IZh'i which never saw the light of (33 + lots of pictures of the text)
In mid-1965, the Ministry of Defense Industry has arisen
Plan - set up production of "Muscovites" in Izhevsk. The assembly had to be developed in an unfinished until the time "frozen" housing factory "Progress", which is supposed to run to surround the newly built production, which was to ensure the release of 220 ths. Cars a year.
Amazingly, right in the same 1965 Izhevsk defense industry
tried to create for the plant and its own model of the car.
The team of professionals who know the capabilities of the equipment
the first stage of the plant, designed and built the original even
a two-door car, named each other "Winter" ("Plant
Izhevsk small cars "). In March 1966 he saw the light
"Winter-II» from the four-body. Both options have a frame
body design and easy, all the panels which produced
by rolling and bending. Some elements were borrowed from
"Moskvich-408" (for example frames of doors, hood, glass). By
Sorry, no sample has been preserved.
The decisions of the XXIII Congress of the CPSU emphasized the need
rapid appreciation of the needs of the population in small-
passenger cars, and soon adopted a program of
the automotive industry, providing new construction and
modernization of old car factories.
Opinions about where will the "people's car", the then
the rulers of countries were different. Some of them believed that
solve the problem of the purchase of licenses and the organization of production
foreign model (as has been realized with the help of FIAT in
Togliatti) and DF Ustinov (Member of the Politburo and Secretary of Defense
industry) insisted that "without contacting
capitalists ", in the right quantities to produce domestic
runabout on the newly established production site of one of the
subordinate factories. Life was such that a new
Plant in Togliatti, and car production in Izhevsk got
start in life.
All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Technical
Aesthetics (VNIITE) is not sitting idly by: artist-designer of
Eduard Molchanov 1967g.predlozhil in its version of the future, "IgE" visibly
reminiscent of the avant-garde «AMC-Gremlin», then started buyout
produced in America.
In 1970, the WHA began only for the future, "Niva" and Izhevsk
already by 1969 he was almost ready the first four-wheel drive model of the "IL-5».
The work on IL-5 Udmurt designers helps professionals
Us. The main feature of the machine steel monocoque - a new,
bold decision for a car of this class, as well as the original
transfer case.
Designers refused the intermediate shaft between the boxes
transmission and transfer case, reducing noise and vibration transmission. Also
of the front axle and "razdatkoy" ruled by one
lever. The front independent suspension is an amplified
"Moskvichovskuyu", and the rear - torsion is compact.
In the IL-5 was 412 th Ufa engine. But increasing traffic
clearance, developers are faced with the fact that the engine is simply not
found room height under the hood. We had to change the intake
manifold and set horizontal carburetor "Solex».
Of course, angular body could not be attributed to the masterpieces
design, but only a prototype of IL-5 was nothing more than riding
concept. Besides its founders were forced to navigate
the ability of the plant and the body panels are designed so that
dispense with the production of high-power presses, deep drawing
The next project was polnoprivodnika "IL-14" with a cute
a body of work of Vladimir Saveliev. The new transfer case
let alone one arm includes a front axle, rear
or both together with the reduction gear. Front suspension
still it based on "moskvichovskoy", although the drawings
there was also a variant of the "McPherson". The first samples were as
"Five", with torsion rear suspension, but designers, remembering
Unification with "Moskvich-412", yet settled on its springs.
IL-14 prototype was ready in the summer of 1972.
Izhevsk designers even slightly overtaken Tolyatti colleagues. In
May 1972 there was a model of the future "Niva" in 1: 5 scale.
However, in April, we have already completed the two open test VAZ-E2121
"Crocodiles", as they were called at the plant, accumulating a lot of experience for
continuation of the work.
IL-14 had yet to bring and bring and prepare production - and
This was a major snag. Izhevsk plant disobeyed
Minavtoprom and belonged to "defense industry", for which the passenger
cars have been a matter of secondary importance. It is said that one of the
Meetings minister bluntly said that his main task is to put on
production of a new tank, but not cars. Besides
the degree of commonality with the "Moskvich-412" was not very high.
Interior "IL-14" luxury, of course, did not shine, but was quite
the spirit of his time - a minimalist and functional. Please
focus on a single transfer box lever sticking
at the bottom left of the gearbox casing.
From February 16 to 16 October 1974 at the landfill near Dmitrov
were tested VAZ-2121 and IL-14. At different stages of
drew comparisons UAZ-469, LuAZ-969, "Land Rover" and
"Range Rover". Of course, IL largely lost "Niva". She
showed a maximum speed of 130 km / h, and the Izhevsk coupe -
120 km / h (in the terms of reference at all was recorded 115 km / h), up to 100 km / h
"Field" dispersed for 22, 1, and "14 minutes" - 30 5 sec. Worse was also
handling. At the same time IL as VAZ, in many respects
significantly ahead of UAZ he differed good ergonomics,
However, in 1974, everyone already knew: whatever the outcome
Test IL-14 fate decided - in production, he will not go. Money
the plant is not given, the two-Utility classmates in one
planned economy to get on was impossible. And the director of VAZ Polyakov
He convinced the government that the Volga plant more opportunities
for finishing and putting on the conveyor of VAZ-2121. For all the achievements
izhevtsev passed in Tolyatti.
But without a trace into oblivion Iz-14 is not sunk, and left a small "hello
descendants "in the form of a black radiator grille with round headlights,
which got as a result of the restyling 1982goda conveyor
In parallel with the project designers were polnoprivodnika Izhevsk
development of a new car with ostromodnye those years
body "combi". IL-13 was developed from 1970 to 1971. Rounded
Profile forms are replaced by flat surfaces from the front. Please
attention to window sills line - quite daring at the time
godsend. Podshtampovka bonnet, spare wheel covers,
chrome door handles. In general, the car produces quite
complete and benevolent impression. Solid image. But this
development lucky even less than "the 14th": it did not come even before
production of high-grade spindle prototype. But developments
designers to design a five-door body Suitable
model "IL-2125 Combi 'saw the light in 1973.
