"Moskvich-403": born to crawl can fly!
Every normal boy in the USSR, playing with cars, dreamed of buying all he wants - from the bicycle to the airplane. Was no exception and I. In the 1980s, have kids, especially in the provinces, there was very little quality toys. Basically range raytsentrovskogo "Children's World." A lucky few have models of cars imported from the countries of the socialist camp, or, God forbid, even the capitalists! Such models have been worth its weight in gold, and their owner was in a special position. With him always wanted to play and make friends. And all in order to be able to hold in your hand sparkling varnish Cadillac or Chevrolet, perfectly executed in miniature. As for me, I always admiringly watched a passing of our classic car industry - 21 th "Volga", "Victory" or "Moskvich" Release 1950-60-ies.
Search and buy childhood dreams
These smooth curves of the body and a little swollen shape from childhood fascinated me with their grace and accurate details. Special chic - shiny chrome lining and bumpers are allowed sunbeams in clear weather. Had a dream that when he grew up - buy yourself just such a classic car.
Flew carefree childhood, followed by a school, college, college. Then were hungry and crazy 1990s. Much has changed in my life and flashed - and friends, and girls, and hobbies. Shift work and salary from a pauper in a shoe factory in Lida to a decent profit in the company for the sale of clothing from Europe in Minsk.
Remained unshakable one dream - to get the coveted car from childhood my parents. Tidy your finances and see a small confidence in the future, I began searching for the classics. Say, that by this time had already had a dozen modern cars in different price ranges, from the working to the Volkswagen T2 Mitsubishi Pajero in the last generation. They were all in their own good. Some even left a good memory thanks to the reliability and maintainability. But in these machines was not the main thing - raisins and soul of what we would like in the first place.
Dream start searching for all standard and well-known sites (including Onliner), newspapers, I very quickly became convinced that to find and buy a decent copy will not be easy. "Volga" and "Victory" was corrupt to the core. And those who were in more or less fair condition, as new cost Samand or Daewoo Matiz.
Moreover, according to our agrokastomayzerov, drawing on the problem areas of putty and paint bucket broom on the street in the rain automatically converted their cars in the category of "rearytsetau" (spelling preserved) and gave rise to bend inadequate price. Decided to stay on the "Moskvich" second series, he most of all I liked the looks.
Decided to expand the geography of search and lead them not only in the capital, but also in the fields. All that is in the photo seemed good, with careful examination turned out rubbish, had only to get under the bottom. Very often, these machines were used in rural areas for the storage of rubbish or even as a hen house! Remains of optics and glass were carefully destroyed during the game rebyatney stones "voynushku." But finally luck to me.
In Borisov I found buried in the ground "Moskvich-403" 1964 release, thoroughly gutted the local punks - no engine, cabin. From under the hood has grown grass, moss on the roof was, and lived in the trunk of a frog. But surprisingly a body and not rotten.
Price for a dream gradually changed from 500 to 60 dollars. People do not believe too much that someone is willing to buy what used to be called a car. They are generally planned to hand over the car for scrap. Well, that was too late. Resolved - bought and brought to Minsk. Joy knew no bounds. With my face a few days did not leave a silly smile. All relatives and friends to see what I bought, hid a look that said, "Well, what you bought, you idiot, it's a pile of junk." And in my eyes, of course, talking indefinitely "mdaaaaaaaa."
Now a little boring and mournful information on this model, it is interesting. MZMA - Moscow plant of small cars, later renamed AZLK and now defunct. 403rd "Moskvich" looks virtually identical to the previous 407 th and was produced from 1962 to 1965. Engine capacity is 1360 cm3 (45 l. With.). Maximum speed - 115 km / h. To disperse hundreds - 36 seconds. Cost of such a car in 1962, 3200 Soviet rubles. There was an export version which is characterized by the presence of the side mirrors, a grille, side moldings, rear lights, "bird" of the trunk and is rumored to be the best build quality.
The resurrection of the Phoenix from the ashes
Slightly cooled down from the first emotions, I outlined a plan of action and what I want to get the car:
1. Appearance leave the factory without agrotyuninga and the principle of "bought, then stuck." Shop too original, but made of modern materials. Two-tone color do both at the factory, using only high-quality imported materials.
2. Native motor did not want to because of its low power and archaic. I decided to choose a V6 or incendiary V8 (I can not stand when the car is not traveling). Subsequently, it was found that 8 cylinders - it's overkill.
3. From modern devices planned only music, disguised as a panel, and the alarm just in case, at least on the local punks.
4. Interior planned to leave families, changing its materials to modern.
Especially to recover childhood dream was filmed spacious and dry garage size 8 to 10 meters. Planned grandiose work with full dismantling of what remains of the body, sandblasted down to the metal and the subsequent restoration of interior and exterior parts. All the work he decided to do without resorting and not trusting their people for whom my dream would be banal "another" order.
So, work has begun to boil. Was completely stripped body. In the hands brought him into the chamber sandblasting. After it opened invisible to the eye lesions shallow corrosion. Tipped had everything - every inch, including cavities. At the end of immediately treated soil quality, missed "anticorrosive" below and in the arches.
Body thoroughly plundered not the best representatives of youth Borisov, was assembled piece by piece. Many had to look for the missing in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and even in the US. Almost everything except the technical part, becoming strictly original and only in excellent condition. By default, all the planes were personally hand taped vibroshumoizolyatsiey.
Preparation and painting was carried out on their own, in three stages, with the assistance of friends who know how to choose the quality of color, grain and texture of the paint. Originally planned painting one color decided to replace the two-color - smartly turned out and tasteless. Color, of course, was selected in the scheme, which was used by the factory in those days.
Suspension set from the BMW 3-Series. I had to completely cut off the native "face" and weld from BMW, increasing body rigidity in torsion. Next welded element were fitted with a factory size and weight wrong body parts.
Actually, speaking of the body, we can safely say that the car was the RAMS: all bearing and power elements have been significantly strengthened, and the bottom of the machine to obtain a closed frame structure, which is made of strong steel elements. Suspension legend of the German automotive industry has provided excellent stability at high speeds and precise braking on any surface, wet or dry.
Was originally set to "Ford" Engine 2, 9 EFI. After a few months away Drive it somehow faded. I'm used to, in general, to him, and it seemed that he was not going at all. Measuring the engine compartment, came to the conclusion that it is possible to install something more interesting - "Ford", 4 0 V6 EFI. Sets the motor on overseas Ford Mustang and Explorer. This is the best option for torque and power, for more powerful gear just tore the bridge on the first day. The main criterion for selection of the engine became its size, because in miniature hood space to put anything else was impossible - would have to saw the body.
