Professional legal assistance even in hopeless debt collection cases

Not every law firm can boast of a high percentage of court cases won and disputes resolved out of court. The specialists of the law firm "Aspect" take on matters related to financial responsibility. The level of professionalism of all employees is proved by the percentage of cases won - exceeds 82.5%. Each lawyer from the agency "Aspect" has many years of experience in law enforcement agencies and the judicial system. This condition made it possible to achieve high results in winning hopeless cases - 73%. The company's clients receive reliable protection in the following cases:
- if they suffer from the actions of fraudsters (these can be both business partners and clients);
- if you need to identify those who are hiding from paying taxes;
- when filing for bankruptcy or restructuring of bank debt;
- in case of unlawful collection of material debt;
- if collection of debts for utilities is carried out.
They also have a great chance of solving their financial problem out of court - more than 30%.

Competent legal assistance from certified specialists Employees of a law firm believe that there are no hopeless situations. Even if documents are deliberately lost in fraud cases, there is practically no evidence. They have proven their position in practice. They also showed that about 1/3 of cases may not be brought to court.
Each client receives full support:
- at the pre-trial stage - while evidence is being collected;
- in the course of hearings - execution of documents, claims, representation in court;
- at the stage when you need to file an appeal.
The company "Aspect" provides its clients with guarantees in the return of illegally accrued bank and utility debts. Or the fact that debtors will certainly return certain amounts to the accounts of financial and commercial companies.
The firm's services are used by large Russian enterprises and private clients. These include government-owned companies and commercial organizations. And in each case, lawyers study the situation in detail, assess the chances of winning, predict the outcome of lawsuits.

Services for clients of the law firm "Aspect" Professionals deal with the problems of debt collection, restructuring, debt cancellation. Protect their wards from the actions of bailiffs and collection services. They do not allow creditors to commit arbitrariness, seize property, and block bank accounts.
Also, lawyers specialize in solving fraud problems. They help to find debtors. They know how to work with bailiffs. They even solve issues with criminal prosecution, for which not every law firm undertakes.

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