With love for material from Minsk and ... Moskvich-412
For a long time you've seen the car in 1990 in perfect condition? A "Moskvich"? And the woman behind the wheel? So I was very surprised. Even more astonished when to talk to her - for a photographer Svetlana (champion rally "Season" 2012), all on the shoulder and a daughter to raise, and the Soviet Technology Rally win ... Even afraid to say, are not alien to her spanners and "Bulgarian "! Well with such a unique person did not meet?
28 photos and text
a source at the end of
- Hi! Here it is, my handsome man - the owner greets me smiling, laying rally sticker on the trunk. - Half the country have traveled with him ...
- Wow! And this car every day?
- Yes, only in the winter I had a rest in the garage.
For a long time I have not seen such a "smooth" IgE: paint shiny, rust nowhere. All recovered the conscience, Svetlana gave it a 23-year old man a second life.
- Six years ago, my father bequeathed me the car. Even he is dying, worried about her and asked to save. "Moskvich" Now for me as a memory. Yes, he's very fond of "Muscovites" ... first he was 408 th, and then the 412-th. Here I am with them, too, imbued childhood.
Inside, everything is clean, tidy, no scuffs not. And it works!
- And the original interior? - I wonder, looking at the car.
- Yes, dear, except for the front panel, it is the earlier "Moskvich".
- A motor, the motor home?
- Yes.
- Do not "Capital»?
- No. The machine is not really so much and trains. This I did the last six years chasing. On the run is difficult to say - I have it recently "twisted" on the odometer's only five-digit number. The engine oil does not eat constantly check.
Gasoline engine polutoralitrovye passport gives 75 horses, in order to reduce carbon emissions and improve pickup mounted carburetor Solex - the only non-native detail under the hood. Consumption on the highway with a new carburetor at a speed of 80 km / h in 6, 7 l / 100 km 92-octane gasoline. The machine is regularly inspection.
When Svetlana began its journey to the "Muscovites", I decided to find like-minded people. They turned out to be the guys from Minsk Automobile Club of cultural and historical "Moskvich-retro".
- It was the winter of 2007, I came to him to "Muscovites" and since then the club. The club has a long history, it made up some very interesting and creative people. We appreciated mutual assistance, mutual aid, constantly sharing parts and technical expertise. We leave the city for the opening and closing of the season column. Imagine a column of multi-colored "Muscovites!" Many drivers honking us.
Svetlana is the only representative of the fairer sex in the club. The guys appreciate it sincerely.
- On March 8 this year, they made me a nice gift in the form of a set of seals. We just collected "Moskvich" - a very valuable gift.
- Yes, our readers will be interested to learn about the history of the recovery machine.
- It all started with the fact that last year I decided to rust hole in the threshold brew. Has driven the car to the garage to a friend Pasha (nick Klobzik), began to look - there is not, there is not. Just found some body parts - started! Initially there were new rear wings, front left, I bought in the store. The doors we were looking for a very long time, so take the front right of the 408-th "Moskvich" and remade the handle and rear right - from the 2140-th, it also had to tinker. In general, spare parts for the machines themselves are not, they should be looking for.
- I participated in the restoration works on the subsidiary, has learned to "grinder" to strip rust, paint and putty removed. However, after that the hands were the hands ... some women. Help children out of the club: Dima (Mack), Eugene (Zmenya), Vova (Abarigen) and Misha (Maikl412). From November to July, and worked in the evenings. Have both the foreign car: epoxy primer, top - porozapolnitelny, some places were treated "sandblasting". Use a very high-quality paint colors "Lotus". Do everything ourselves just to paint gave professional. In July, we drove the car out of the garage, and then its "buy up" for $ 1000 wanted to buy. Yeah, run away! Total spent on the restoration of $ 800.
- Soviet machine reliability do not differ. It is difficult today to maintain "Moskvich»?
- Service has been my friend Alexander master of SRT on the street. Kupriyanov. Most team-mates to help, something for the little things can make itself. Yes, often I have to repair it, and now it's time to change the clutch. The main thing is that the friends are, they always help.
- We often ride on a cable?
- Oh, no, in this regard, 412 th fails, always will take you home. Only in the first year out of luck twice: once flew the clutch, the second time the battery is dead. When faced with the clutch on the road, very confused, almost crying. I pass by the guy on the tow truck and helped. And now I am an experienced driver, so not to lose.
Energy Svetlana not borrow, they traveled together with "Moskvich" on the roads of Belarus more than one thousand kilometers.
- I love the way, interesting places of our country and meet new people. Make up the route, take the family and - in a way. This month we have twice visited the Braslav Lakes. By the way, traveling "Moskvich" never let down, once jammed rear block, but the local tractor driver helped. Interesting the car started life with me! All reports spread on the Internet.
And then came the rally "Season" and fans of the club "Moskvich" with fans of "The Cossacks" also decided to take part in it.
- Routes often pave and through the woods and through the dirt tracks and off-road. Day and night. The last night was a step in front of him had to learn all the twists and turns of the route. At night, when it was launched, it was a heavy downpour. It was difficult: the darkness, dirt, clay, steep climbs, one guy even went off the road. But it was a drive! After all, in a hurry, you want to win! Our crew rescued the front foglights, which, by the way, gave me the master servicing this machine.
We went to the shooting: "Moskvich" just went to take off, he was surprisingly nimble. 75-horsepower engine is enough, and tossing momentum, you can even "pozazhigat." No wonder there is a legend that the engine "Moskvich" was copied from BMW.
- I usually do this: sharp start from a traffic light and go forward. When I catch up with neighbors downstream, their surprise is no limit. Still would! An old high-spirited "Moskvich" and the woman behind the wheel! Signals, smiling. Driving this car gives me great pleasure, for the six years studied all its nuances.
What I personally like about the "Moskvich"? Smoothness, soft and comfortable seats, space in the front seats. Moves suspension and ground clearance can be envied even by some modern crossovers. Regular front disc brakes - slowing the car also no problem.
However, this is not just a car, not just a set of characteristics and a heap of metal, it's a family heirloom.
- Often I strive that "Moskvich" buy. But for me it's a piece of my soul, part of my father. When an emergency situation on the road, it seemed that the father took the wheel and away from danger.
He appreciates this car, and the younger generation. Svetlana daughter Nastya with her boyfriend happy to take part in our photo shoot.
- When Nastya was born, we were taken from the hospital on that "Moskvich". Therefore, it can be called its "godfather car" - says Svetlana innermost. - She remembers and loves grandfather remembers from his childhood, he took her to the country. Many travels with me and do not miss the opportunity to ride in the rally. She likes the time, loves retro, though born in a completely different time ...
That's the amazing story of man and machine. The motors are known to always reciprocate the one who loves them. So alive "Moskvich" He will long to please Svetlana and her family. The plans avtolyubitelnitsy part in the autumn stage rally "season." We wish her luck on the roads and new victories!
P.S. At the time of publication of the material in social networks, I received a short message from Svetlana directly from the garage, "Coupling made. Eugene brought the flywheel, as my proved to be cut. That's teammates help each other! »
28 photos and text
a source at the end of


