"Moskvich-2140 SL»: the latter the soul
My father served on a submarine 25 years, and if my grandfather, a military pilot, was an avid motorcyclist, the father, on the contrary - the motorist. The family were different cars and motorcycles, but to me - only "Moskvich" color undercooked condensed milk and father's red, like Ferrari, Volkswagen Passat. Two military like that and put, technology has always been in perfect condition. There was a lot of haunting moments associated with these two cars and their owners. However, in 2003 it was decided to sell the car and buy beads to build a house. But that was not his father, and then his grandfather. Machines sold. Yet I found one!
18 photos, a source at the end of
At the end of study in high school, I decided to find at least one of our family car - or "Moskvich-2140 SL» 1987 release, or Volkswagen Passat B2 1983,. The search for the last failed, but with the grandfather's car turned out! Two years I begged a man to give me a car, what to constantly hear "no." And just a month before the exam in the SAI - a call from him saying, "I will give it"! And away ...
When I saw the "Moskvich", all dirty, dust, on a flat tire, a large, dark box, I felt a thrill as if met Elvis alive. The car seemed cumbersome.
When I first time in many years touched the car, it was a feeling that comes from her heat. Then, when he returned home, my legs were shaking from the excitement. Anyway, something I'm very deeply moved.
At the time of the first meeting was run 16,590 km. Three years in a box car stood motionless, not on the fly. It was necessary to first change all consumables, rezinochki, hoses, and so prokladochki. N. And then you can figure out why the car rolled. But there is one "but" - I never repaired the car and did not know how each unit communicates with each other. Well, a complete zero.
I was given carte blanche: do not expel from the territory of the plant, while the machine is not under its own power will leave the gate. All went well. There is a place where I will restore the car in the cold winter weather, there is a time (I just wrote a diploma) before the summer. But first things first. In the glove compartment I found two books on the "Muscovites": parts catalog and repair cars. All the tools in the trunk lay. And for four months in a cool box, not knowing anything about the structure of the car, I did it.
I will not describe in detail, what I went through, but for the 4 months has changed: the fluid and filters, battery, high-voltage wires, the candles, the vacuum brake booster, brake master cylinder, brake pads, timer, hoses and fittings, full exhaust system, clutch, transmission. Clean: radiator, carburetor, crankcase, fuel tank. Parts cheap and easy maintainability colossal - understands all three keys, and a screwdriver.
But since this "Moskvich", many elements of decor - the deficit, but when you consider that this is not normal 2140 and 2140SL, the terrible deficit. And everything has to be ordered over the Internet for a lot of money. For example, off the radio, which came from Ukraine, I went for 200 thousand rubles. Speedometer I bought for 300 thousand. Rub. Brest.
Interesting fact: not one shop will not take "Moskvich" for repairs - for no body, no mechanics. About the engine and hear no one wants, all in unison say one thing: "I'm a blunt instrument on the metal will not." And the thing is that the combustion chamber is made of very hard metal, while the engine itself is made of aluminum. Anything can happen. People often ask: "What more do you want?" But there was a beautiful moment - to start the engine. I have no children yet, but it seems that it's like having a baby.
And then there was the first trip length of 50 meters.
When the car was more or less on track, I decided to move to the garage. And slowly, 20 kilometers per hour, with a friend in front of his ehavshim Renault Safrane, to me, do not overtake and block the way (then still had some problems with the brakes, but rather with a new sealing Wutai), we reached the box. It continued during the summer repair, adjustment and setting.
On the technical side, almost all was over. It's time for the registration, inspection and guidance beauty. The machine washed from the bottom and ending with the engine compartment. It has been replaced by all-wheel drive, because the car was still the factory! Painted wheels and put the original caps. Sony replaced the original radio-cassette radio. I bought a Bluetooth-headset, gutted it and are mounted in the radio, which is already 30 years old. It looks like the original, and the music is playing through a single paper speaker, but connected through the phone via Bluetooth.
In a beautiful sunny day in June, my mother and the former owner went to the traffic police for the removal from the register, and then at the other end of town to register. That day I realized that the car attracted a lot of attention and questions. People 35 years and older childhood is associated with the "Muscovites". The first driving lessons their fathers gave it on cars of this brand. All told, some models were their fathers and how they differ from the previous ones. What else can talk for several hours, waiting until the new license plates?
