At the Court of Human
Choosing ten criminal cases recently, Esquire offers each issue its verdict the defendants and to check whether it is a real sentence.
1. You are a former senator, and you are accused in the brutal rape. At trial, you do not deny the offense, but claims that on you that day "found the devil," because you have experienced a lot of stress associated with the birth of a child in your family. You sentenced:
1) to 10 years in colony
2) to 6 years in a penal colony
3) to 4 years probation
Correct answer:
In January 2011, Zamoskvoretskiy court in Moscow sentenced to 4 years suspended imprisonment of the former representative of the Republic of Kalmykia in the Federation Council and the father of five children Igor Provkin. In July 2010, Provkin planted in his car 24-year-old Muscovite, and then beat and raped her. The Court considered a mitigating circumstance shattered emotional state of the accused.
2. You Deputy District Legislative Assembly and are friends with the head of the [next] a local gang. Once your friend killing 12 people, some of whom are children, and then trying to cover up the crime, burning the victims' bodies. Do you know about the murder and help others get rid of the evidence. You sentenced:
1) for 5 years in a penal colony
2) to 2 years conditionally
3) to a fine
Correct answer:
November 8, 2010, Sergei Sergei hoe Tsepovyaz helped cover up the murder of 12 people in the village Kushchevskaya. He burned the documents confirming the issuance of one of the members of the gang hoe gasoline, which the criminals used to burn the bodies. In May 2012 Tsepovyaz was convicted of harboring a particularly serious crime and sentenced to a fine of 150 thousand rubles.
3. You had a fight with his wife and trying to make up with her, go to the infield neighbor, where flowers tear 35. After arrest you actively cooperate with the investigation and fully admitted his guilt. You sentenced:
1) to 2 years in colony
2) to 2 years of imprisonment
3) to a fine
Correct answer:
In April 2008, a court in Gorno-Altaisk (Altai Republic) sentenced Mikhail Gavrilov night July 11, 2007 kidnapped a neighbor Natalia Belyavtseva 20 rose bushes and shrubs 15 lilies to 2 years in a penal colony. The court explained its decision by the fact that the owner of colors caused considerable material damage (more than 5 thousand rubles), and decided to isolate Gavrilova from society.
4. You - the chairman of the district court. Met on the street student who passes you practice, you invite her to accompany you, then opoiv alcohol and beating, nasiluete. You sentenced:
1) to 6 years in a penal colony
2) to 3 years in a penal colony
3) justify
Correct answer:
December 29, 2011 Usolsky City Court acquitted the Irkutsk region of the former head Mikhail Dobrintsa Cheremhovskogo district court, accused of raping a student-intern, for lack of evidence. The court ruled that the fact that sexual intercourse had taken place, but the action Dobrintsa can not be regarded as rape, since he had no such intention, being at the moment in a state of extreme intoxication.
5. You - a veterinarian. The conference appeals to you a stranger and asks a colleague to help out - to sell him the analgesic ketamine. According to him, he knows that the drug was recently banned for circulation, but without animals are not able to tolerate the surgery. You agree, but a colleague is operative Federal Drug Control Service, and you give birth to a criminal case. You sentenced:
1) 8 to 5 years in prison
2) 1 year of settlement colony
3) justify
Correct answer:
In March 2012, the St. Petersburg veterinarian Alexander Shpak was convicted of attempted sale of drugs and sentenced to 8 and 5 years in prison. One of the most effective veterinary analgesic was forbidden to free circulation in 2004 due to the fact that ketamine has been recognized psychotropic substances, and the mechanism for issuing licenses had not been worked out.
6. You are the daughter of a major regional official, the city election commission and leadership in the Party "United Russia". On your car you flagrantly violate traffic rules and shoot down two people walking on the sidewalk. One of them is invalid, the second die on the spot. You sentenced:
1) to 10 years in colony
2) to 5 years in a penal colony
3) to 3 years in prison suspended sentence
Correct answer:
In August 2010, a court in Irkutsk to 3 years in prison with 14-year grace period of punishment was sentenced Anna Shavenkova that December 2, 2009 at the Toyota Corolla car was hit on the sidewalk sisters Helen and Julia Pyatkova. The reason for the lenient sentence and its execution delay was the presence of a minor child Shavenkova.
