Ever since humanity switched to margarine and yeast, common sense no longer works.
In order to get real benefits from your chosen style of nutrition, you need to have an elementary culture of nutrition. If we proceed from primitive ideas and habits, such as “buy dumplings, cook, bed a newspaper and eat them quickly”, or “eat vegetables and fruits, and that’s all – and everything will be”, then there will be nothing, no sense.
We must understand that the body is not a locomotive furnace, and shove everything there without consideration and analysis, in the hope that “everything will burn”, well, just stupid. The body has a certain margin of safety, but not unlimited, so you still need to have consideration. If culture is reduced to the concept of “snickering” something and somehow, then inevitably there will be problems.
While the way of life for centuries remained unchanged, the culture of food existed and was transmitted naturally, from generation to generation. But when civilization entered the man-made path of development, the way of life began to change rapidly, and the continuity of experience ceased to keep pace.
In such conditions, the food culture is not only lost (a significant part has already been lost), but also disfigured - degrades under the influence of factors that have nothing to do with nutrition, such as chemical treatment and ... advertising.
What to do with it, personally I don't know. Here, the salvation of drowning is the work of drowning themselves. If you do not want to know what and how you can feed yourself, and what and how you can not, then go to the hospital, or immediately to the cemetery. Really, exactly. Relying on the experience and common sense of humanity has become impossible. The point of no return seems to have been passed.
Since humanity switched to white flour, margarine and artificial yeast, common sense no longer works. Margarine, as a purely synthetic product, clouds the mind. And yeast, as an alien form of life (in fact, a monster), is built into the body and controls consciousness so that you want to eat exactly what the monster needs.
For reference. White flour is cooking, brought to absurdity. The most valuable thing in grains is in the germ and shell. White flour of the highest grade is obtained by cleaning wheat grain from the shell and embryo. Thus, everything valuable is removed, and only the dead part, consisting mainly of starch, remains. The liver is clogged with a fuel oil mass, starch settles in the body in the form of mucus, the intestinal walls are clogged with plaque.
Margarine and spread (trans fats) are made from refined vegetable oil of the second press, which is produced using chemical solvents. The refined oil is then heated and hydrogenated, passing hydrogen through it. The result is a mixture of transisomers unknown to nature, having the consistency of soft plasticine, a disgusting smell and color.
In order to give this "product" commodity qualities, there is added a bunch of all kinds of chemistry. Trans fats are extremely toxic and have the ability to accumulate in the body, causing a number of dangerous ailments: stress, atherosclerosis, heart disease, cancer, obesity, sick children, weakened immunity, low potency, etc.
What is the harm of artificial yeast:
- These are alien entities to the body - mushrooms.
- Imagine that a mushroom lives in your body.
- The yeast itself dies when baking, and their spores do not.
- They can penetrate into the bloodstream, and therefore into any organs.
- In the process of their life, mycotoxins are released.
- Once in the body, they begin to rebuild the entire environment for themselves.
- Symbiotic (healthy) microflora is inhibited, and pathogenic blooms.
- The body becomes easily accessible to foreign bacteria and viruses.
- Ideal conditions are created for the development of cancer cells.
Why do I say that humanity can no longer be trusted in matters of nutrition (as in so many other matters). If a human herd mass-produces and consumes something that kills it, then it certainly cannot be trusted. How can you trust a drug addict, for example?
A person who is in a problem does not see the problem or does not want to see it. And a troubled society does not want to see its problems, or even is unable to see, because it is in the illusion of herd security. We finally saw that smoking kills, after chemicals were added to tobacco, and as a result, it killed more. But the same inscription – “kills” – can be confidently glued to the entire supermarket synthetics. The illusion soothes only by killing slowly and imperceptibly.
People do not notice that they get sick and die in the most stupid way - because of the elementary lack of food culture. From the moment these three main components appeared in the diet - white flour, margarine, yeast - the culture ended and the matrix began.
These components are included in all the most common and everyday products - baking. This is the basis of a matrix scheme (not a culture) of nutrition. The main thing is to lay the foundation so that people lose their sanity, as in the fairy tale about Sinbad the sailor. Then they will not know why they get sick and die, and in general, for what purpose all this is. On the farm, the animal does not know what and why it is fed.
