Do not expect miracles from advertising.

Tom Peters once said: "If you exceptional service, you get rich so that only manage to buy bags to peretaskat money home." Too good to be true? And indeed it is. If you do all the efforts being focused on his client will be well rewarded.
Not to mention the impact that you can get from dissatisfied customers. It is on these clients, offended and outraged, are betting the market leaders. GE, Whirlpool, Coca-Cola, British Airways, eBay, Home Depot investing millions in improving the service and complaints handling.
And this makes sense. Economical. No advertising will not give you what you get, satisfying dissatisfied customers. Moreover, poor service brings advertising on no.
"All your efforts to promote, advertising and marketing can cross one rude staff member - writes in his book," A first-class service as a competitive advantage, "John Shoal. So do not expect miracles from advertising: it only brings customers to your door. Bad service makes them clap same doors.
Bonus good service
Bonus good service that you spend less customers. This means that fewer customers need to be replaced. Want to know the scale of the economy? Multiply boldly five. Why five? Because:
• clients change suppliers because of problems with the service 5 times more likely than because of dissatisfaction with the price;
• the cost of acquiring a new customer is 5 times more expensive;
• dissatisfied customers go to competitors 5 times more likely than satisfied;
However, for most businesses, these figures are not convincing. For them, investments in service - it is a pure consumption. Short-sighted approach. Service - is revenue, not expenses. Judge for yourself: the growth rate of customer retention by only 5% increase in profit by 25%.
Agree, it's worth it and to look at the truth (or rather, the figures) in the eye, having ascertained the churn in your company. Start with the fact that count:
1.Number care / customer refunds in the month / quarter / year.
2.Srednyuyu amount of purchases made new / loyal customer.
3.Prodolzhitelnost loyal customer cooperation with your company.
4.Razmer profit from a loyal customer for the entire period of work with your company.
5.Zatraty company for advertising and attracting new customers in the month / quarter / year.
6.Chislo attract new customers in the month / quarter / year.
7. The expense of the company's warranty cases, repair and reclamation.
Assess the extent of the care of clients looking for reasons to call them. The easiest way to do it - ask your former customers, talk to them and asked him to give you another chance.
Know these reasons and your staff. Ask your vendors support specialists, they can also tell you that you can return customers. And do not prompt, that is the answer, and one of the reasons for the loss of customers. And if you do this do not, after the customers and employees will run. The probability of this is confirmed by observing Forum Corporation.
Customers, employees, owners - we are all in the same boat business, and if you swim sale (funneling customers, and behind them - the staff), you systematically go to the bottom. Let bubbles deflate service.