By the way, the motor and attachments, as well as posting them ready so that free space is almost not. All vymeryat and customize nearly to millimeters. Some units were installed just above or below, so as not to make adjustments to the height of the bonnet or wings. Although there are still many debaters who are willing to bet that I could not fit in a small motor engine compartment from the huge American SUV Ford Explorer.
The interior has been completely dismantled and altered to friends who practice such work. Definitely decided to restore the old, for the modern equivalent would result in the loss of charm and charm of the 1960s. Seat frame have been reinforced with new steel plates, springs inserted new, and inside them - doubles to give greater cushioning and resilience. Outside used skin soothing light colors in the color of the car, sewn with silk thread (impregnated with wax for strength). It turned out great: not too soft, of course, but without losing the comfort you can drive 500 miles at a time, and this is more than enough.
Almost all the doors, fenders, hood, trunk lid found absolutely new in factory ground in different parts of the once powerful and unified Soviet Union. All mail sent to the premises. However, when assembling the machine had many body parts to put relatives, old. In all those years of Soviet car sizes of the same body elements differ by 1-2 centimeters. This is par for the course. For example, new front fenders were longer native to 3 inches! In general, while derived gaps, "Moskvich" great tickle nerves.
Finish the assembly has become a hidden installation of modern powerful audio amplifiers, subwoofers, crossovers and head right equipment. Coupled with excellent vibration and noise isolation was achieved almost perfect sound.
In order to get the right music, had to buy in America smashed sports Audi, a body which was not subject to recovery. The motor and gearbox have been damaged, but the car - bustles with cutting-edge audio equipment that shortly before the accident she established in some shtatovskih custom studio. Buy new equipment similar was not possible, because the price was comparable to the cost of one-room apartment in Minsk.
There were times when all dropped from the hands and wanted to quit the project. Came the melancholy and depression, some changes were given difficult, had to redo several times. The project took almost all my free time, all weekend, and often the last free money. The crisis struck. Work in almost all stopped, I too, of course. And because of this, I finally was able to devote more time to his favorite. Many times refuse to buy, say, a new jeans or a leisure trip in favor of the original piece of chrome or Exterior Body - its from Moscow sent in the mail the same "maniac", as I do.
As a result, the M-403 turned out as I think about it - "a wolf in sheep's clothing!" Nothing but non-standard wheels, wider (205 mm instead of 155) and a low-profile sport rubber, does not give it a powerful and rapid car with modern filling under the hood and elements of BMW sports early 1990s. All modifications are officially registered.
Amateur would never tell a car with you our parents and grandparents, the dream of the Soviet summer resident engineer, from my orderly counterpart.
Finally, after three years of hard work childhood dream has left its course. Day when he wound up and dyhnuv smoke from the exhaust pipe, deep voice rumbled its four-liter heart, I will never forget! Then I threw a grand feast with fireworks, champagne and barbecue. Came all the friends who have not laughed at my endeavors, and look at the result of work and sleepless nights with respect and astonishment, stroking the smooth contours of the body and alternately photographed with the rebels "Moskvich". I admit, it was very, very nice!
Universal mood improver
Work to restore over. It is summer and start a pleasant trip to an old man through the city to the country, as well as various retrovystavki and gatherings. It is noteworthy that the first "adult" leaving the city I made on the day of their wedding. At this point, it was necessary to accelerate the completion of the works. For last night was installed pereshito interior, door trim and decorative elements. On the wedding day I proudly rode at the head of the motorcade on his brainchild, catching the surprised looks of passers-by. Everything went perfectly smoothly.
To say that "Moskvich" attracts the attention of the public - to say nothing. Constant attention of a number of machines in the stream of passers-by and provided all point the finger, take pictures. It is necessary to leave the car in the parking lot and move on 10 minutes to the supermarket on arrival ensured a crowd of onlookers. At first it is a bit strained, but then I got used to. Even pleased that our people are interested in the classics.
Dynamics turned the hurricane. Rod is excellent, almost idle. Repeatedly caught the surprised looks of owners of modern cars, when you press the gas pedal and the flow velocity of 100 km / h immediately accelerates to 200 km / h, leaving behind modern machines.
At a speed of 200 km / h feel absolutely comfortable, the car goes smoothly and does not prowl. Excellent noise isolation. Aerodynamic resistance even less than some current models. I must say that the ride, breaking the speed limit, let myself rarely and only on the desert highways with excellent road surface in the daytime and on dry pavement.
Constantly trying to "cling" young and hot "drivers" in the Japanese automobile industry, and not only with small volumes such as 1, 2 or 6, 0 liters, but with a huge exhaust pipe and fully uveshenny all sorts of spoilers and blue neon lights on the windshield washers glass. Of course, they have no chance. Only in turboversii such as Evolution and WRX, - these are faster. Although the car was originally built as not a sports car, very pleased that he was more than smart. If desired, the rear tire is enough for a couple of minutes, then burns and bursts.
Would like to mention communication with the traffic police: 90% of cases the reason for the stop was their interest in the car. They were surprised to elicit interest and characteristics of this model. Several times even provoke my story, asked for quick Start "with a twinkle." I note that in all cases dealing with the inspectors was respectful and friendly. Among them, too, a lot of fans of retro and Autoexotics.
Participated in several races at the speed near Minsk National Airport. The audience was thrilled! Opponents, of course, shocked: nobody expects the 60-year old man is so cheerful start. After a victorious finish the car immediately surrounded by a crowd of fans of motor racing, history and improvements had to tell over and over again.
The machine magically attracts glances fairer sex. Initially, it is also very confused. Girls learn about themselves, often wanting to be photographed or ride. And the ladies are showing interest of all social strata - from milkmaids in agro business to languid lady riding on Porsche Panamera in the metropolitan ave. Winners.
By the way, when the car ride leaves a wife, the situation is the same: there is constantly a dozen guys who want to get acquainted with the owner of the exclusive. Of particular interest to the car showed our media - my old man has participated in the filming of thematic reports on TV, and he devoted a great essay in the newspaper.
For a year away tired of proposals to sell a car as frivolous, at a gas station in Volozhin, rising from local farmers, "behind Casar," and quite deliberate, from fat uncles for premium sedans. The last sentence was a real 20 th. Y. e., although the car has cost somewhere in the 12-13 thousand., invaluable personal manual labor, and the inclusion of the soul. Maybe someone will not understand, but to sell it - to me about the same thing to sell her child, for example. Definitely impossible.
Over the summer of 2012 participated in several thematic retrosletah with owners of similar machines. Twice visited Grodno, exhibitions "Grodno EXTRIM-Auto" and SunDay AutoGrodno 2012, and was also on the main avtoretromeropriyatii our country - "RetroMinsk." It holds an annual public association "AvtoAmerika." The event is dedicated to the Victory Day and the memory of all those who fell in the Great Patriotic War, it is held in early May each year.



