15 funny theatrical tales

ability to laugh at themselves and find a way out of the strange situation - quality, value for everyone, and especially for an actor. Impromptu and improvisation on stage by distinguished professionals and novice artists often help to act in unusual situations.
For World Theatre Day Website I gathered the most funny stories that have happened to our once favorite actors during performances.
Alexander played the role Shirvindt rake, who drove all night the son of his old mistress on the haunts of vice. The way the characters lose each other, and Shirvindt hero returns home alone. On hearing this, the old lady pounced on him with terrible accusations. Finishes her monologue was saying, "Where is my son?" But the actress has made a reservation and said: "Where is my cheese?" The hall - silence. Unperturbed Shirvindt, looking at her with a grin, replied, "I ate it!»

Alexander Shirvindt in the play "Ornifl" Theatre of Satire.
Konstantin Stanislavsky performed the role of Argan in "Imaginary Invalid" by Moliere. At one performance on the stage had come off his nose. He began to attach it back to the front of the audience and saying: "That's the trouble, that's nose fell ill. It's probably something nervous. » On the stage there was a countess. The actor, who plays her son, forgot the words. Prompter hisses him:
- The Countess you see a mother! As you can see the countess mother!
He picks up the carafe and the table, looking with surprise at him, says:
- Mom, how you got there In the story, a play husband had to unexpectedly enter a room where an unfaithful wife had just burned a letter from her lover?!. Plunging the air nostrils, he shouted that he heard the smell of burnt paper. And clearly interested in what is so secret burned his wife. Caught wife's hand with tears in all recognized.
At the premiere of the stage worker forgot to light a candle on the table. Whore long I tossed on stage and tried to figure out what to do with the ill-fated letter. In the end, the hopelessness of the situation she tore it into small pieces. The newcomer looked at a picture of her husband, and after a moment's confusion, said: «I hear the smell of torn paper! Madame, if you please explain! » The Entertainer Nikolai Smirnov-Sokolsky found a way out of any situation. At one concert he confused pianist Yakov Flier with violinist Samuel Furer and announced to the public, "the violinist Flier Who will speak." Pianist, of course, protested. Then the actor came on stage and said, "Excuse me, dear comrades. The fact that Jacob Flier forgotten violin at home, so to play the piano. And it is even more difficult. » Roman Viktyuk staged" Anna Karenina "in the staging of Grigory Gorin. The performance was excellent, but long: it was about 5 hours. At the premiere, somewhere at the end of 4 hours and an elderly Jew leaned toward sitting next Gorin and said: «Listen, I have never in my life so long waited for the train!»

Director Roman Viktyuk.
There is a play "The Seagull" by Anton Chekhov's play. As you know, in his final shot should sound. Then comes into play Dr. Dorn and says: "The fact that Konstantin Gavrilovich shot himself." The pause dragged on, and still no shot. Dorn understands what it takes to save the situation.
It takes the stage for a long time and is still hoping for a shot, which still can not be heard. Then he says: "The fact that Konstantin Gavrilovic hanged himself." And then a shot rings out. A little thought, the actor adds, "and shot» The actress, participating in the play refers to the director:.
- I want in the first action on the diamonds were real
me. - Everything will be present - soothes her director. - And diamonds in the first act, and the poison - in the last Actor Sergei Martinson played Baba Yaga!. From the hall behind him watching his five year old son. The most important moment, when all the children are worried about the hero, whom Baba Yaga was to exterminate, grimacing, dancing and singing something like: "We'll roast, we'll get you in the dust are spaced apart" - the whole theater was a cry son of actor : "Papa, you're a fool» The actor played the dying Moor in Schiller's tragedy "The Robbers" and spoke in a very quiet voice fading. With the gallery shouted: "Louder," Not a bit embarrassed, the actor said in a loud voice: "Moore is dying, could not speak louder» At one of "Eugene Onegin" performances in the stage duel heroes gun did not fire. . But Onegin kept his head and hit the foot of the Lena. That turned out to be small and smart with a cry: «What a deceit! I understood everything: boots poisoned » - collapsed and died in convulsions Zinovy Gerdt told me he had a neighbor - sweet and kind woman, but very serious!.. Zinovy E. tried to tell her anecdote, which began with the words: "one man died ..." and she had problems falling asleep: what was his name? why he died? How long he was ill? did he have children?
Once the actor decided to play it. I called her on the phone exactly at 18:00 and changed voice asked: "Excuse me, but San Sanycha possible to the phone?" The neighbor said: "No, you have not got there." She called back half an hour later and asks the same question in a different voice. And so every 30 minutes. Another would have been sent away or tube removed, but a neighbor woman was intelligent and honestly answered all the calls. The denouement had come at midnight. Gerdt calls her again: "Hello, this is San Sanych. I have no one called "the actor answers immediately on the spot:? <« San Sanych, where are you gone? You also half the city looking for! »

Zinovy Gerdt and Leonid Kuravlev film
«Golden Calf».
How typically, the actors in the theater do not learn by heart the texts that can be read on the role of a sheet. Sometimes this circumstance plays a cruel joke with them. For example, in one scene in the play ran a messenger and delivered the letter to the king, saying:
- Your Majesty, your letter
! King unrolls the scroll, and - oh, horror! - The text is not there (fellow played a joke). But the actor has been experienced, however, returning a scroll to the messenger said:
- Read, messenger
! The actor playing the role of a messenger, too, was no fool, and brought back a letter to the king, saying:
- Illiterate, Your Majesty There is a show with the participation of Maria Yermolova!. Behind the scenes, a shot rings out: the heroine's husband shot himself. On stage actor Alexander runs Ugine. Actress in a terrible excitement asks, "Who shot?" Not a breath, Ugine instead of "Your husband!" Blurts out: "Your flies!" Yermolov repeats in horror: "Moss flies" - and falls unconscious <. In a small provincial city capital theater show "Storm" Ostrovsky. In the final scene, when Katherine rushes to the river, to mitigate the impact of falling used mats. Usually they were taken on a tour and not looking at the site. And this time the mats did not find. I had to take the proposed somewhere trampoline. Actress of substitution were not warned.
And during the play the heroine with a cry rushes into the river ... and flies back. With a cry ... And so a few times. At this point, one of the actors says: «Yes-ah, does not take Mother Volga ...»
Preview: Miramax
via www.miramax.com/movie/chicago/
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