1974 and 1975-th - it is the original design of the machine during a
energetic named "Start". The car got brave and
original "graphic quality" design.
"Iz-19 Start-Combi" was designed as a "youth" car,
make young and for the young. Ready to break off the
Quarry dynamic silhouette, trendy and still a hump on the hood,
implying (as it were) by a huge V-shaped with six
Drop-down the nose of the car was like a wedge cleaving
space behind the window-sill line rising and four
twin circular headlights, forcing tremble young Soviet
heart. But such a car could not be let out to the masses,
too revolutionary it seemed "old guard" functionaries
automotive industry (and even more so - the Ministry of Defence).
The end of the '70s marked the beginning of work on the all-union martyr -
Izh 2126. The first prototype of the IL in 2126 wore the symbol "T". Established
in 1978-79g. the young designers of the plant, the machine for the first time embodied
an original layout solutions. Its interior is made larger and
spacious like the "Volga". To increase the usable width and reduce
aerodynamic drag introduced Curved side windows and
strongly inclined windshield.
To reduce the length of the vehicle (and thus make it cheaper and
lighter) moved the engine to the right and closer to the front legs
passenger. So it managed to "dilute" block pedal mechanism
motor and gear change mechanism. Gearshift
Located directly on the housing of the box. PPC upgraded from
Model 412, introduced to replace the rack and pinion and worm
dual-circuit brake system. The car was designed based
difficult road conditions in our country. Therefore it
lever-spring front suspension with stabilizer is made of
similar to that of the model 412, which ensures the necessary
strength. Rear - original lever-spring, on longitudinal
A-arm, split at the ends, which enabled manage
without the traditional traction Panara. The springs are located behind the bridge
underneath and do not extend beyond the wheel arches. This suspension was
awarded the patent, but later it was abandoned.
A series of "T" equipped with round headlights in a block with traditional
the Izhevsk turn signals. Unusual side windows were intact,
which is why the rear went down only half. The sample was given
on tests, which identified the inevitable imperfections and
the plant began to further work on 2126.
A series of "0", presented in 1980godu - further development of an experienced
hatchback 2126 Series "T". Between its establishment in 2126 the project
finally approved, it is assigned a proper name -
"Orbit". A series of "0" had a fairly substantial differences in
Compared to its predecessor. So, completely replace the "tail»,
the car received more streamlined front part, which
mounted twin headlights of the type VAZ 2106 blinkers
We moved to a kind of integrated bumpers, though still
Just have a series of "0" change the angle of the rear windows. Thanks
This, factory workers managed to solve two problems at once: the rear window
fewer sprinkles, and increased rear doors and windows
Now divide the front and made fully retractable.
What only designs exterior tried who only
I did not work on the interior, as the name was suggested
("Katran", "Orbit", "Ode")! What happened in the end - all
It is known. But what was the way to go! From the square and awkward cars with
round headlights to the rounded square (however, also
Naturally, only one body type "hatchback" the authors
"Orbits" were not going to be limited, and therefore, were working on
finding new guises, "Izh 2126" with other bodies.
Subject motomobiley always been relevant to the automobile, the entrance to
group of companies "Izhmash". There is an aggregate basis, has ideas and
creativity, finally, car production. Because
there were various options for beach and city wagons
motorcycle engine and a plastic body. But the heyday of
Topic microcars reached in the mid-80s.
Getting up on the conveyor belt in 1991, Izh 2126 have demanded
restyling and designers "Izhmash" continued on his drawings
try a variety of optics, machine and dream on new
But - alas! - No artistic tricks do not return the youth
project, which was released one and a half decades later
Since the trademark "Orbit" was already registered abroad,
it was decided to change the name of not only the export version, but
and models, designed for the domestic market. Now cars
IZH-2126 called "Ode».
The story ends ...
... Begins "posthistory."
Mark "Iz" sank into oblivion. The car factory, was trying to turn
412 of the assembly plant's "Moskvich" an independent
car company, has returned to the roots. However, wood is
still appeared weak - the development of the project for the assembly of Kia not
too intense ... Factory Design Studio has been reduced and
Most design masters left to float freely on the ship
entitled «i-DESIGN». So everything is no more The following specific
than the figures of the independent design studio.
The last thing that the former had IZhmashevskie stylists do for
"Native" plant - an option offered renewal forehand and ask
agonizing "Ode".
Naturally, such assistance was useful and timely as dead
- Poultice.
Though, in this form, IL-2126 could "potoshnit" on
conveyor More a couple of years! (well what he was, in principle, the worse the same
"Volga" GAZ-24 ?! forum11/st/25/topic211204.html )
Artists of the «i-DESIGN» even sights on the next generation
"IZhey" index under the symbol "Iz-2127»
However, the "basic" version "sedan" is more like «Kia Rio» with
pridelanym clumsy suitcase luggage.
Further - silence ... © William, our Shakespeare Beware of the Car ©
27 =
28 =
29 =
Trying to suggest using an outdated chassis of the car to develop light-duty vans ...
... And minibuses.
32 =
«Igerman» - design -project of 2003.
And bonus absolutely boundless imagination pertaining to
the main theme only by authoring studio «i-DESIGN».
Plan - set up production of "Muscovites" in Izhevsk. The assembly had to be developed in an unfinished until the time "frozen" housing factory "Progress", which is supposed to run to surround the newly built production, which was to ensure the release of 220 ths. Cars a year.
Amazingly, right in the same 1965 Izhevsk defense industry
tried to create for the plant and its own model of the car.
The team of professionals who know the capabilities of the equipment
the first stage of the plant, designed and built the original even
a two-door car, named each other "Winter" ("Plant
Izhevsk small cars "). In March 1966 he saw the light
"Winter-II» from the four-body. Both options have a frame
body design and easy, all the panels which produced
by rolling and bending. Some elements were borrowed from
"Moskvich-408" (for example frames of doors, hood, glass). By
Sorry, no sample has been preserved.