7. You are celebrating a friend's birthday, and then get behind the wheel drunk and crashed into a police car. One staff member dies, his partner gets seriously injured. You sentenced:
1) to 10 years in colony
2) to 5 years in a penal colony
3) to 4 years probation
Correct answer:
In January 2010, a resident of Ryazan Andrei Solomatin, returning drunk from a friend's birthday, he rammed the car in which the inspector DPS Kartcev Denis and Vyacheslav Krymov. Rymov wounds died on the spot. In October 2010, the court sentenced him to 4 years imprisonment.
8. You retired from a small town. Appearing in the magistrate court building, you become a party to a conflict with one of the police officers, which in the heat of a scuffle in the forearm bite and inflict some blows bag. You sentenced:
1) to 2 years in prison
2) to 2 years of imprisonment
3) to a fine
Correct answer:
In October 2011, 59-year-old Cooper Love Bashkir city of Oktyabrsky was sentenced to 2 years in prison. After signing in 2 to 5 months, a pensioner, which exacerbated chronic diseases, was released under a subscription.
9. You're the head of the Board of Deputies of a small village, a member of the party "United Russia" and master the sport of boxing. Passing through the city, you will notice two young people crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing in front of your car. Stop the machine, and you go out with his son brutally beat them. You sentenced:
1) administrative arrest
2) to one year of probation
3) You recognize the victim in the case, and the victims of the accused to re-classified by awarding them fines and corrective work
Correct answer:
In May 2012 Mozhajskij City Court found Igor Aranson deputy injured in the incident and granted his counterclaim to their brothers beaten Zorin. As a result, Anton Zorin was sentenced to a fine, and his brother Andrei Zorin to 3 months of corrective labor. Since the Court considered a mutual fight, Igor Aranson was sentenced to one year of probation, but the verdict is not yet in force, since his lawyers appealed Aranson.
10. You are a priest of many children. In the midst of Advent, while driving while intoxicated, you knock at the bus stop a mother of two children, who are killed on the spot. Afraid you offer native dead money, but they refuse to take them. You sentenced:
1) to 8 years in a penal colony
2) to 4 years in a penal colony
3) to 2 years probation and a driving ban
Correct answer:
In spring 2008, a priest from the village of Valery Arodaev Zaplavnoe Bor District of Samara Region received a suspended sentence. The Court considered such punishment possible, entering the defendant's position: at the time Arodaev three children and his wife is expecting twins.
Taken here: esquire.ru/test-82
Source: http: //
1. You are a former senator, and you are accused in the brutal rape. At trial, you do not deny the offense, but claims that on you that day "found the devil," because you have experienced a lot of stress associated with the birth of a child in your family. You sentenced:
1) to 10 years in colony
2) to 6 years in a penal colony
3) to 4 years probation
Correct answer:
In January 2011, Zamoskvoretskiy court in Moscow sentenced to 4 years suspended imprisonment of the former representative of the Republic of Kalmykia in the Federation Council and the father of five children Igor Provkin. In July 2010, Provkin planted in his car 24-year-old Muscovite, and then beat and raped her. The Court considered a mitigating circumstance shattered emotional state of the accused.
2. You Deputy District Legislative Assembly and are friends with the head of the [next] a local gang. Once your friend killing 12 people, some of whom are children, and then trying to cover up the crime, burning the victims' bodies. Do you know about the murder and help others get rid of the evidence. You sentenced:
1) for 5 years in a penal colony
2) to 2 years conditionally
3) to a fine
Correct answer:
November 8, 2010, Sergei Sergei hoe Tsepovyaz helped cover up the murder of 12 people in the village Kushchevskaya. He burned the documents confirming the issuance of one of the members of the gang hoe gasoline, which the criminals used to burn the bodies. In May 2012 Tsepovyaz was convicted of harboring a particularly serious crime and sentenced to a fine of 150 thousand rubles.
3. You had a fight with his wife and trying to make up with her, go to the infield neighbor, where flowers tear 35. After arrest you actively cooperate with the investigation and fully admitted his guilt. You sentenced:
1) to 2 years in colony
2) to 2 years of imprisonment
3) to a fine
Correct answer:
In April 2008, a court in Gorno-Altaisk (Altai Republic) sentenced Mikhail Gavrilov night July 11, 2007 kidnapped a neighbor Natalia Belyavtseva 20 rose bushes and shrubs 15 lilies to 2 years in a penal colony. The court explained its decision by the fact that the owner of colors caused considerable material damage (more than 5 thousand rubles), and decided to isolate Gavrilova from society.
