo «Moscow City» on the upper back, devoted, it is not difficult to guess his beloved city of Moscow and many other tattoos. But, of course, the most notorious is the tattoo on the outer sides of the palm rest with the inscription «Black Star». In fact, this is who sees himself as Timothy. Such is the meaning. This inscription is almost all around our rapper (on the body, clothing, jewelry, cars, etc.);
Timothy convicts would meet as the "kingpin" - because of the tattoos of stars on his elbow. Such tattoos convicts usually do on the shoulders »

King and the Clown. Pot.
I have 5 tattoos. First he made in 20 years - the Joker. Terrible, terrible Joker. And then I made them more and more.
One of tattoos - from the design of our first album, "Be at home, the traveler" - the head of the devil from a tree grows. Another tattoo Anarchy on the cross. In addition, there is a tattoo - seven of my dead friends, depicted in the form of skulls. It Sid Vicious, Kurt Cobain, Elvis Presley ... Well, they only hairstyles can be found.

Garik Sukachev made his right shoulder tattoo of the sun - in the area such tattooed read as "hello thieves."

Irina Khakamada has mysteriously Japanese tattoo on his forearm. On the question of the meaning of the character politician fashionista he restrained smile and replied that I did figure "to overcome difficulties in life."
Experts on Japanese tattoo deciphered the secret sign. "This character is read as" Say "or" sho ", - said at the Japanese Embassy. - Translated it as "live" or "exist", that is, this tattoo symbolizes the birth or life itself. It has become fashionable to put these drawings on the body. Irina active, solid position in life, perhaps this is what she wanted to emphasize.

His tattooed a shark in the underworld - figure without much meaning. Makarevich made a tattoo because once almost "caught" the shark by the tail - swam so close to it! By the way, the Americans shark means freedom, cunning and cruelty.

Zemfira - known for its tattoo of the letter «Z» in the circle on the right shoulder. This tattooed singer acquired at the beginning of his musical career. According to the most Zemfira tattoo made in the form of the first letter of his name, it protects and brings her good luck;

Zhanna Friske - the sex symbol of the national stage has a tattoo on his body in the form of a blue pearl in a shell - means love.
The singer made this tattoo to Miami. But Jeanne was not going to stop at one tattoo, confirming the truth that tattoo - it is a passion that is addictive. In its plans for a tattoo on the foot. And, despite the fact that such a tattoo is very painful, the singer will certainly want to put it without anesthesia. Like this;

Sergei Zverev - King of glamor struck a tattoo in the form of their own autograph. Well, it is his style;

Vladimir Vinokur - perhaps the most unusual star in our improvised charts. On the right shoulder of the actor flaunts a dancing ballerina. The history of the tattoo is very beautiful - Vladimir presented it as a gift for the birthday of his daughter Anastasia, what brought her and the guests overjoyed.

Intricate black monogram that singer of the group "Tatu" Yulya Volkova tattooed, was the cause of a large, almost an international scandal. In one of the areas of London Muslims burned posters of Russian singers and boycotted their concert. They argued that the monogram does the word "Allah" - a sacred place for Muslims. The leadership of the group, apologizing, saying that on the lower back is tattooed the word "love" (this value is most common in tattoo parlors).
Later, Julia has got one more tattoos on his back, this time the singer has chosen a meaningless figure in the ancient style mokmauri.

Kinchev Singer (lead singer of "Alice") invents himself a variety of subjects tattoos: on his body and a hut on chicken legs, and Baba Yaga in a mortar ... But Constantine miscalculated, "planted" on the shoulder of poppies. This tattooed Signals - the owner addict.

Camp criminals for a long time without costing a woman's affection, perceived to tattoo son Alexander Malinin Nikita - treble clef - as a call to action. It turns out that this tatuirovochka with spicy erotic overtones. Treble clef is usually applied to those who are engaged in oral sex.

The singer Tatyana Ovsiyenko on the left shoulder running wolf. In Europe, this animal - a symbol of valor and endurance. But their concept of prisoners - Wolf says that the owner belongs to the criminal world. She soon brought this tattoo.

Singer Glyuk'Oza graced own name not his body, and ... belly beloved Doberman Duke. "This procedure is painless for dogs - told us the singer. - Dobermans have lowered the threshold of sensitivity, so the Duke did not even make a sound. "

It is said that Joseph Kobzon on his shoulder at one time could be read: "Do not forget your own mother." "Aphorisms" managed to make over the years.

