I'll sue! 10 facts about the most ridiculous lawsuits
This is not a court, this is the show for some! The site offers a selection of crazy lawsuits povodam.1 completely unexpected. The thing about sex during DTP
Kentucky American filed a lawsuit against the local brewing company, accusing them of false advertising. Advertising beer promised to make him happy and successful man, but how much he drank no beer, luck was not. His statement the court accepted and promised to consider.
3. How to make money on their own rebenke
Texas resident Kathleen Robertson, while in the furniture store, broke her leg tripped over his own child. In court, she is naturally handed to the owner of the shop, and strangely enough, has won the case. Furniture store paid her 80,000 dollars. Okay.
4. Case of prizrake
In the state of Michigan examined the case of the former husband. My wife says that she respects her husband and wants him compensation of $ 1 million. Dollars. The Case of the matter is that a poor defendant died 15 years ago.
5. Case of bliznetsah
Black Americans sued Michael Jordan for mental suffering experienced by because that is very similar to basketball star.
6. Case of the balance of power in Vselennoy
Not long ago, NASA got in his address a claim from a Russian astrologer Marina Bai. Russian has demanded compensation of 200 000 000 $ for the fact that the agency had violated the natural balance of forces in the universe. She claimed that NASA launch your space probe Deep Impact just committed an act of terrorism: the fact that the machine had to face the comet after the explosion and take samples of the substance.
A Moscow court decided that the case is under the jurisdiction of Russia, it was even held hearings on the matter. But in the end the claim was rejected.
7. Case of razvode
American surgeon Richard Batista demanded a divorce from his ex-wife ... kidney. The fact that a few years ago he donated to her own body and thus saved her life. In case of default the kidneys, he demanded compensation of 1, 5 million dollars.
8. sues Boga
Nebraska Senator filed a lawsuit against God for the many destruction, the death of millions of people, and other atrocities that have taken place with the knowledge of the Supreme Being.
The local district judge refused to consider the case because, according to the rules, the defendant must be notified by the plaintiff about his lawsuit, which is difficult from a legal point of view.
9. The case of a failed suitside
The young man tried to commit suicide by jumping under the wheels of a subway train in New York City. The attempt failed, the man saved, and then he sued the city, because they had received injuries from hitting the train. The amount of the claim - 650 000 $.
10. Case of naslazhdenii
31-year-old Brazilian sued her lover. The lawsuit was the fact that the man does not provide her org * zmom. In a statement she said that her 38-year-old boyfriend, ends on * a marketing act before it reaches the heights of pleasure. Unfortunately temperamental lady, the court refused to consider her application.
via fishki.net/1624646-sumasshedshie-sudebnye-iski-kotorye-na-pervyj-vzgljad-kazhutsja-vymyslom.html

Kentucky American filed a lawsuit against the local brewing company, accusing them of false advertising. Advertising beer promised to make him happy and successful man, but how much he drank no beer, luck was not. His statement the court accepted and promised to consider.
3. How to make money on their own rebenke

Texas resident Kathleen Robertson, while in the furniture store, broke her leg tripped over his own child. In court, she is naturally handed to the owner of the shop, and strangely enough, has won the case. Furniture store paid her 80,000 dollars. Okay.
4. Case of prizrake

In the state of Michigan examined the case of the former husband. My wife says that she respects her husband and wants him compensation of $ 1 million. Dollars. The Case of the matter is that a poor defendant died 15 years ago.
5. Case of bliznetsah

Black Americans sued Michael Jordan for mental suffering experienced by because that is very similar to basketball star.
6. Case of the balance of power in Vselennoy

Not long ago, NASA got in his address a claim from a Russian astrologer Marina Bai. Russian has demanded compensation of 200 000 000 $ for the fact that the agency had violated the natural balance of forces in the universe. She claimed that NASA launch your space probe Deep Impact just committed an act of terrorism: the fact that the machine had to face the comet after the explosion and take samples of the substance.
A Moscow court decided that the case is under the jurisdiction of Russia, it was even held hearings on the matter. But in the end the claim was rejected.
7. Case of razvode

American surgeon Richard Batista demanded a divorce from his ex-wife ... kidney. The fact that a few years ago he donated to her own body and thus saved her life. In case of default the kidneys, he demanded compensation of 1, 5 million dollars.
8. sues Boga

Nebraska Senator filed a lawsuit against God for the many destruction, the death of millions of people, and other atrocities that have taken place with the knowledge of the Supreme Being.
The local district judge refused to consider the case because, according to the rules, the defendant must be notified by the plaintiff about his lawsuit, which is difficult from a legal point of view.
9. The case of a failed suitside

The young man tried to commit suicide by jumping under the wheels of a subway train in New York City. The attempt failed, the man saved, and then he sued the city, because they had received injuries from hitting the train. The amount of the claim - 650 000 $.
10. Case of naslazhdenii

31-year-old Brazilian sued her lover. The lawsuit was the fact that the man does not provide her org * zmom. In a statement she said that her 38-year-old boyfriend, ends on * a marketing act before it reaches the heights of pleasure. Unfortunately temperamental lady, the court refused to consider her application.
via fishki.net/1624646-sumasshedshie-sudebnye-iski-kotorye-na-pervyj-vzgljad-kazhutsja-vymyslom.html
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