The only difference here is that it is not the matrix, but people who build their own farm, and are increasingly sophisticated in food technology in order to fit the matrix goals with their body and mind. The matrix has its own species, I will remind you once again:
Cells should be filled with obedient elements. And these elements must be, firstly, not quite healthy, so that they do not have free energy, and secondly, slightly fucked up, so that they do not understand where they are. Energy and conscious will must be enough to properly perform their functional duties – no more, no less.
So, back to the letter. The transition from traditional to live food does not mean any breakthrough in the culture of nutrition, if basic principles are not observed. Let’s see what principles are violated.
1. The diet should be constant, unchanged.
Kitchen (a set of products and methods of their preparation) should be some established constant. The diet can not be changed dramatically, for example, without special need to jump from one national cuisine to another. This is mainly due to the intestinal microflora, which is adapted for the digestion of a particular food. It is slowly rebuilt, it can take months to adapt.
Therefore, any transition should be smooth, gradual. If we are talking about the transition to live nutrition, then you can not rush here, because another factor is added - increased cleansing of the body. You can not bring yourself to a state of increased intoxication. So, in modern conditions, and especially young people, it is better to tune in not for months, but for years.
2. The diet should be as diverse as possible.
At the same time, dishes should be as simple and monosyllabic as possible, consisting of such ingredients. It is better to eat more, but one thing at a time. Diversity is required only in the general range. Fruits and vegetables alone are a poor diet.
If you want to eat something, then the body is missing something. For example, the brain consumes more than a quarter of all the energy of the body, it requires lecithin to work. In chocolate there is lecithin, but in vegetables and fruits it is not – that’s what I want. But why eat chocolate when the same lecithin is full of legumes?
3. Food should be enjoyable.
The human brain is designed this way – it should be enjoyable. If there is no pleasure, serotonin is not produced, and then everything is bad. If there is no pleasure, the brain will look for it, including among artificial stimulants. Food is one of the main pleasures, it should be deliciously cooked.
If what you eat is healthy but tasteless, you will constantly crave something unnecessary but tasty, and this ordeal will continue until the brain has its portion of pleasure. Therefore, do not engage in masochism, do not chew green salad like a cow, you need to look for simple but tasty recipes, and get not only benefits, but also pleasure - this is the culture of live nutrition. Food can and should be delicious.
4. Artificial stimulants and relaxants should be excluded.
You will still have to pay with interest. That is, from something artificial benefit is always less than harm. Giving is not worth it. It will get better first, and then it will get worse. Depression and panic attacks are a new generation of diseases. They are caused by nothing more than chemical components in products.
Chemistry causes an altered state of consciousness to varying degrees, but always. And also causes intoxication, despite the fact that the toxins are "packed in barrels." Not all of them pack. But if you treat the investigation with its cause, then the situation will only get worse. The question is, what is artificial about coffee and chocolate? If they are environmentally friendly, natural, then probably nothing, if in moderation.
Natural coffee and chocolate are hard to find. This is a big business, all plantations are abundantly watered with chemistry, not to mention what is added to the final product. The harm is not even in the caffeine itself, but in the accompanying chemistry. The best and safest stimulant is wild raw cocoa beans. They can just chew, make cocoa or chocolate, candy. The effect is felt immediately and without consequences.
5. The main principle is that the products should be natural.
That means no GMOs, no yeast, no chemistry, no synthetics. The supermarket is unlikely to get 1-5% of what can be attributed to natural products. (Although reality is changing, progress is already underway.) A product that is “enclosed and buried” for a long shelf life cannot be considered natural. Supplements that mimic “identical to natural” are also synthetic, no matter how they dress up.
Eating “long-lasting” (long-stored) vegetables and fruits from the supermarket is crazy. There is nothing worse than synthetic (artificially synthesized) toxins. Nature, over billions of years of evolution, has foreseen everything but this.