Search and buy childhood dreams
These smooth curves of the body and a little swollen shape from childhood fascinated me with their grace and accurate details. Special chic - shiny chrome lining and bumpers are allowed sunbeams in clear weather. Had a dream that when he grew up - buy yourself just such a classic car.

Flew carefree childhood, followed by a school, college, college. Then were hungry and crazy 1990s. Much has changed in my life and flashed - and friends, and girls, and hobbies. Shift work and salary from a pauper in a shoe factory in Lida to a decent profit in the company for the sale of clothing from Europe in Minsk.
Remained unshakable one dream - to get the coveted car from childhood my parents. Tidy your finances and see a small confidence in the future, I began searching for the classics. Say, that by this time had already had a dozen modern cars in different price ranges, from the working to the Volkswagen T2 Mitsubishi Pajero in the last generation. They were all in their own good. Some even left a good memory thanks to the reliability and maintainability. But in these machines was not the main thing - raisins and soul of what we would like in the first place.
Dream start searching for all standard and well-known sites (including Onliner), newspapers, I very quickly became convinced that to find and buy a decent copy will not be easy. "Volga" and "Victory" was corrupt to the core. And those who were in more or less fair condition, as new cost Samand or Daewoo Matiz.
Moreover, according to our agrokastomayzerov, drawing on the problem areas of putty and paint bucket broom on the street in the rain automatically converted their cars in the category of "rearytsetau" (spelling preserved) and gave rise to bend inadequate price. Decided to stay on the "Moskvich" second series, he most of all I liked the looks.