The body presenter several tattoos. On the neck - a solar sign, on the shoulders of an inscription in Sanskrit and the dragon, two flowers on her back, the character at the ankle ... There is an inscription on the neck. "Body and soul" - a similar inscription in Latin only, and have girlfriend TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva SAVE.

Marat Safin during a friendly match appeared before the public with an interesting tattoo. On the right shoulder showed off open eye with a bar code below. But the famous tennis player did not know what a bad reputation enjoyed this drawing!
"Eyes" in prisons do mainly passive homosexuals. Apply them forcibly, as their owner shall enjoy in the area a bad reputation.

Director Ivan Ohlobystin loves to shock the audience. They say one time he drank, dabbled in drugs, then suddenly burst into a religion, but zagulnoe past give tattoos, which is not reduced. Here's how Ohlobystin talks about his tattoos:
"I do not regret that I did as a young man tattooed on his right arm.
Here's my blue-eyed dragon, good, but angry. Here horse - good luck, obstacles, and will be well-being. Unicorn - a celtic ornament, marijuana around here ... All of this is partly a reflection of my life ».

Renowned singer Roma youth (group "Animals") last year on tour in Chelyabinsk he tattooed on his left shoulder a pretty girl. According to him, the tattoo he made friends in a local tattoo parlor in record time - in just four hours.
"I really like the cute girl - said Roma. - So I decided to make myself a tattoo ».
On zekovskom jargon meaning of this tattoo stands for "Betrayed one».

The actor Valery Nikolaev, the leading man in the film "Birthday Bourgeois-2" recently "lit up" fans a small tattoo on the left shoulder - baring wolf's head. Such graphical "give a damn" in prison do convicts convicted of robbery and looting, and this is a threat of death in someone's address.

In a resort town singer Alsu walking around in a bikini with a mysterious tattoo on his left buttock. So curious photographers have discovered the secret sign on a beautiful ass, decipher which under force only to experts-orientalists. Some argue that a tiny blot is endowed with a mystical sense and like a guiding star. Others believe that it is - a sign of the great Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan. Similar characters who "rewarded" distinguished themselves in the battles of soldiers and dignitaries. In one opinion experts came together: a generic stamp of Turkic tribes, and its owner is taking on more responsibility. Woman on the body that has such a tattooed should only marry a Muslim, and her fate is inscribed give birth to seven children.
The actor and director, according to the wife, Svetlana, vehement in decorating their bodies with tattoos. Basically, he knocks out the names of the family - the wife and children. Drawings, perhaps, it could be more if it were not for the requirements of the acting profession - it imposes restrictions on freedom of expression.

The fact that Ani "the pope to draw something," the buzz for a long time, but Kournikova methodically stuck on the "interesting place" a large patch of solid color, which explains the need for back pain. Apparently, it eased back, and now the "tattoo" can boast of. Fully tattoo see, however, failed, but on the basis of Anya's achievements in sports, there should be scrawled something in the spirit of "The Age of victory can not see!".
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1257432732 [/ mergetime]
Valery Meladze on bicep tattoo emblazoned circular, symbolizing the universe. In recognition of the singer, he always wanted to have a tattoo, but shy young: around could interpret it wrong. Only with the advent of fashion for tattoos, he decided to go to the salon. "I've always loved movies about Indians, in this regard, and I decided to make a tattoo on Indian grounds. But I do not want a tattoo like most musicians know - means nothing pattern. I decided that it should carry some meaning. So there was a circular, which depicts Venus, Moon, Earth and the sun. " By sozhileniyu, tattoo photos found. Partizan still that our Meladze

For example, Angelina Jolie opted for a tattoo symbolizing equality and freedom, and have the form of intricate passages and texts of thinkers and prayers. It is absolutely certain that success came to her after the application of the famous master from Thailand first tattoo.

Tigress 30 cm apart on the back of the actress brings her luck has wealth and power. Magic meaning of the image was reinforced by the singing of the famous master Sompong Kanpai ancient spell after the procedure.

On wrists Angelina tattooed letter H in honor of his brother, James Haven, and M in honor of his mother, and the abdomen - a large black cross (which hides a tattoo of a dragon, which it in a drunken state made in Amsterdam) and the Latin inscription «Quod me nutrit me destruit »(« What nourishes me, then kills "). In addition, it has several tattoos in intimate places, and some tattoos she removed - for example, on the forearm instead of the dragon and the name and surname of her ex-husband is now pinned coordinates of places where I came from her foster children, and the place where she gave birth to Shiloh.

But Penelope Cruz, who wished to see the tattoo on her ankle, put special meaning. Her choice fell on a mysterious number "883". As it turned out, the number "3" and "8" - her lucky numbers, and the second "8" - the symbol of the double good luck.

