Stress. Is there a radical solution?

To provide effective treatment, you need to properly diagnose.
Modern man from morning to evening is under stress. Waking up, his mind takes awareness to a variety of planned cases and unfulfilled desires. And all day long people live under stress, getting accustomed and resigned to the internal stress in the crazy speed of modern life. This confirms the statistics: 98% of people over 40 years old vessels are narrowed by half. Such lifestyle leads to cancer, kardiozabolevaniyam, a host of other clinical disorders, and eventually to premature death.
Of course, you can relax by taking a tasty and healthy food, but even here the man is distracted by the flow of thoughts, watching television or online chat. Stress in this case does not go, and the food is not relaxing.
Another opportunity for relaxation - is communication with loved ones. But there are also people fall into the trap of stress, discussing the negative qualities of other acquaintances or making claims to each other.
And such a person comes to the stress is the same in the other stress. It seems to come to his partner wanted to offer low-cost goods, the services, or even ... the salvation of souls, but the contact partners in the stress does not create confidence and, therefore, long-term relationships are not possible.
What is the nature of such a complex phenomenon?
A thorough explanation we find in modern physics. Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto in his experiments with convincing information on the impact of the water proved that water records, stores and transmits information to other water structures. That is, the water retains the memory of a huge range of events, constantly writing them. What has all this to us? The most direct. Our bodies consist of 80% water, even in the bones - 40% water, and in the brain and 95% of the known fluid. To go further, give a simple example. Everyone suffered such an experience: in a society of human stress increases, there is fear, restraint, and the desire to hurry to leave this person. And on the other, even the unfamiliar person, easy and quiet, I want to stay in contact with him longer. This is confirmed by all the well-known proverb: "Who lead - order and rack».
Knowing about the memory of water, it is easy to explain this effect. From birth to the present day structure of water in our body is recorded not only in the center of some phenomena we are, but the most important thing - it is our attitude to these phenomena! And that's the whole point lies.
Man - a complex mechanism composed of physical body (80% water), the subtle body (mind, intelligence and false ego) with thoughts and desires, and life-giving these bodies - an immaterial soul (characteristics - an eternity, consciousness and bliss). < br />
Most modern people are living their consciousness in the mind, whose function is to separate, analyze, accept and reject. Thus, living in mind, the blessed soul enters the duality of mental categories of "good - bad", "like - not like", "love - I hate". Perceiving the whole world is divine phenomena as separated and isolated fragments exist by themselves, deluded man fills some of the puzzle of the puzzle of life positive experiences with high vibrations, and other scenes of life recorded in the water structure of the body as negative vibration free. When communicating our bodies enter into a non-verbal (wordless) contact, exchanging information.
And that is not all. From childhood to the present day, we have made a lot of mistakes and "ugly" behavior for which the condemned themselves. All this information is carefully preserved in the water structure of the body, and each communicating with a partner "read" its water structure. Of course, on a conscious level, people do not decode the information to each other, but as a high-frequency and low-frequency recording resonate relaxing or creating even more tension.
The same thing happens when we are faced with other people's mistakes. Immediately the mind is born condemnation, resentment, fear, or anger, and this vibration free entry of our relationship to this phenomenon may be a lifetime are stored in the water structure of the body, bringing us around and stress.
Where is the exit?
It is known that the water transferring to another state (solid or gaseous), all memory is cleared in water. But this method of formatting the memory of water structures is unacceptable to our bodies.
"What should I do?" - Was asked in the days of Chernyshevsky, referring to the same problem.
The answer to this seemingly insoluble question, in fact, everyone knows. It is necessary to consciously rewrite our attitude to the events of the past in which we deliberately condemned themselves to other people for mistakes committed. but not only condemned - we drag this burden through life.
Fully relaxed, with eyes closed, we are saying to yourself, "I forgive you, I forgive myself for everything ..." But, forgive yourself, never commit such mistakes. Otherwise worthless your forgiveness. Can float pictures, memories of past events where we were not up to par, and made the mistake of condemning myself for it. Since we are real only in the present, and the mind to an event condemned in the past, you can safely say this dusty memories, "I forgive you, I forgive myself" Rather than once will not be enough and it may take 5 or 10 sessions of meditation < br /> With eyes closed, we add: "I forgive all, I forgive everyone for everything ..." Be sure to throw the memory of someone who has treated you unfairly, not given debt or insulted you publicly. After a deep sincere forgiveness you feel the ineffable lightness and happiness, because you have so long carried the load judging others disappeared!
God - there is unconditional love. Everything that comes from him - countless spiritual and material worlds - there is nothing but unconditional love. And we, as godlike beings also have unconditional love. Therefore, tuning in to this, we say to ourselves: "I fill the divine unconditional love I have is completely filled with unconditional love ... I am completely filled with unconditional love!»
When after a short time you will be able to enter into the state of sincere forgiveness of self and others, and then be filled with divine love, you will find yourself at the level of sanctity or innocence. It is so joyful and elated state of being that you just do not want to lose it! Watch your inner state of emotional comfort (SVEK). Once SVEK began to decline, then your mind has made a mistake in condemning someone, but you do not notice. Be vigilant, constantly feeling and watch your SVEK.
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