Those who have not experienced a "midlife crisis"
Having survived the crisis of the thirtieth anniversary, I want to say something that has accumulated on the road to those who.
Eat every day, not less than one kilogram of raw vegetables and fruits.
Nail down any rules except one - to sleep at least 8 hours a day, at least until you become an elephant. Elephant enough four hours.
Stop believing that you can get better.
Try to survive all the most powerful of alcohol or drugs to his 30 years. Believe me, skipping this age, there will be a lot more interesting things than before.
Be sure to travel.
Differs mainly from the important. And feel free to throw away important to you somehow spent all his or someone else's time.
Talk to anyone in any situation as if it were sitting next to his parents.
Happened to you yet a lot of good and bad in this life, but the most stupid thing that can happen to you - hope. Replace them with intent or discard.
Work out what you want. Even if you had not run a marathon, you do not sit down on a twine and do not open all the chakras at once, you will have a powerful reason to be proud of themselves.
Dance and sing, even if you do it's just disgusting.
Always try when you make gifts, spend time on it, and the feeling brain.
Even if you have a lot of children go Affairs, find a half-hour each day to be alone and in silence.
More touch people. Always stretch the arm when a friend, hug when meeting friends.
Do not believe that there is something you deserve, we have no one and nothing should just be always grateful.
Best thanks to this joy. Rejoice always loved, raduyte parents and gave joy to friends.
If you have bad habits, if not reproach myself for them or discontinue them.
When making love - you look into the eyes of another person.
Learn to two things - to be honest, what you want to say "no».
Do not wait for the fun, it does not come by itself, you start to do it themselves.
Do not follow the news.
Remove from my phone all applications other than SMS, flashlight and receive calls. Believe me, smart, talented and successful people did not exist smartphone.
Control the bad emotions and never hold back good.
Do not go to the solarium.
Do not discuss the bad news and gossip with their friends, if you or someone does not really need help.
Try not to keep the house meat, desserts and alcohol. Leave it as mischief and consciously eat in restaurants.
Once a year, pass a medical examination. If only out of interest.
Get a pet.
Read the available scientific articles.
Stop seriously treat appearance. Buy a silly hat or a jacket in pink pants peas or bananas. And best of all at once.
Spend large sums not something that can be put in a pocket or case. Spend on education, travel, good massage therapist.
Stop thinking only about themselves. Not interested in thinking about the same thirty years.
via oxana.ivaschcenko
Eat every day, not less than one kilogram of raw vegetables and fruits.
Nail down any rules except one - to sleep at least 8 hours a day, at least until you become an elephant. Elephant enough four hours.
Stop believing that you can get better.
Try to survive all the most powerful of alcohol or drugs to his 30 years. Believe me, skipping this age, there will be a lot more interesting things than before.
Be sure to travel.
Differs mainly from the important. And feel free to throw away important to you somehow spent all his or someone else's time.
Talk to anyone in any situation as if it were sitting next to his parents.
Happened to you yet a lot of good and bad in this life, but the most stupid thing that can happen to you - hope. Replace them with intent or discard.
Work out what you want. Even if you had not run a marathon, you do not sit down on a twine and do not open all the chakras at once, you will have a powerful reason to be proud of themselves.

Dance and sing, even if you do it's just disgusting.
Always try when you make gifts, spend time on it, and the feeling brain.
Even if you have a lot of children go Affairs, find a half-hour each day to be alone and in silence.
More touch people. Always stretch the arm when a friend, hug when meeting friends.
Do not believe that there is something you deserve, we have no one and nothing should just be always grateful.
Best thanks to this joy. Rejoice always loved, raduyte parents and gave joy to friends.
If you have bad habits, if not reproach myself for them or discontinue them.
When making love - you look into the eyes of another person.
Learn to two things - to be honest, what you want to say "no».
Do not wait for the fun, it does not come by itself, you start to do it themselves.
Do not follow the news.
Remove from my phone all applications other than SMS, flashlight and receive calls. Believe me, smart, talented and successful people did not exist smartphone.
Control the bad emotions and never hold back good.
Do not go to the solarium.
Do not discuss the bad news and gossip with their friends, if you or someone does not really need help.
Try not to keep the house meat, desserts and alcohol. Leave it as mischief and consciously eat in restaurants.
Once a year, pass a medical examination. If only out of interest.
Get a pet.
Read the available scientific articles.
Stop seriously treat appearance. Buy a silly hat or a jacket in pink pants peas or bananas. And best of all at once.
Spend large sums not something that can be put in a pocket or case. Spend on education, travel, good massage therapist.
Stop thinking only about themselves. Not interested in thinking about the same thirty years.
via oxana.ivaschcenko