Legal advice
Fifty four million one hundred eighty nine thousand thirty
In the process of doing business may be necessary, in cooperation with numerous state and municipal authorities. But these authorities do not always make fair decisions regarding enterprise Affairs, often ignoring the information or interpreting it in their own way. It also happens that decisions taken by municipal authorities contrary to the law or other normative legal acts. While the employees of these institutions from time to time can take unreasonable actions relating to the owner of the enterprise or simply to do nothing that may bring losses to the enterprise. Despite the fact that such cases occur not often, they have a place even in modern time and disturb thereby granted law the rights of participants of market relations. That is why seeking professional help from a lawyer in the dispute with the municipal authorities become quite common.
As a rule, legal services https://legalsol.biz/ available in cases relating to contesting decisions of tax authorities, in cases challenging the decisions or actions of the customs authorities. And in cases that relate to the recovery from public authorities of the caused damages and in cases that involve consideration of administrative offenses.
Legal company "legal solutions" is primarily coordinated by a team of young, energetic, ambitious, but experienced Professionals. Among us – lawyers, lawyers, arbitration managers, auditors, business consultants.
A professional lawyer will help to recover overpaid customs duties, to assess the legality of the actions of the tax authority (for example, during validation), to provide advice and assistance in buying and selling securities (thereby protecting the rights of investors), to help in resolving disputes with competition authorities and many more. In court lawyers can challenge the decision of tax authority on involvement of the owner of the company to tax liability, to contest the determinations of the Antimonopoly service to resolve disputes with government property, as well as disputes with bodies such as Rospotrebnadzor, EMERCOM, Rostekhnadzor and others.
In the process of doing business may be necessary, in cooperation with numerous state and municipal authorities. But these authorities do not always make fair decisions regarding enterprise Affairs, often ignoring the information or interpreting it in their own way. It also happens that decisions taken by municipal authorities contrary to the law or other normative legal acts. While the employees of these institutions from time to time can take unreasonable actions relating to the owner of the enterprise or simply to do nothing that may bring losses to the enterprise. Despite the fact that such cases occur not often, they have a place even in modern time and disturb thereby granted law the rights of participants of market relations. That is why seeking professional help from a lawyer in the dispute with the municipal authorities become quite common.
As a rule, legal services https://legalsol.biz/ available in cases relating to contesting decisions of tax authorities, in cases challenging the decisions or actions of the customs authorities. And in cases that relate to the recovery from public authorities of the caused damages and in cases that involve consideration of administrative offenses.
Legal company "legal solutions" is primarily coordinated by a team of young, energetic, ambitious, but experienced Professionals. Among us – lawyers, lawyers, arbitration managers, auditors, business consultants.
A professional lawyer will help to recover overpaid customs duties, to assess the legality of the actions of the tax authority (for example, during validation), to provide advice and assistance in buying and selling securities (thereby protecting the rights of investors), to help in resolving disputes with competition authorities and many more. In court lawyers can challenge the decision of tax authority on involvement of the owner of the company to tax liability, to contest the determinations of the Antimonopoly service to resolve disputes with government property, as well as disputes with bodies such as Rospotrebnadzor, EMERCOM, Rostekhnadzor and others.
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