Decided to expand the geography of search and lead them not only in the capital, but also in the fields. All that is in the photo seemed good, with careful examination turned out rubbish, had only to get under the bottom. Very often, these machines were used in rural areas for the storage of rubbish or even as a hen house! Remains of optics and glass were carefully destroyed during the game rebyatney stones "voynushku." But finally luck to me.

In Borisov I found buried in the ground "Moskvich-403" 1964 release, thoroughly gutted the local punks - no engine, cabin. From under the hood has grown grass, moss on the roof was, and lived in the trunk of a frog. But surprisingly a body and not rotten.

Price for a dream gradually changed from 500 to 60 dollars. People do not believe too much that someone is willing to buy what used to be called a car. They are generally planned to hand over the car for scrap. Well, that was too late. Resolved - bought and brought to Minsk. Joy knew no bounds. With my face a few days did not leave a silly smile. All relatives and friends to see what I bought, hid a look that said, "Well, what you bought, you idiot, it's a pile of junk." And in my eyes, of course, talking indefinitely "mdaaaaaaaa."

Now a little boring and mournful information on this model, it is interesting. MZMA - Moscow plant of small cars, later renamed AZLK and now defunct. 403rd "Moskvich" looks virtually identical to the previous 407 th and was produced from 1962 to 1965. Engine capacity is 1360 cm3 (45 l. With.). Maximum speed - 115 km / h. To disperse hundreds - 36 seconds. Cost of such a car in 1962, 3200 Soviet rubles. There was an export version which is characterized by the presence of the side mirrors, a grille, side moldings, rear lights, "bird" of the trunk and is rumored to be the best build quality.

The resurrection of the Phoenix from the ashes
Slightly cooled down from the first emotions, I outlined a plan of action and what I want to get the car:
1. Appearance leave the factory without agrotyuninga and the principle of "bought, then stuck." Shop too original, but made of modern materials. Two-tone color do both at the factory, using only high-quality imported materials.
2. Native motor did not want to because of its low power and archaic. I decided to choose a V6 or incendiary V8 (I can not stand when the car is not traveling). Subsequently, it was found that 8 cylinders - it's overkill.
3. From modern devices planned only music, disguised as a panel, and the alarm just in case, at least on the local punks.
4. Interior planned to leave families, changing its materials to modern.

Especially to recover childhood dream was filmed spacious and dry garage size 8 to 10 meters. Planned grandiose work with full dismantling of what remains of the body, sandblasted down to the metal and the subsequent restoration of interior and exterior parts. All the work he decided to do without resorting and not trusting their people for whom my dream would be banal "another" order.