If the body knew how to speak, it would say: you can starve me, torture me with excessive physical exertion, throw me into the heat or cold, you can bleed, you can beat, torture, and even cut, I will tear everything down ... but if you poison me, fool, you and I will be ill, very bad - everything will just end very badly. published
Author: Vadim Zeland
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
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Source: mnglive.com/? p=1239
We must understand that the body is not a locomotive furnace, and shove everything there without consideration and analysis, in the hope that “everything will burn”, well, just stupid. The body has a certain margin of safety, but not unlimited, so you still need to have consideration. If culture is reduced to the concept of “snickering” something and somehow, then inevitably there will be problems.

While the way of life for centuries remained unchanged, the culture of food existed and was transmitted naturally, from generation to generation. But when civilization entered the man-made path of development, the way of life began to change rapidly, and the continuity of experience ceased to keep pace.
In such conditions, the food culture is not only lost (a significant part has already been lost), but also disfigured - degrades under the influence of factors that have nothing to do with nutrition, such as chemical treatment and ... advertising.
What to do with it, personally I don't know. Here, the salvation of drowning is the work of drowning themselves. If you do not want to know what and how you can feed yourself, and what and how you can not, then go to the hospital, or immediately to the cemetery. Really, exactly. Relying on the experience and common sense of humanity has become impossible. The point of no return seems to have been passed.
Since humanity switched to white flour, margarine and artificial yeast, common sense no longer works. Margarine, as a purely synthetic product, clouds the mind. And yeast, as an alien form of life (in fact, a monster), is built into the body and controls consciousness so that you want to eat exactly what the monster needs.
For reference. White flour is cooking, brought to absurdity. The most valuable thing in grains is in the germ and shell. White flour of the highest grade is obtained by cleaning wheat grain from the shell and embryo. Thus, everything valuable is removed, and only the dead part, consisting mainly of starch, remains. The liver is clogged with a fuel oil mass, starch settles in the body in the form of mucus, the intestinal walls are clogged with plaque.
Margarine and spread (trans fats) are made from refined vegetable oil of the second press, which is produced using chemical solvents. The refined oil is then heated and hydrogenated, passing hydrogen through it. The result is a mixture of transisomers unknown to nature, having the consistency of soft plasticine, a disgusting smell and color.
In order to give this "product" commodity qualities, there is added a bunch of all kinds of chemistry. Trans fats are extremely toxic and have the ability to accumulate in the body, causing a number of dangerous ailments: stress, atherosclerosis, heart disease, cancer, obesity, sick children, weakened immunity, low potency, etc.
What is the harm of artificial yeast:
- These are alien entities to the body - mushrooms.
- Imagine that a mushroom lives in your body.
- The yeast itself dies when baking, and their spores do not.
- They can penetrate into the bloodstream, and therefore into any organs.
- In the process of their life, mycotoxins are released.
- Once in the body, they begin to rebuild the entire environment for themselves.
- Symbiotic (healthy) microflora is inhibited, and pathogenic blooms.
- The body becomes easily accessible to foreign bacteria and viruses.
- Ideal conditions are created for the development of cancer cells.
Why do I say that humanity can no longer be trusted in matters of nutrition (as in so many other matters). If a human herd mass-produces and consumes something that kills it, then it certainly cannot be trusted. How can you trust a drug addict, for example?
A person who is in a problem does not see the problem or does not want to see it. And a troubled society does not want to see its problems, or even is unable to see, because it is in the illusion of herd security. We finally saw that smoking kills, after chemicals were added to tobacco, and as a result, it killed more. But the same inscription – “kills” – can be confidently glued to the entire supermarket synthetics. The illusion soothes only by killing slowly and imperceptibly.
People do not notice that they get sick and die in the most stupid way - because of the elementary lack of food culture. From the moment these three main components appeared in the diet - white flour, margarine, yeast - the culture ended and the matrix began.
These components are included in all the most common and everyday products - baking. This is the basis of a matrix scheme (not a culture) of nutrition. The main thing is to lay the foundation so that people lose their sanity, as in the fairy tale about Sinbad the sailor. Then they will not know why they get sick and die, and in general, for what purpose all this is. On the farm, the animal does not know what and why it is fed.
