$ 8000 for Moskvich 2140?
Here at work today idly sat leafing through magazines. In Norway, it issued one publication, such as boards of private car sellers. It is called so as the "cars cost up to 50 000 kroons." It is currently an adequate supply in the domestic price scale Norwegian market for used cars. But turning the next page, I nearly choked on the coffee - someone is trying to sell Moskvich 2140 for 49 thousand Norwegian kroner, which translated into our money is worth about 250 thousand rubles (at the rate of about 1: 5), or about 8 haymakers American Taller. Here's an example photo of me torn pages, but other machines- to get acquainted with the general price level, respectively, to the model and year of manufacture.
3 will illustrate
the other side of a leaf:
3 will illustrate

the other side of a leaf:
