Avtoyuristy around the clock to give free advice to their clients in a difficult situation.
Fifty six million three hundred sixty nine thousand seven hundred thirty eight
Free hour consultation avtoyuristov is safety on the roads
In most cases, free consultation avtoyuristov, and clock, is required when getting into a traffic accident or incident that requires payment for insurance or CASCO. However, the activities of avtoyurist is not limited to these two broad areas. Assistance is required, for example, during customs clearance of the vehicle, in cases of payment or receipt thereof from the victims of road traffic accidents and other situations.
Avtoyuristy free consultation around the clock – case real help
It is no secret that insurance companies are commercial companies, the margin of which is formed between the mass difference of insurance premiums and payments. The insurance company upon the occurrence of a car accident to the max, trying to reduce insurance payments.
In Moscow Toyota Camry got into an accident, where members of the state traffic Inspectorate declared him guilty even though he ran a yellow traffic signal at the completion of the maneuver. The owner Martens, I. S. knew the rules of the road, his guilt is not considered. The car was insured for hull and CTP. Crashed into his Nissan patrol to the same caused bodily injury to a passenger Camry.
The situation was difficult, so the driver of the Toyota Camry called avtoyuristam, giving free hour consultation. On the advice of avtoyurist the driver of the Camry recorded in the minutes all as really happened, mentioning that he has a witness, who is temporarily in the hospital.
Hour free consultation avtoyuristov – utility treatment
The process develops in stages:
As a result of administrative judicial proceedings involving a witness of the accident (the passenger) the court took the side of the driver of the Camry. Was obliged to pay him damages in the amount of CTP, and the passenger had to pay damages to the health and moral damages under Civil law as well as grajdanskogo code and the law on insurance uvedenou into action in 1993 by government Decree.
Free hour consultation avtoyuristov is safety on the roads
In most cases, free consultation avtoyuristov, and clock, is required when getting into a traffic accident or incident that requires payment for insurance or CASCO. However, the activities of avtoyurist is not limited to these two broad areas. Assistance is required, for example, during customs clearance of the vehicle, in cases of payment or receipt thereof from the victims of road traffic accidents and other situations.
Avtoyuristy free consultation around the clock – case real help
It is no secret that insurance companies are commercial companies, the margin of which is formed between the mass difference of insurance premiums and payments. The insurance company upon the occurrence of a car accident to the max, trying to reduce insurance payments.
In Moscow Toyota Camry got into an accident, where members of the state traffic Inspectorate declared him guilty even though he ran a yellow traffic signal at the completion of the maneuver. The owner Martens, I. S. knew the rules of the road, his guilt is not considered. The car was insured for hull and CTP. Crashed into his Nissan patrol to the same caused bodily injury to a passenger Camry.
The situation was difficult, so the driver of the Toyota Camry called avtoyuristam, giving free hour consultation. On the advice of avtoyurist the driver of the Camry recorded in the minutes all as really happened, mentioning that he has a witness, who is temporarily in the hospital.
Hour free consultation avtoyuristov – utility treatment
The process develops in stages:
- filling in the protocols, the parties went to trial;
- if the driver of the Camry was just filling in the Protocol, indicating that passing on yellow traffic signal, the court hardly took his side;
- the important point was that he completed the maneuver at the intersection when it crashed;
- the driver was the witness, what he mentioned in the Protocol.
As a result of administrative judicial proceedings involving a witness of the accident (the passenger) the court took the side of the driver of the Camry. Was obliged to pay him damages in the amount of CTP, and the passenger had to pay damages to the health and moral damages under Civil law as well as grajdanskogo code and the law on insurance uvedenou into action in 1993 by government Decree.
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