The only difference here is that it is not the matrix, but people who build their own farm, and are increasingly sophisticated in food technology in order to fit the matrix goals with their body and mind. The matrix has its own species, I will remind you once again:
Cells should be filled with obedient elements. And these elements must be, firstly, not quite healthy, so that they do not have free energy, and secondly, slightly fucked up, so that they do not understand where they are. Energy and conscious will must be enough to properly perform their functional duties – no more, no less.
So, back to the letter. The transition from traditional to live food does not mean any breakthrough in the culture of nutrition, if basic principles are not observed. Let’s see what principles are violated.
1. The diet should be constant, unchanged.
Kitchen (a set of products and methods of their preparation) should be some established constant. The diet can not be changed dramatically, for example, without special need to jump from one national cuisine to another. This is mainly due to the intestinal microflora, which is adapted for the digestion of a particular food. It is slowly rebuilt, it can take months to adapt.
Therefore, any transition should be smooth, gradual. If we are talking about the transition to live nutrition, then you can not rush here, because another factor is added - increased cleansing of the body. You can not bring yourself to a state of increased intoxication. So, in modern conditions, and especially young people, it is better to tune in not for months, but for years.
2. The diet should be as diverse as possible.
At the same time, dishes should be as simple and monosyllabic as possible, consisting of such ingredients. It is better to eat more, but one thing at a time. Diversity is required only in the general range. Fruits and vegetables alone are a poor diet.
If you want to eat something, then the body is missing something. For example, the brain consumes more than a quarter of all the energy of the body, it requires lecithin to work. In chocolate there is lecithin, but in vegetables and fruits it is not – that’s what I want. But why eat chocolate when the same lecithin is full of legumes?
3. Food should be enjoyable.
The human brain is designed this way – it should be enjoyable. If there is no pleasure, serotonin is not produced, and then everything is bad. If there is no pleasure, the brain will look for it, including among artificial stimulants. Food is one of the main pleasures, it should be deliciously cooked.
If what you eat is healthy but tasteless, you will constantly crave something unnecessary but tasty, and this ordeal will continue until the brain has its portion of pleasure. Therefore, do not engage in masochism, do not chew green salad like a cow, you need to look for simple but tasty recipes, and get not only benefits, but also pleasure - this is the culture of live nutrition. Food can and should be delicious.
4. Artificial stimulants and relaxants should be excluded.
You will still have to pay with interest. That is, from something artificial benefit is always less than harm. Giving is not worth it. It will get better first, and then it will get worse. Depression and panic attacks are a new generation of diseases. They are caused by nothing more than chemical components in products.
Chemistry causes an altered state of consciousness to varying degrees, but always. And also causes intoxication, despite the fact that the toxins are "packed in barrels." Not all of them pack. But if you treat the investigation with its cause, then the situation will only get worse. The question is, what is artificial about coffee and chocolate? If they are environmentally friendly, natural, then probably nothing, if in moderation.
Natural coffee and chocolate are hard to find. This is a big business, all plantations are abundantly watered with chemistry, not to mention what is added to the final product. The harm is not even in the caffeine itself, but in the accompanying chemistry. The best and safest stimulant is wild raw cocoa beans. They can just chew, make cocoa or chocolate, candy. The effect is felt immediately and without consequences.
5. The main principle is that the products should be natural.
That means no GMOs, no yeast, no chemistry, no synthetics. The supermarket is unlikely to get 1-5% of what can be attributed to natural products. (Although reality is changing, progress is already underway.) A product that is “enclosed and buried” for a long shelf life cannot be considered natural. Supplements that mimic “identical to natural” are also synthetic, no matter how they dress up.
Eating “long-lasting” (long-stored) vegetables and fruits from the supermarket is crazy. There is nothing worse than synthetic (artificially synthesized) toxins. Nature, over billions of years of evolution, has foreseen everything but this.
If the body knew how to speak, it would say: you can starve me, torture me with excessive physical exertion, throw me into the heat or cold, you can bleed, you can beat, torture, and even cut, I will tear everything down ... but if you poison me, fool, you and I will be ill, very bad - everything will just end very badly. published
Author: Vadim Zeland
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Join us on Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: mnglive.com/? p=1239