4. You - the chairman of the district court. Met on the street student who passes you practice, you invite her to accompany you, then opoiv alcohol and beating, nasiluete. You sentenced:
1) to 6 years in a penal colony
2) to 3 years in a penal colony
3) justify
Correct answer:
December 29, 2011 Usolsky City Court acquitted the Irkutsk region of the former head Mikhail Dobrintsa Cheremhovskogo district court, accused of raping a student-intern, for lack of evidence. The court ruled that the fact that sexual intercourse had taken place, but the action Dobrintsa can not be regarded as rape, since he had no such intention, being at the moment in a state of extreme intoxication.
5. You - a veterinarian. The conference appeals to you a stranger and asks a colleague to help out - to sell him the analgesic ketamine. According to him, he knows that the drug was recently banned for circulation, but without animals are not able to tolerate the surgery. You agree, but a colleague is operative Federal Drug Control Service, and you give birth to a criminal case. You sentenced:
1) 8 to 5 years in prison
2) 1 year of settlement colony
3) justify
Correct answer:
In March 2012, the St. Petersburg veterinarian Alexander Shpak was convicted of attempted sale of drugs and sentenced to 8 and 5 years in prison. One of the most effective veterinary analgesic was forbidden to free circulation in 2004 due to the fact that ketamine has been recognized psychotropic substances, and the mechanism for issuing licenses had not been worked out.
6. You are the daughter of a major regional official, the city election commission and leadership in the Party "United Russia". On your car you flagrantly violate traffic rules and shoot down two people walking on the sidewalk. One of them is invalid, the second die on the spot. You sentenced:
1) to 10 years in colony
2) to 5 years in a penal colony
3) to 3 years in prison suspended sentence
Correct answer:
In August 2010, a court in Irkutsk to 3 years in prison with 14-year grace period of punishment was sentenced Anna Shavenkova that December 2, 2009 at the Toyota Corolla car was hit on the sidewalk sisters Helen and Julia Pyatkova. The reason for the lenient sentence and its execution delay was the presence of a minor child Shavenkova.
7. You are celebrating a friend's birthday, and then get behind the wheel drunk and crashed into a police car. One staff member dies, his partner gets seriously injured. You sentenced:
1) to 10 years in colony
2) to 5 years in a penal colony
3) to 4 years probation
Correct answer:
In January 2010, a resident of Ryazan Andrei Solomatin, returning drunk from a friend's birthday, he rammed the car in which the inspector DPS Kartcev Denis and Vyacheslav Krymov. Rymov wounds died on the spot. In October 2010, the court sentenced him to 4 years imprisonment.
8. You retired from a small town. Appearing in the magistrate court building, you become a party to a conflict with one of the police officers, which in the heat of a scuffle in the forearm bite and inflict some blows bag. You sentenced:
1) to 2 years in prison
2) to 2 years of imprisonment
3) to a fine
Correct answer:
In October 2011, 59-year-old Cooper Love Bashkir city of Oktyabrsky was sentenced to 2 years in prison. After signing in 2 to 5 months, a pensioner, which exacerbated chronic diseases, was released under a subscription.
9. You're the head of the Board of Deputies of a small village, a member of the party "United Russia" and master the sport of boxing. Passing through the city, you will notice two young people crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing in front of your car. Stop the machine, and you go out with his son brutally beat them. You sentenced:
1) administrative arrest
2) to one year of probation
3) You recognize the victim in the case, and the victims of the accused to re-classified by awarding them fines and corrective work
Correct answer:
In May 2012 Mozhajskij City Court found Igor Aranson deputy injured in the incident and granted his counterclaim to their brothers beaten Zorin. As a result, Anton Zorin was sentenced to a fine, and his brother Andrei Zorin to 3 months of corrective labor. Since the Court considered a mutual fight, Igor Aranson was sentenced to one year of probation, but the verdict is not yet in force, since his lawyers appealed Aranson.
10. You are a priest of many children. In the midst of Advent, while driving while intoxicated, you knock at the bus stop a mother of two children, who are killed on the spot. Afraid you offer native dead money, but they refuse to take them. You sentenced:
1) to 8 years in a penal colony
2) to 4 years in a penal colony
3) to 2 years probation and a driving ban
Correct answer:
In spring 2008, a priest from the village of Valery Arodaev Zaplavnoe Bor District of Samara Region received a suspended sentence. The Court considered such punishment possible, entering the defendant's position: at the time Arodaev three children and his wife is expecting twins.
Taken here: esquire.ru/test-82
Source: http: //