I was convinced that my companion is the best! It all depends on a simple indicator...
A pattern between the date of birth of the person and his fate definitely exists. Proof of this are the various horoscopes. If you want to understand the nature of men, then pay attention to the month of his birth! As it turned out, this simple factor affects the nature of men in General, determines his attitude toward family, work, love.
The editors of "Site" is offering you to finally understand the mysteries of the male psychology and make sure that your man is certainly the best!
Traits men
These facts are not scientifically proven, but they still have some truth, right? Share these interesting arguments with friends, they certainly will entertain such a view for a male character!
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Try this first! To WRITE an ARTICLE the Author
Christina Mironyuk Fan of painting, especially Monet and Klimt. Loves movies, appreciates the music on vinyl. The architecture and sculpture that inspires inquisitive personality round the clock! Christina has been studying digital technology for prosthetics in dentistry. The girl chooses minimalism and simplicity in the interior, and in life. Inspiring mountain view and the book "Twenty thousand leagues under the sea" by Jules Verne — that is necessary for the happiness of our charming author!
The editors of "Site" is offering you to finally understand the mysteries of the male psychology and make sure that your man is certainly the best!

Traits men
- January
The first month of the year gives men great will power, ambition, ambition. The January man makes the life of his companion stable and comfortable. However, men born in January, stingy on romantic and unexpected, because following the exact schedule is paramount. So not everyone can find a common language with them. In relations with the January husband need to show less arrogance and endless patience. He is somewhat selfish and can threaten relationships with family and friends. But when it comes to work, the January man has no equal: he is calm, stable and very hardworking. - February
The February man is a real altruist, the idealist and romantic. If you're lucky enough to be a Muse for this poetic soul — rejoice! Because the family for February's husband — a true sanctuary. In the quite stubborn, does not consider it necessary to listen to other people's advice. By the way, the ability of such men is often revealed after 30 years.
- March
Male, born in March, is a wise and level-headed intellectual. March men are very resourceful, have an inexhaustible imagination and constantly seek to improve yourself and others. Can easily get out of difficult situations, it can rapidly make the right decisions. Such men love the life and try to get from her maximum pleasure. So in matters of love, they are often windy. - April
The man born this month, aims to achieve recognition in the society and build a successful career. He is a man of action. Whatever this man, sooner or later he will become a skilled master of his craft. In relationships he is romantic, passionate and absolutely not jealous. Calm, flexible and conscientious man April is definitely a favorite mother in law!
- May
A man may be a true aesthete. He has a weakness for good music, beautiful things and elegant women. Having fallen in love, he surrounds the object of passion with care and attention. Although often yields to temptation and can go on cheating. As a rule, may a man successful at work, confident. Likes to do mental work, so the intellectual side of life touches him more everyday. - June
June man is a freedom-loving individualist. He knows what he wants, and the rapidly to that moves. A very talented and resourceful, he easily finds a way out of a difficult situation. The first month of summer makes a man passionate, amorous and terribly jealous. So male, born in June, not may, without residue to leave the relationship, he constantly suffers from his own baseless jealousy.
- July
Men born in July, are the most caring family men and faithful husbands. Although the nature of them is quite hard and cynical. July man is assertive and aggressive in achieving goals. At the same time for the hard shell hides an incredible honesty and integrity. Such a man will never betray and will always keep his word. - August
The August man is a family man, a faithful husband and attentive father. As a true knight, he's ready to help the weak and restore justice. Has high intelligence and a flexible mind is a great Manager and leader. With regard to matters of love, the man born in late summer, picks lady love once and for life. Because of this he often suffers from unrequited love.
- September
Men Sep very windy person, today they want one thing, and tomorrow — completely different. And this trait extends to all spheres of life. At the same time, these men have a keen mind, quick wit and incredible artistry. Very attached to family, but at home I prefer to give the leadership position to his wife. After the September male just loves to take care of him! - October
The October man has incredible warmth, sincerity and, oddly enough, the moodiness. This guy has highly developed logical thinking, intuition and leadership abilities. Likes to lead both at work and at home. Love the October man romantic and tender. Appreciate honesty in relationships, because a negative attitude to change. Because love is responsibility and serious commitment.
- November
Male, born in November, has a very strong character. His charisma is admired all around! His character was very positive: a good conversationalist, a loyal friend, romantic lover, a loving father... What more could you want? But wait to jump to conclusions! Have a good try, to tame a man, because he just loves liberty and is in no hurry to tie down the knot. - December
The representative of strong sex born in December, incredibly hard-working and able to perform the most difficult work. As a true adventurer, he loves all kinds of travel and adventure, constantly seeking to develop and get new experience. The December man is a family man, an attentive husband and caring father. Seeks to provide for the family and he is doing great. However, to motivate this man should not limit his freedom. Because life is on a short leash will destroy his strongest quality.
These facts are not scientifically proven, but they still have some truth, right? Share these interesting arguments with friends, they certainly will entertain such a view for a male character!
Now everyone can publish articles
Try this first! To WRITE an ARTICLE the Author

Christina Mironyuk Fan of painting, especially Monet and Klimt. Loves movies, appreciates the music on vinyl. The architecture and sculpture that inspires inquisitive personality round the clock! Christina has been studying digital technology for prosthetics in dentistry. The girl chooses minimalism and simplicity in the interior, and in life. Inspiring mountain view and the book "Twenty thousand leagues under the sea" by Jules Verne — that is necessary for the happiness of our charming author!
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