So, work has begun to boil. Was completely stripped body. In the hands brought him into the chamber sandblasting. After it opened invisible to the eye lesions shallow corrosion. Tipped had everything - every inch, including cavities. At the end of immediately treated soil quality, missed "anticorrosive" below and in the arches.

Body thoroughly plundered not the best representatives of youth Borisov, was assembled piece by piece. Many had to look for the missing in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and even in the US. Almost everything except the technical part, becoming strictly original and only in excellent condition. By default, all the planes were personally hand taped vibroshumoizolyatsiey.

Preparation and painting was carried out on their own, in three stages, with the assistance of friends who know how to choose the quality of color, grain and texture of the paint. Originally planned painting one color decided to replace the two-color - smartly turned out and tasteless. Color, of course, was selected in the scheme, which was used by the factory in those days.

Suspension set from the BMW 3-Series. I had to completely cut off the native "face" and weld from BMW, increasing body rigidity in torsion. Next welded element were fitted with a factory size and weight wrong body parts.

Actually, speaking of the body, we can safely say that the car was the RAMS: all bearing and power elements have been significantly strengthened, and the bottom of the machine to obtain a closed frame structure, which is made of strong steel elements. Suspension legend of the German automotive industry has provided excellent stability at high speeds and precise braking on any surface, wet or dry.

Was originally set to "Ford" Engine 2, 9 EFI. After a few months away Drive it somehow faded. I'm used to, in general, to him, and it seemed that he was not going at all. Measuring the engine compartment, came to the conclusion that it is possible to install something more interesting - "Ford", 4 0 V6 EFI. Sets the motor on overseas Ford Mustang and Explorer. This is the best option for torque and power, for more powerful gear just tore the bridge on the first day. The main criterion for selection of the engine became its size, because in miniature hood space to put anything else was impossible - would have to saw the body.

By the way, the motor and attachments, as well as posting them ready so that free space is almost not. All vymeryat and customize nearly to millimeters. Some units were installed just above or below, so as not to make adjustments to the height of the bonnet or wings. Although there are still many debaters who are willing to bet that I could not fit in a small motor engine compartment from the huge American SUV Ford Explorer.

The interior has been completely dismantled and altered to friends who practice such work. Definitely decided to restore the old, for the modern equivalent would result in the loss of charm and charm of the 1960s. Seat frame have been reinforced with new steel plates, springs inserted new, and inside them - doubles to give greater cushioning and resilience. Outside used skin soothing light colors in the color of the car, sewn with silk thread (impregnated with wax for strength). It turned out great: not too soft, of course, but without losing the comfort you can drive 500 miles at a time, and this is more than enough.



Almost all the doors, fenders, hood, trunk lid found absolutely new in factory ground in different parts of the once powerful and unified Soviet Union. All mail sent to the premises. However, when assembling the machine had many body parts to put relatives, old. In all those years of Soviet car sizes of the same body elements differ by 1-2 centimeters. This is par for the course. For example, new front fenders were longer native to 3 inches! In general, while derived gaps, "Moskvich" great tickle nerves.




Finish the assembly has become a hidden installation of modern powerful audio amplifiers, subwoofers, crossovers and head right equipment. Coupled with excellent vibration and noise isolation was achieved almost perfect sound.
In order to get the right music, had to buy in America smashed sports Audi, a body which was not subject to recovery. The motor and gearbox have been damaged, but the car - bustles with cutting-edge audio equipment that shortly before the accident she established in some shtatovskih custom studio. Buy new equipment similar was not possible, because the price was comparable to the cost of one-room apartment in Minsk.


There were times when all dropped from the hands and wanted to quit the project. Came the melancholy and depression, some changes were given difficult, had to redo several times. The project took almost all my free time, all weekend, and often the last free money. The crisis struck. Work in almost all stopped, I too, of course. And because of this, I finally was able to devote more time to his favorite. Many times refuse to buy, say, a new jeans or a leisure trip in favor of the original piece of chrome or Exterior Body - its from Moscow sent in the mail the same "maniac", as I do.

As a result, the M-403 turned out as I think about it - "a wolf in sheep's clothing!" Nothing but non-standard wheels, wider (205 mm instead of 155) and a low-profile sport rubber, does not give it a powerful and rapid car with modern filling under the hood and elements of BMW sports early 1990s. All modifications are officially registered.