The decisions of the XXIII Congress of the CPSU emphasized the need
rapid appreciation of the needs of the population in small-
passenger cars, and soon adopted a program of
the automotive industry, providing new construction and
modernization of old car factories.
Opinions about where will the "people's car", the then
the rulers of countries were different. Some of them believed that
solve the problem of the purchase of licenses and the organization of production
foreign model (as has been realized with the help of FIAT in
Togliatti) and DF Ustinov (Member of the Politburo and Secretary of Defense
industry) insisted that "without contacting
capitalists ", in the right quantities to produce domestic
runabout on the newly established production site of one of the
subordinate factories. Life was such that a new
Plant in Togliatti, and car production in Izhevsk got
start in life.
All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Technical
Aesthetics (VNIITE) is not sitting idly by: artist-designer of
Eduard Molchanov 1967g.predlozhil in its version of the future, "IgE" visibly
reminiscent of the avant-garde «AMC-Gremlin», then started buyout
produced in America.

In 1970, the WHA began only for the future, "Niva" and Izhevsk
already by 1969 he was almost ready the first four-wheel drive model of the "IL-5».
The work on IL-5 Udmurt designers helps professionals
Us. The main feature of the machine steel monocoque - a new,
bold decision for a car of this class, as well as the original
transfer case.
Designers refused the intermediate shaft between the boxes
transmission and transfer case, reducing noise and vibration transmission. Also
of the front axle and "razdatkoy" ruled by one
lever. The front independent suspension is an amplified
"Moskvichovskuyu", and the rear - torsion is compact.
In the IL-5 was 412 th Ufa engine. But increasing traffic
clearance, developers are faced with the fact that the engine is simply not
found room height under the hood. We had to change the intake
manifold and set horizontal carburetor "Solex».
Of course, angular body could not be attributed to the masterpieces
design, but only a prototype of IL-5 was nothing more than riding
concept. Besides its founders were forced to navigate
the ability of the plant and the body panels are designed so that
dispense with the production of high-power presses, deep drawing

