Crises in relationships by year: how not to break, and grow together

Why crises are not the end, but a new stage
Family crises are like storms in the ocean of relationships: they test the strength, but open the way to new depths. 85% of couples experience at least one major crisis in the first 10 years of marriage. Contrary to myths, these periods are not signs of collapse, but a natural mechanism for the evolution of love.
“Crisis is a bifurcation point: either you learn to dance in the rain or you keep fighting over your umbrella.”
Chronology of crises: from honeymoon to silver storms
1 year: when candy ends
The first crisis overtakes couples at the turn of 6-12 months. The hormonal “fog” of falling in love disappears, exposing household habits and mismatch of values. As the survey of 500 couples showed, the candy and bouquet period ends when:
- He leaves socks on the chandelier.
- She forgets that “veganism is temporary.”
- Total budget suddenly becomes a mathematical mystery

3-5 years: Karpman triangle in action
With children, 67% of couples experience an emotional tsunami. The roles of “victim”, “persecutor” and “rescuer” (according to the theory of transactional analysis) are rapidly changing:
The role of Symptom Mother I'm like a robot: breasts, diapers, borscht!Father "I'm jealous of Excel!" 7 years: sex, scandals and TV series
A study by the University of Smolensk found that at this stage, the emotional distance exceeds the physical in 40% of couples. Reasons:
- The syndrome of “subsistence minimum” in communication
- Accumulated grievances in the format of “emotional garbage”
- A midlife crisis in one of the partners

Survival Strategies: Don’t be afraid to be a family ninja
Stirlitsa method: the art of microsteps
Psychologists recommend 20-minute daily rituals:
- Morning coffee eyes-in-the-eyes (no phones!)
- Evening “flight analysis” in the format of “I-statements”
- Sex experiments once a month (yes, even blindfolded)
As practiced in Scandinavian countries:
- Write a claim on paper
- Burn her in a ritual bowl.
- Sing a duet of an absurd song
Candy and bouquet period
The stage of romantic idealization at the beginning of a relationship, when partners tend to ignore each other's shortcomings.
Midlife crisis
Psychological turning point (usually 35-50 years), accompanied by a reassessment of life achievements.
Empty nest syndrome
Crisis that occurs after adult children leave the parental home.