- Hi! Here it is, my handsome man - the owner greets me smiling, laying rally sticker on the trunk. - Half the country have traveled with him ...
- Wow! And this car every day?
- Yes, only in the winter I had a rest in the garage.



For a long time I have not seen such a "smooth" IgE: paint shiny, rust nowhere. All recovered the conscience, Svetlana gave it a 23-year old man a second life.
- Six years ago, my father bequeathed me the car. Even he is dying, worried about her and asked to save. "Moskvich" Now for me as a memory. Yes, he's very fond of "Muscovites" ... first he was 408 th, and then the 412-th. Here I am with them, too, imbued childhood.


Inside, everything is clean, tidy, no scuffs not. And it works!
- And the original interior? - I wonder, looking at the car.
- Yes, dear, except for the front panel, it is the earlier "Moskvich".

- A motor, the motor home?
- Yes.
- Do not "Capital»?
- No. The machine is not really so much and trains. This I did the last six years chasing. On the run is difficult to say - I have it recently "twisted" on the odometer's only five-digit number. The engine oil does not eat constantly check.
Gasoline engine polutoralitrovye passport gives 75 horses, in order to reduce carbon emissions and improve pickup mounted carburetor Solex - the only non-native detail under the hood. Consumption on the highway with a new carburetor at a speed of 80 km / h in 6, 7 l / 100 km 92-octane gasoline. The machine is regularly inspection.


When Svetlana began its journey to the "Muscovites", I decided to find like-minded people. They turned out to be the guys from Minsk Automobile Club of cultural and historical "Moskvich-retro".

- It was the winter of 2007, I came to him to "Muscovites" and since then the club. The club has a long history, it made up some very interesting and creative people. We appreciated mutual assistance, mutual aid, constantly sharing parts and technical expertise. We leave the city for the opening and closing of the season column. Imagine a column of multi-colored "Muscovites!" Many drivers honking us.

Svetlana is the only representative of the fairer sex in the club. The guys appreciate it sincerely.
- On March 8 this year, they made me a nice gift in the form of a set of seals. We just collected "Moskvich" - a very valuable gift.


