Thou shalt not steal, or "God punish"
It was about 8 am, Saturday. Pass by building a banner, and I see here such kartinu.Stoit this miracle of the German automotive industry in kanave.Krugom anyone net.Ostanovilsya, vylez.Kak he got there, neponyatno.Zvonyu this friend, I ask that he's going to not obekte.On in ponyatkah, I explain the situation and leaving dalshe.Gde some 2 hours later he calls back and tells ago. Further, in the first person.
I arrive on the scene, there was already hard workers jostle around mashiny.Vnutri trays are suspiciously looking like the ones that were here yesterday vecherom.K word of one pallet is worth 10 euros if you return it back after you get it with the already materialom.Rabotyagi They caused politsiyu.Stoyat kuryat.Vdrug narisovyvaetsya two bodies in the car and trosom.Guten Morgen blah blah bla.Vy who are you? Why, he said one last night with my girlfriend stopped here pozazhigat, and when it went not see where went backwards, and the ball went nasypi.A trays you from? Yes, it's not my flinching frits.Aga your answers, tell the police it now budesh.Kak time podehali.Koroche popal.Posle survey and any formalities, pulled the car, forced him to unload all the pallets back, 20 pieces bortanul! Okay stole the trays at night and got in this here zasadu.Da Pull them back so you go home to sleep, no one would have any dokazal.Malo zaehat.Tak night where you can not have too lazy to be seen, well, that's the first will now poplatilsya.Vo good fine, and secondly falls on account of the police, too little horoshego.Vot these are moments in life.
I arrive on the scene, there was already hard workers jostle around mashiny.Vnutri trays are suspiciously looking like the ones that were here yesterday vecherom.K word of one pallet is worth 10 euros if you return it back after you get it with the already materialom.Rabotyagi They caused politsiyu.Stoyat kuryat.Vdrug narisovyvaetsya two bodies in the car and trosom.Guten Morgen blah blah bla.Vy who are you? Why, he said one last night with my girlfriend stopped here pozazhigat, and when it went not see where went backwards, and the ball went nasypi.A trays you from? Yes, it's not my flinching frits.Aga your answers, tell the police it now budesh.Kak time podehali.Koroche popal.Posle survey and any formalities, pulled the car, forced him to unload all the pallets back, 20 pieces bortanul! Okay stole the trays at night and got in this here zasadu.Da Pull them back so you go home to sleep, no one would have any dokazal.Malo zaehat.Tak night where you can not have too lazy to be seen, well, that's the first will now poplatilsya.Vo good fine, and secondly falls on account of the police, too little horoshego.Vot these are moments in life.