The next project was polnoprivodnika "IL-14" with a cute
a body of work of Vladimir Saveliev. The new transfer case
let alone one arm includes a front axle, rear
or both together with the reduction gear. Front suspension
still it based on "moskvichovskoy", although the drawings
there was also a variant of the "McPherson". The first samples were as
"Five", with torsion rear suspension, but designers, remembering
Unification with "Moskvich-412", yet settled on its springs.
IL-14 prototype was ready in the summer of 1972.
Izhevsk designers even slightly overtaken Tolyatti colleagues. In
May 1972 there was a model of the future "Niva" in 1: 5 scale.
However, in April, we have already completed the two open test VAZ-E2121
"Crocodiles", as they were called at the plant, accumulating a lot of experience for
continuation of the work.
IL-14 had yet to bring and bring and prepare production - and
This was a major snag. Izhevsk plant disobeyed
Minavtoprom and belonged to "defense industry", for which the passenger
cars have been a matter of secondary importance. It is said that one of the
Meetings minister bluntly said that his main task is to put on
production of a new tank, but not cars. Besides
the degree of commonality with the "Moskvich-412" was not very high.

Interior "IL-14" luxury, of course, did not shine, but was quite
the spirit of his time - a minimalist and functional. Please
focus on a single transfer box lever sticking
at the bottom left of the gearbox casing.

From February 16 to 16 October 1974 at the landfill near Dmitrov
were tested VAZ-2121 and IL-14. At different stages of
drew comparisons UAZ-469, LuAZ-969, "Land Rover" and
"Range Rover". Of course, IL largely lost "Niva". She
showed a maximum speed of 130 km / h, and the Izhevsk coupe -
120 km / h (in the terms of reference at all was recorded 115 km / h), up to 100 km / h
"Field" dispersed for 22, 1, and "14 minutes" - 30 5 sec. Worse was also
handling. At the same time IL as VAZ, in many respects
significantly ahead of UAZ he differed good ergonomics,
However, in 1974, everyone already knew: whatever the outcome
Test IL-14 fate decided - in production, he will not go. Money
the plant is not given, the two-Utility classmates in one
planned economy to get on was impossible. And the director of VAZ Polyakov
He convinced the government that the Volga plant more opportunities
for finishing and putting on the conveyor of VAZ-2121. For all the achievements
izhevtsev passed in Tolyatti.
But without a trace into oblivion Iz-14 is not sunk, and left a small "hello
descendants "in the form of a black radiator grille with round headlights,
which got as a result of the restyling 1982goda conveyor

In parallel with the project designers were polnoprivodnika Izhevsk
development of a new car with ostromodnye those years
body "combi". IL-13 was developed from 1970 to 1971. Rounded
Profile forms are replaced by flat surfaces from the front. Please
attention to window sills line - quite daring at the time
godsend. Podshtampovka bonnet, spare wheel covers,
chrome door handles. In general, the car produces quite
complete and benevolent impression. Solid image. But this
development lucky even less than "the 14th": it did not come even before
production of high-grade spindle prototype. But developments
designers to design a five-door body Suitable
model "IL-2125 Combi 'saw the light in 1973.

1974 and 1975-th - it is the original design of the machine during a
energetic named "Start". The car got brave and
original "graphic quality" design.

"Iz-19 Start-Combi" was designed as a "youth" car,
make young and for the young. Ready to break off the
Quarry dynamic silhouette, trendy and still a hump on the hood,
implying (as it were) by a huge V-shaped with six

Drop-down the nose of the car was like a wedge cleaving
space behind the window-sill line rising and four
twin circular headlights, forcing tremble young Soviet
heart. But such a car could not be let out to the masses,
too revolutionary it seemed "old guard" functionaries
automotive industry (and even more so - the Ministry of Defence).