- Yes, our readers will be interested to learn about the history of the recovery machine.
- It all started with the fact that last year I decided to rust hole in the threshold brew. Has driven the car to the garage to a friend Pasha (nick Klobzik), began to look - there is not, there is not. Just found some body parts - started! Initially there were new rear wings, front left, I bought in the store. The doors we were looking for a very long time, so take the front right of the 408-th "Moskvich" and remade the handle and rear right - from the 2140-th, it also had to tinker. In general, spare parts for the machines themselves are not, they should be looking for.


- I participated in the restoration works on the subsidiary, has learned to "grinder" to strip rust, paint and putty removed. However, after that the hands were the hands ... some women. Help children out of the club: Dima (Mack), Eugene (Zmenya), Vova (Abarigen) and Misha (Maikl412). From November to July, and worked in the evenings. Have both the foreign car: epoxy primer, top - porozapolnitelny, some places were treated "sandblasting". Use a very high-quality paint colors "Lotus". Do everything ourselves just to paint gave professional. In July, we drove the car out of the garage, and then its "buy up" for $ 1000 wanted to buy. Yeah, run away! Total spent on the restoration of $ 800.

- Soviet machine reliability do not differ. It is difficult today to maintain "Moskvich»?
- Service has been my friend Alexander master of SRT on the street. Kupriyanov. Most team-mates to help, something for the little things can make itself. Yes, often I have to repair it, and now it's time to change the clutch. The main thing is that the friends are, they always help.

- We often ride on a cable?
- Oh, no, in this regard, 412 th fails, always will take you home. Only in the first year out of luck twice: once flew the clutch, the second time the battery is dead. When faced with the clutch on the road, very confused, almost crying. I pass by the guy on the tow truck and helped. And now I am an experienced driver, so not to lose.


Energy Svetlana not borrow, they traveled together with "Moskvich" on the roads of Belarus more than one thousand kilometers.
- I love the way, interesting places of our country and meet new people. Make up the route, take the family and - in a way. This month we have twice visited the Braslav Lakes. By the way, traveling "Moskvich" never let down, once jammed rear block, but the local tractor driver helped. Interesting the car started life with me! All reports spread on the Internet.

And then came the rally "Season" and fans of the club "Moskvich" with fans of "The Cossacks" also decided to take part in it.
- Routes often pave and through the woods and through the dirt tracks and off-road. Day and night. The last night was a step in front of him had to learn all the twists and turns of the route. At night, when it was launched, it was a heavy downpour. It was difficult: the darkness, dirt, clay, steep climbs, one guy even went off the road. But it was a drive! After all, in a hurry, you want to win! Our crew rescued the front foglights, which, by the way, gave me the master servicing this machine.

We went to the shooting: "Moskvich" just went to take off, he was surprisingly nimble. 75-horsepower engine is enough, and tossing momentum, you can even "pozazhigat." No wonder there is a legend that the engine "Moskvich" was copied from BMW.
- I usually do this: sharp start from a traffic light and go forward. When I catch up with neighbors downstream, their surprise is no limit. Still would! An old high-spirited "Moskvich" and the woman behind the wheel! Signals, smiling. Driving this car gives me great pleasure, for the six years studied all its nuances.
What I personally like about the "Moskvich"? Smoothness, soft and comfortable seats, space in the front seats. Moves suspension and ground clearance can be envied even by some modern crossovers. Regular front disc brakes - slowing the car also no problem.


However, this is not just a car, not just a set of characteristics and a heap of metal, it's a family heirloom.
- Often I strive that "Moskvich" buy. But for me it's a piece of my soul, part of my father. When an emergency situation on the road, it seemed that the father took the wheel and away from danger.

He appreciates this car, and the younger generation. Svetlana daughter Nastya with her boyfriend happy to take part in our photo shoot.
- When Nastya was born, we were taken from the hospital on that "Moskvich". Therefore, it can be called its "godfather car" - says Svetlana innermost. - She remembers and loves grandfather remembers from his childhood, he took her to the country. Many travels with me and do not miss the opportunity to ride in the rally. She likes the time, loves retro, though born in a completely different time ...


That's the amazing story of man and machine. The motors are known to always reciprocate the one who loves them. So alive "Moskvich" He will long to please Svetlana and her family. The plans avtolyubitelnitsy part in the autumn stage rally "season." We wish her luck on the roads and new victories!
P.S. At the time of publication of the material in social networks, I received a short message from Svetlana directly from the garage, "Coupling made. Eugene brought the flywheel, as my proved to be cut. That's teammates help each other! »