I was about to go home, but mom suggested: if we are close, you can immediately for inspection? Why not! From the first time passed. Brakes, CO / CH, suspension - all ideal. So was fruitful and positive day. The car rides, a pleasure, but then I came up with a new occupation - to make the anti-corrosion treatment. The car is completely disassembled, cleaned out the bottom floors and wings of the car.
For 30 years no one rust holes, but where only appeared yellowness, I noticed in time and treated anti-corrosion coating. In all cavities filled cannon fat, and the bottom and wings - primer, sealant and put three layers of mastic. And processed body protective agent
Now we nor rain, nor sleet are not terrible. But, by the way, I still to this day do not go in the winter and in the rain on my car.
We ride only when the sun shines.
Here's a story of her recovery. The operation of the machine is very jauntily, but capricious. Normally not pogreesh engine and gearbox oil - will poke and stammer. As soon as everything will be in the range of operating temperatures, the old woman immediately begins to frolic. Yes, we have to put up with the problems and the design of machines in those years. For example, it lacks the fifth gear - on the track and not save not go fast, but enough for the fourth instantaneous jerk. Gasoline pump at the top of the engine, not the bottom, as in the classic Mercedes, and he has to pump fuel level is several times lower than himself. And due to the fact that the fuel pump is located directly on the cylinder block, in hot weather, it overheats and starts continuously drive the gasoline vapors. Because of this, the car loses over time or even stalls. Slowly heats up the stove in cold weather driving and then a little warm air. Release bearing is made of graphite, and it is enough for the season because of traffic jams.
But all that you forgive the car, and some things do you find cute. She is not to travel to and from work, it is for quiet trips on a warm day.
You sit down on the soft seat in an armchair at home, open the box a little bit and you go on fictitious cases to somehow justify the cost of gasoline. By the way, we eat, we 92nd interspersed with 95-m to adjust the octane number to what is written in the passport, and it is the 93rd. In mixed mode, it is about 9 liters per 100 kilometers.
And while you're driving around town, people pay attention, which is especially noticeable in the older generation. For example, leaving the car at the shop, you come back and you will observe the scene: two or three men looking at the car from all sides and something to discuss. A spotted the owner, be sure to ask:
- What year? A native paint? This suite? Exporting? Perhaps my grandfather got?
And you, with a smile, of course, told them that the 1987 release of the paint native. Yes, luxury, and yes, export (reinforced body). The side walls are solid, and are not divided into two parts. Of course, from his grandfather. Rarely, but I asked if I sell "Moskvich". And the answer is always "no", because the native machine, live and love, and "do not leave with your loved ones."
It is terrible to throw under the car home at night, I just can not sleep. But for your Opel, where I go every day, I do not worry. It is a means of transportation, "workhorse".
In other machines do not have that same charisma, the same smell and the sound of the motor, which is in the "Muscovites".
While I repaired and brought to mind his car, I was surprised at what a great community gathered around the "Moskvich", the enthusiasm with which all chasing scarce details and how to try to recreate the car or childhood dreams (again from my childhood). All are friendly and try to help, prompt. You see encouragement and smiles. Himself same plant AZLK sympathetic and very sorry for what is so weak in terms of production capacity and finance, and so strong in terms of engineering company failed to survive because of its location in the center of Moscow and because of the wrong people at the helm of the company in the 1990s . After AZLK engineers have created machines that participated in the rally London - Sydney and London - Mexico City, and achieve results that are now repeating KAMAZ. In the 1980s, he created a racing car for Formula 1, which has not managed to do so because of financial problems. Then he was made a prototype vehicle "Istra": the engine was a diesel, volume 1, 2 liter, fed rapeseed oil and spent only 2 liters per 100 kilometers, with an automatic transmission with a duralumin body and display on the windshield, as in modern aircraft . There were prototypes of minivans, station wagons with their own audio "Bylina" own on-board computer that you do not simply turn the light bulb Check Engine, but reported that it was in need of repair and how to fix it. There have also been instances of four-wheel drive and a plastic body panels to the frame. "Moskvich" was that very brand that can give us today a modern vehicle is not inferior to foreign analogues in design and technology.
18 photos, a source at the end of

At the end of study in high school, I decided to find at least one of our family car - or "Moskvich-2140 SL» 1987 release, or Volkswagen Passat B2 1983,. The search for the last failed, but with the grandfather's car turned out! Two years I begged a man to give me a car, what to constantly hear "no." And just a month before the exam in the SAI - a call from him saying, "I will give it"! And away ...

When I saw the "Moskvich", all dirty, dust, on a flat tire, a large, dark box, I felt a thrill as if met Elvis alive. The car seemed cumbersome.

When I first time in many years touched the car, it was a feeling that comes from her heat. Then, when he returned home, my legs were shaking from the excitement. Anyway, something I'm very deeply moved.

At the time of the first meeting was run 16,590 km. Three years in a box car stood motionless, not on the fly. It was necessary to first change all consumables, rezinochki, hoses, and so prokladochki. N. And then you can figure out why the car rolled. But there is one "but" - I never repaired the car and did not know how each unit communicates with each other. Well, a complete zero.

I was given carte blanche: do not expel from the territory of the plant, while the machine is not under its own power will leave the gate. All went well. There is a place where I will restore the car in the cold winter weather, there is a time (I just wrote a diploma) before the summer. But first things first. In the glove compartment I found two books on the "Muscovites": parts catalog and repair cars. All the tools in the trunk lay. And for four months in a cool box, not knowing anything about the structure of the car, I did it.
I will not describe in detail, what I went through, but for the 4 months has changed: the fluid and filters, battery, high-voltage wires, the candles, the vacuum brake booster, brake master cylinder, brake pads, timer, hoses and fittings, full exhaust system, clutch, transmission. Clean: radiator, carburetor, crankcase, fuel tank. Parts cheap and easy maintainability colossal - understands all three keys, and a screwdriver.
But since this "Moskvich", many elements of decor - the deficit, but when you consider that this is not normal 2140 and 2140SL, the terrible deficit. And everything has to be ordered over the Internet for a lot of money. For example, off the radio, which came from Ukraine, I went for 200 thousand rubles. Speedometer I bought for 300 thousand. Rub. Brest.
Interesting fact: not one shop will not take "Moskvich" for repairs - for no body, no mechanics. About the engine and hear no one wants, all in unison say one thing: "I'm a blunt instrument on the metal will not." And the thing is that the combustion chamber is made of very hard metal, while the engine itself is made of aluminum. Anything can happen. People often ask: "What more do you want?" But there was a beautiful moment - to start the engine. I have no children yet, but it seems that it's like having a baby.

And then there was the first trip length of 50 meters.
When the car was more or less on track, I decided to move to the garage. And slowly, 20 kilometers per hour, with a friend in front of his ehavshim Renault Safrane, to me, do not overtake and block the way (then still had some problems with the brakes, but rather with a new sealing Wutai), we reached the box. It continued during the summer repair, adjustment and setting.

On the technical side, almost all was over. It's time for the registration, inspection and guidance beauty. The machine washed from the bottom and ending with the engine compartment. It has been replaced by all-wheel drive, because the car was still the factory! Painted wheels and put the original caps. Sony replaced the original radio-cassette radio. I bought a Bluetooth-headset, gutted it and are mounted in the radio, which is already 30 years old. It looks like the original, and the music is playing through a single paper speaker, but connected through the phone via Bluetooth.

In a beautiful sunny day in June, my mother and the former owner went to the traffic police for the removal from the register, and then at the other end of town to register. That day I realized that the car attracted a lot of attention and questions. People 35 years and older childhood is associated with the "Muscovites". The first driving lessons their fathers gave it on cars of this brand. All told, some models were their fathers and how they differ from the previous ones. What else can talk for several hours, waiting until the new license plates?

