Volgograd convicted for a shot at the bandit with a knife

In Krasnooktyabrsky District Court of Volgograd sentenced a local resident, accused of exceeding the limits of permissible defense in protecting his daughter from the attack of a large group of Caucasians, who, using as a tool of persuasion knife, tried to get the girl and her friend to join with them in a sexual relationship.
As reported in V1.ru Krasnooktyabrsky district court, during the trial it was established that the incident occurred in July of 2013. At about eleven o'clock at night volgogradets he was at home when his cell phone rang her daughter and said that at her friend attacked by unknown guys. She said that the house is located opposite the street Titov Krasnooktyabrsky area of the city of Volgograd. Worried father, without hesitation grabbed the shotgun, loaded with live ammunition, and to rescue the daughter.
"Nineteen freshman girls walked down the street in the evening when they stopped near the car" Gazelle ", - he told the court. - From there, began to leave the boys Caucasian appearance, which, according to eyewitnesses, was not less than 10-15 people. They behaved defiantly clasped the waist of the girls, cuddle and told them about what they intend to do in respect of their sexual activity. The girls tried to escape, but they did not succeed. One of them, using a handsfree cell phone, was able to call his father, who rushed to the aid ».
The man was on the ground through in minutes - the attack on his daughter and her girlfriend was not far from his home. At this time, the scene was just two guys - the other, apparently, when a man with a gun found for the benefit of the retreat. Seeing that his daughter approaching the unknown with a knife in his hand, volgogradets made a warning shot into the air and demanded that the assailant to fall back, but he did not think to stop.
Instead, the stranger switched to the father of the victim, apparently, did not take the threat seriously and decided that he was bluffing. Approaching him at a distance of about five meters, the attacker swung a knife. To prevent actions malefactor, the girl's father shot, he shot the young man to his right leg.
The Court qualified the actions of Volgograd as intentional infliction of serious harm to health, committed at excess of limits of necessary defense, since according to the expert, the health of the injured had suffered serious damage. As the circumstances mitigating the punishment of the accused, the court took into account the recognition of guilt and remorse. As a result, the man who defended the daughter and defend himself from a group of armed robbers, was sentenced to a sentence of six months of restraint of liberty.
However, none of the attackers punishment for daring attack on the girls did not suffer. Their wounded from a gun a friend had found the victims, but trials are not, and the case eventually was reviewed without his participation. Deliver the "victim of crime" the court by force was not possible: the neighbors told the bailiffs that the young man does not live at the specified address in the indictment and is being treated in Georgia. On this last vestige of "injured party" was lost.
According to the coordinator of the national movement "gun rights" Michael Goldreera convicted necessary to achieve justice and to address the court with a lawsuit demanding to prosecute the attackers.
"Six months, restriction of liberty - it is godly, - said Mr. Goldreer. - Guys, we recaptured Voronezh and that wounded one of the robbers who attacked his house, like all "close" for five years. But we have achieved results - consequently terminated. This is progress. As for the case in Volgograd, we would like to find this person, find him a lawyer and file a counterclaim to the attacker to the full program was conducted over a consequence of this attack. And why this initiative has not shown itself prosecutor's office, under what law? Why does the attacker can not be limited even in freedom? Interesting we have justice.

Now in the State Duma is preparing to consider a bill on self-defense, the Supreme Court, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Justice and kicks against him. They are very sophisticated object, saying that it would be very difficult to distinguish in the defense of self-defense home from lynching. In no other country where this law operates, no such problem. I got on someone else's territory, and with naughty intentions were full all you should be, and no one is to blame. And we have yet to prove that the offender shot in self - defense, not a lynching.
Now there is a debate on the draft law on the website of the movement "gun rights" and the objections of the Justice Ministry, Interior Ministry and the Supreme Court discussed sarcastically. It turns out, they do not want our law enforcement officers and judges, so they were difficult. Here they are, tortured difficulties. But citizens easily. It is easier than you can imagine - to get shot by the perpetrator and rest in peace ».
The famous writer Michael Weller is also convinced that the convicted for exceeding the limits of self-defense man acted as applicable, and therefore should never have been in the dock. The very same story of the trial of the victims actually appears to him "terribly typical and painfully familiar».
"In this story, there is absolutely nothing new - said Mr. Weller V1.ru. - One can only repeat what we all know, and one more thing that is known is probably not for everyone. The first - the laws do not exist in order to be judged by the law. They exist in order to be judged by the conscience, in the framework of the law. It should be understood that the law - it is the conscience of the projection on the plane of reality.
The law - an attempt to describe, to formalize and record people's ideas of what should be an ideal and fair. That is our idea of justice - primary and law - is secondary. Law - is derived from them. But as the plane of reality - not flat as a table, and bumpy, and in each case there are its own peculiarities, that for this court and should have a conscience, and to take into account all the circumstances.
Next time - is quite clear that the court must be absolutely independent. Since courts are absolutely independent, all the talk about justice - no more than the usual hypocrisy.
Second - it is clear that in the course of many centuries in all the decent countries, any serious cases are treated the jury. And the jury is absolutely independent, and decisions of the jury can not cancel one, up to the sovereign-emperor. Since we do not have anything like that, for justice we can not go.

Third - the nationality of the attackers and their religion have not the slightest importance. If they were Eskimos, Australian Aborigines, Chinese or their Russian Slavs - the law should be all completely alone. The only difference is that the mentality of different peoples somewhat different, and if the Russian Caucasus made a Caucasian woman that allow themselves time and again Caucasian young man in Russia, this Russian boy killed on a place, and a court would say that he cut my throat, and that the perpetrators could not be found.
Our courts not only in my opinion, corrupt, but, unfortunately, deeply reckless attitude towards its own citizens. That is, there is a feeling that the Russian people can not be an officer, a Russian man can not be a judge in Russia, because suddenly he begins to resemble an agent of the Pentagon - starts to work to the detriment of their own country and their own people. Because, apparently, the Emperor, the Emperor Peter A. told to hire them from the Germans, Dutch, Swedes and others. Because they are somewhat more likely to fairness, objectivity and order. To our greatest shame to you and regret.
The latter - if a person crosses the line of the law, a law should not protect him. In those countries where the penalty for drug trafficking, the drug trade is not. In those countries where the cut hands for theft, do not steal. Is that theft in especially large amounts of people can not help - in China regularly shoot underground millionaires and embezzlers.
And in those countries where the penalty for murder, almost killed. It seems that all of these experiences, we could usefully be transferred to your soil, but first you need to change all the organs of internal affairs, and all other law enforcement agencies. I guess as long as there is no change of the whole state structure, decade after decade, we will cry out and about the same - it is already sick and tired! - That hurt us, but our judges, for some reason, vile and corrupt. "