Class! Incident! List of Free State University online courses
Site publishes a list of free online courses of the Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov in the National Platform of Open Education. There is a record! Training will begin in September
Mathematical Analysis course (first semester);. Mathematical analysis. The theory of functions of one variable; Genetics; Legal support for start-ups; The Basics of astronomy; General Geology. Earth: the formation, structure, evolution; How to explain the chemistry and change the world; The World legal history. Part 1; The World legal history. Part 2; Botany: lower plants; Biophysics; Language, culture and intercultural communication; Plant Physiology; The environmental problems and sustainable development; Medical biophysics: molecules and disease
. via www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1395038697178375&set=a.620016744680578.151484.100000167752472&type=3&theater
These 10 houses on the islands - a real dream introvert!
She fell asleep in the library. Look what they did to her!