Amateur would never tell a car with you our parents and grandparents, the dream of the Soviet summer resident engineer, from my orderly counterpart.



Finally, after three years of hard work childhood dream has left its course. Day when he wound up and dyhnuv smoke from the exhaust pipe, deep voice rumbled its four-liter heart, I will never forget! Then I threw a grand feast with fireworks, champagne and barbecue. Came all the friends who have not laughed at my endeavors, and look at the result of work and sleepless nights with respect and astonishment, stroking the smooth contours of the body and alternately photographed with the rebels "Moskvich". I admit, it was very, very nice!

Universal mood improver
Work to restore over. It is summer and start a pleasant trip to an old man through the city to the country, as well as various retrovystavki and gatherings. It is noteworthy that the first "adult" leaving the city I made on the day of their wedding. At this point, it was necessary to accelerate the completion of the works. For last night was installed pereshito interior, door trim and decorative elements. On the wedding day I proudly rode at the head of the motorcade on his brainchild, catching the surprised looks of passers-by. Everything went perfectly smoothly.

To say that "Moskvich" attracts the attention of the public - to say nothing. Constant attention of a number of machines in the stream of passers-by and provided all point the finger, take pictures. It is necessary to leave the car in the parking lot and move on 10 minutes to the supermarket on arrival ensured a crowd of onlookers. At first it is a bit strained, but then I got used to. Even pleased that our people are interested in the classics.

Dynamics turned the hurricane. Rod is excellent, almost idle. Repeatedly caught the surprised looks of owners of modern cars, when you press the gas pedal and the flow velocity of 100 km / h immediately accelerates to 200 km / h, leaving behind modern machines.
At a speed of 200 km / h feel absolutely comfortable, the car goes smoothly and does not prowl. Excellent noise isolation. Aerodynamic resistance even less than some current models. I must say that the ride, breaking the speed limit, let myself rarely and only on the desert highways with excellent road surface in the daytime and on dry pavement.

Constantly trying to "cling" young and hot "drivers" in the Japanese automobile industry, and not only with small volumes such as 1, 2 or 6, 0 liters, but with a huge exhaust pipe and fully uveshenny all sorts of spoilers and blue neon lights on the windshield washers glass. Of course, they have no chance. Only in turboversii such as Evolution and WRX, - these are faster. Although the car was originally built as not a sports car, very pleased that he was more than smart. If desired, the rear tire is enough for a couple of minutes, then burns and bursts.
Would like to mention communication with the traffic police: 90% of cases the reason for the stop was their interest in the car. They were surprised to elicit interest and characteristics of this model. Several times even provoke my story, asked for quick Start "with a twinkle." I note that in all cases dealing with the inspectors was respectful and friendly. Among them, too, a lot of fans of retro and Autoexotics.

Participated in several races at the speed near Minsk National Airport. The audience was thrilled! Opponents, of course, shocked: nobody expects the 60-year old man is so cheerful start. After a victorious finish the car immediately surrounded by a crowd of fans of motor racing, history and improvements had to tell over and over again.
The machine magically attracts glances fairer sex. Initially, it is also very confused. Girls learn about themselves, often wanting to be photographed or ride. And the ladies are showing interest of all social strata - from milkmaids in agro business to languid lady riding on Porsche Panamera in the metropolitan ave. Winners.

By the way, when the car ride leaves a wife, the situation is the same: there is constantly a dozen guys who want to get acquainted with the owner of the exclusive. Of particular interest to the car showed our media - my old man has participated in the filming of thematic reports on TV, and he devoted a great essay in the newspaper.

For a year away tired of proposals to sell a car as frivolous, at a gas station in Volozhin, rising from local farmers, "behind Casar," and quite deliberate, from fat uncles for premium sedans. The last sentence was a real 20 th. Y. e., although the car has cost somewhere in the 12-13 thousand., invaluable personal manual labor, and the inclusion of the soul. Maybe someone will not understand, but to sell it - to me about the same thing to sell her child, for example. Definitely impossible.
Over the summer of 2012 participated in several thematic retrosletah with owners of similar machines. Twice visited Grodno, exhibitions "Grodno EXTRIM-Auto" and SunDay AutoGrodno 2012, and was also on the main avtoretromeropriyatii our country - "RetroMinsk." It holds an annual public association "AvtoAmerika." The event is dedicated to the Victory Day and the memory of all those who fell in the Great Patriotic War, it is held in early May each year.