Natalia Marisa Oreiro.
She has two tattoos on the body. The first of these is located on the ankle. It represents a bracelet in the form of floral ornament. When she was done, this Natasha silent. The second tattoo - a ring on the ring finger. In 2001, Natalia met a 44-year-old rock musician, with whom he played a wedding in early 2002. Tattoo-ring was made instead of a wedding ring. In one of the interviews, which gave Natalia Russian television, she admitted that she is not against make a few more tattoos, but a tiny figure does not allow it.

Popular singer Rihanna, who is a passionate fan of the drawings on the body, got a tattoo on his right wrist. Proudly showing a new tattoo, Barbadian beauty said that this sign is a symbol of power and of love. Perhaps the tattoo still imprinted on the life of the owner - Rihanna recently and enjoyed the power and love of her boyfriend Chris Brown, who beat her.

Popular American singer Christina Aguilera is also a longtime fan of tattoos. One of the latest jewelry on her body image appeared on his left arm with the inscription «Te Amo Siempre», which translated from Spanish means "I love you always." We know that this star tattoo dedicated to her husband Jordan Bretmenu.

Without ceasing to be a passionate love for each other, David and Victoria Beckham made a tattoo in honor of each other. It is known that football tattooed name of his wife in Hindi with an error on his forearm. She also his initials tattooed on his wrist - «DB».

Scarlett Johansson
Famous Hollywood actress surprised fans by appearing in public with a new tattoo - a funny bright pattern. Explaining the importance of tattoos, the star admitted that this figure - the fruit of her creative imagination. The actress also said that a week sketching his own tattoo.

Hip-hop singer Eve adorned his body all different footprints bulldog. This unusual choice is absolutely consistent with exuberant nature girl who was repeatedly arrested for various offenses. According to the most Eve paws on her body seem to be very sexy.

Eva Longoria
"Desperate Housewives" Eva tattoos adorned his arms, shoulders, neck and even the private parts. The final figure was the tattooed wedding date with her husband Tony Romo - the wrist in roman numerals stamped date "July 7, 2007».

He prefers a tattoo in the form of inscriptions and Megan Fox. On the back, the actress put out lines «We will all laugh at gilded butterflies», and on the left side - «There once was a little girl who never knew love until a boy broke her HEART» (lived once a little girl who did not know what love until a boy broke her heart did not). In addition, the right forearm she punctured a portrait of Marilyn Monroe, and the right lower leg - the moon and the fish. According to Megan, to make a new tattoo for her - this is a way to emphasize their individuality and to cope with depression and annoy those who do not like her style.
Scandalous star Nicole Richie has always dreamed of being a good girl. Her tiny body, the growth of 155 cm, 9 tattoos. With wearable pictures actress tried to appear before the public in the form of a "good Christian girl" and she succeeded. It is not known whether the cause became a tattoo, but Nicole managed to acquire a reputation horoshistka - she gave birth to a child from a loved one, refused to parties, cocktails and gulyanok, and became an semyaninkoy and mother.

Blond beauty Charlize prefers delicate tattoo. So, on her right leg flaunts blue flower, and she recently tattooed on her ankle at a goldfish. It is known that goldfish symbolizes the fulfillment of the most unfulfilled desires, which the actress seems to be a lot.

Lady Gaga
Disco diva rarely talks about his tattoos, but often shows them. On her left shoulder tattooed daisies that have value in the criminal world - a tattoo community, and the number of petals corresponds to the number of members of the criminal group or persons convicted in a criminal case. However, in today's world of daisies rather denote innocence, not crime.

Moreover, judging by the number of drawings on her skin, she is a real fan of tattoos. On the back she had pinned a star and an angel under the buttocks - two huge bow at the neck from behind - barcode album «Missundaztood», on the forearm - the inscription «what goes around comes around» («What you sow, so shall you reap") Cartoon cat in the abdomen, a large dragon in oriental style on the left thigh ...
Britney Spears graced his body tattooed for life. On the back of her neck flaunts another name of God consisting of three Hebrew letters "Mem", "Hey" and "reysh." Britney Spears was dissatisfied with the value of their Japanese tattoo done on the lower back. Estimated value of the "mysterious" turned into a "strange". This is not such a nice shade of meaning. According to some media reports, Spears did not want to be "strange" and removed the sign. Also absurd itself has a tattoo of Hollywood. Tattoo in the form of pink Kryven'ka dice - the most harmless prank "crazy" period in the life of Britney Spears. I wonder what it would feel when will contemplate them in the mirror in 50 years?