The end of the '70s marked the beginning of work on the all-union martyr -
Izh 2126. The first prototype of the IL in 2126 wore the symbol "T". Established
in 1978-79g. the young designers of the plant, the machine for the first time embodied
an original layout solutions. Its interior is made larger and
spacious like the "Volga". To increase the usable width and reduce
aerodynamic drag introduced Curved side windows and
strongly inclined windshield.

To reduce the length of the vehicle (and thus make it cheaper and
lighter) moved the engine to the right and closer to the front legs
passenger. So it managed to "dilute" block pedal mechanism
motor and gear change mechanism. Gearshift
Located directly on the housing of the box. PPC upgraded from
Model 412, introduced to replace the rack and pinion and worm
dual-circuit brake system. The car was designed based
difficult road conditions in our country. Therefore it
lever-spring front suspension with stabilizer is made of
similar to that of the model 412, which ensures the necessary
strength. Rear - original lever-spring, on longitudinal
A-arm, split at the ends, which enabled manage
without the traditional traction Panara. The springs are located behind the bridge
underneath and do not extend beyond the wheel arches. This suspension was
awarded the patent, but later it was abandoned.

A series of "T" equipped with round headlights in a block with traditional
the Izhevsk turn signals. Unusual side windows were intact,
which is why the rear went down only half. The sample was given
on tests, which identified the inevitable imperfections and
the plant began to further work on 2126.

A series of "0", presented in 1980godu - further development of an experienced
hatchback 2126 Series "T". Between its establishment in 2126 the project
finally approved, it is assigned a proper name -
"Orbit". A series of "0" had a fairly substantial differences in
Compared to its predecessor. So, completely replace the "tail»,
the car received more streamlined front part, which
mounted twin headlights of the type VAZ 2106 blinkers
We moved to a kind of integrated bumpers, though still

Just have a series of "0" change the angle of the rear windows. Thanks
This, factory workers managed to solve two problems at once: the rear window
fewer sprinkles, and increased rear doors and windows
Now divide the front and made fully retractable.

What only designs exterior tried who only
I did not work on the interior, as the name was suggested
("Katran", "Orbit", "Ode")! What happened in the end - all
It is known. But what was the way to go! From the square and awkward cars with
round headlights to the rounded square (however, also

Naturally, only one body type "hatchback" the authors
"Orbits" were not going to be limited, and therefore, were working on
finding new guises, "Izh 2126" with other bodies.

Subject motomobiley always been relevant to the automobile, the entrance to
group of companies "Izhmash". There is an aggregate basis, has ideas and
creativity, finally, car production. Because
there were various options for beach and city wagons
motorcycle engine and a plastic body. But the heyday of
Topic microcars reached in the mid-80s.

Getting up on the conveyor belt in 1991, Izh 2126 have demanded
restyling and designers "Izhmash" continued on his drawings
try a variety of optics, machine and dream on new

But - alas! - No artistic tricks do not return the youth
project, which was released one and a half decades later

Since the trademark "Orbit" was already registered abroad,
it was decided to change the name of not only the export version, but
and models, designed for the domestic market. Now cars
IZH-2126 called "Ode».
The story ends ...

... Begins "posthistory."
Mark "Iz" sank into oblivion. The car factory, was trying to turn
412 of the assembly plant's "Moskvich" an independent
car company, has returned to the roots. However, wood is
still appeared weak - the development of the project for the assembly of Kia not
too intense ... Factory Design Studio has been reduced and
Most design masters left to float freely on the ship
entitled «i-DESIGN». So everything is no more The following specific
than the figures of the independent design studio.
The last thing that the former had IZhmashevskie stylists do for
"Native" plant - an option offered renewal forehand and ask
agonizing "Ode".

Naturally, such assistance was useful and timely as dead
- Poultice.

Though, in this form, IL-2126 could "potoshnit" on
conveyor More a couple of years! (well what he was, in principle, the worse the same
"Volga" GAZ-24 ?! forum11/st/25/topic211204.html )

Artists of the «i-DESIGN» even sights on the next generation
"IZhey" index under the symbol "Iz-2127»

However, the "basic" version "sedan" is more like «Kia Rio» with
pridelanym clumsy suitcase luggage.

Further - silence ... © William, our Shakespeare Beware of the Car ©
27 =

28 =

29 =

Trying to suggest using an outdated chassis of the car to develop light-duty vans ...

... And minibuses.

32 =

«Igerman» - design -project of 2003.

And bonus absolutely boundless imagination pertaining to
the main theme only by authoring studio «i-DESIGN».