I was about to go home, but mom suggested: if we are close, you can immediately for inspection? Why not! From the first time passed. Brakes, CO / CH, suspension - all ideal. So was fruitful and positive day. The car rides, a pleasure, but then I came up with a new occupation - to make the anti-corrosion treatment. The car is completely disassembled, cleaned out the bottom floors and wings of the car.

For 30 years no one rust holes, but where only appeared yellowness, I noticed in time and treated anti-corrosion coating. In all cavities filled cannon fat, and the bottom and wings - primer, sealant and put three layers of mastic. And processed body protective agent

Now we nor rain, nor sleet are not terrible. But, by the way, I still to this day do not go in the winter and in the rain on my car.
We ride only when the sun shines.

Here's a story of her recovery. The operation of the machine is very jauntily, but capricious. Normally not pogreesh engine and gearbox oil - will poke and stammer. As soon as everything will be in the range of operating temperatures, the old woman immediately begins to frolic. Yes, we have to put up with the problems and the design of machines in those years. For example, it lacks the fifth gear - on the track and not save not go fast, but enough for the fourth instantaneous jerk. Gasoline pump at the top of the engine, not the bottom, as in the classic Mercedes, and he has to pump fuel level is several times lower than himself. And due to the fact that the fuel pump is located directly on the cylinder block, in hot weather, it overheats and starts continuously drive the gasoline vapors. Because of this, the car loses over time or even stalls. Slowly heats up the stove in cold weather driving and then a little warm air. Release bearing is made of graphite, and it is enough for the season because of traffic jams.

But all that you forgive the car, and some things do you find cute. She is not to travel to and from work, it is for quiet trips on a warm day.
You sit down on the soft seat in an armchair at home, open the box a little bit and you go on fictitious cases to somehow justify the cost of gasoline. By the way, we eat, we 92nd interspersed with 95-m to adjust the octane number to what is written in the passport, and it is the 93rd. In mixed mode, it is about 9 liters per 100 kilometers.

And while you're driving around town, people pay attention, which is especially noticeable in the older generation. For example, leaving the car at the shop, you come back and you will observe the scene: two or three men looking at the car from all sides and something to discuss. A spotted the owner, be sure to ask:
- What year? A native paint? This suite? Exporting? Perhaps my grandfather got?
And you, with a smile, of course, told them that the 1987 release of the paint native. Yes, luxury, and yes, export (reinforced body). The side walls are solid, and are not divided into two parts. Of course, from his grandfather. Rarely, but I asked if I sell "Moskvich". And the answer is always "no", because the native machine, live and love, and "do not leave with your loved ones."

It is terrible to throw under the car home at night, I just can not sleep. But for your Opel, where I go every day, I do not worry. It is a means of transportation, "workhorse".

In other machines do not have that same charisma, the same smell and the sound of the motor, which is in the "Muscovites".

While I repaired and brought to mind his car, I was surprised at what a great community gathered around the "Moskvich", the enthusiasm with which all chasing scarce details and how to try to recreate the car or childhood dreams (again from my childhood). All are friendly and try to help, prompt. You see encouragement and smiles. Himself same plant AZLK sympathetic and very sorry for what is so weak in terms of production capacity and finance, and so strong in terms of engineering company failed to survive because of its location in the center of Moscow and because of the wrong people at the helm of the company in the 1990s . After AZLK engineers have created machines that participated in the rally London - Sydney and London - Mexico City, and achieve results that are now repeating KAMAZ. In the 1980s, he created a racing car for Formula 1, which has not managed to do so because of financial problems. Then he was made a prototype vehicle "Istra": the engine was a diesel, volume 1, 2 liter, fed rapeseed oil and spent only 2 liters per 100 kilometers, with an automatic transmission with a duralumin body and display on the windshield, as in modern aircraft . There were prototypes of minivans, station wagons with their own audio "Bylina" own on-board computer that you do not simply turn the light bulb Check Engine, but reported that it was in need of repair and how to fix it. There have also been instances of four-wheel drive and a plastic body panels to the frame. "Moskvich" was that very brand that can give us today a modern vehicle is not inferior to foreign analogues in design and technology.
