And jokes
The patient leaves after anesthesia.
- Doctor, I have something I can not find my feet.
- Do not worry, it's because we amputate your hands.
- And what is it we Count Suvorov eats nothing?
- So he's not breathing ...
"Hey buddy" - claps on the shoulder, the passenger a taxi driver.
The driver screams, loses control of the management, nearly crashed into the bus leaves on the sidewalk, stopped
inches from the huge windows.
Passenger - "Sorry, I did not think you are so scared.»
Driver - "You know the first day I drive a taxi before I drove a hearse ...»
Drunk man wakes up in a cemetery at night covered in dirt, etc. g # is, gets up, looks lanterns are lit and the cemetery caretaker sweeping the track. He decided to guard puganut:
- Hey, urrrrrrrrfrrrfrfffr!
The guard turned and then sweeps. Drunk came close again as the zaoret him. The guard waved again and continues revenge. Drunk thinks:
- Well, it'll go home.
Suitable to the fence of the cemetery, a leg lifted climbeth, then ka-a-ak will receive a pick on the head.
- You fool is a fool, and the fence, no, no! Wali back to the grave, and it dawns - scare people ...
"If abortion - is legalized murder, and blow - cannibalism, the use of condoms - legalized the establishment of concentration camps for the young with the total, followed by the destruction of the prisoners, not to mention the fact that the use of spermicidal lubricants - is a legal use of chemical weapons of mass destruction." < br />
A little girl walks into a pet shop. She smiles sweetly seller
and says:
- I would like to buy a rabbit.
The seller is responsible:
- Do you want to buy this little gray handsome with huge sad eyes or that furry white rabbit lazy?
The girl responds with a smile:
- And I FSUs boa @ rd!
Dulbecco's egg. Egg - to duck.
Yes, fun met in surgery New Year
- Dad, how to write in the book about the atrocities Gerasimos: "While he was served with the ladies, he sank 25 Mum, Mumey or minima»?
- Yes, just write: "All the mummified river»!
No need to run away from the sniper, only die tired ...
- Doctor, I have something I can not find my feet.
- Do not worry, it's because we amputate your hands.
- And what is it we Count Suvorov eats nothing?
- So he's not breathing ...
"Hey buddy" - claps on the shoulder, the passenger a taxi driver.
The driver screams, loses control of the management, nearly crashed into the bus leaves on the sidewalk, stopped
inches from the huge windows.
Passenger - "Sorry, I did not think you are so scared.»
Driver - "You know the first day I drive a taxi before I drove a hearse ...»
Drunk man wakes up in a cemetery at night covered in dirt, etc. g # is, gets up, looks lanterns are lit and the cemetery caretaker sweeping the track. He decided to guard puganut:
- Hey, urrrrrrrrfrrrfrfffr!
The guard turned and then sweeps. Drunk came close again as the zaoret him. The guard waved again and continues revenge. Drunk thinks:
- Well, it'll go home.
Suitable to the fence of the cemetery, a leg lifted climbeth, then ka-a-ak will receive a pick on the head.
- You fool is a fool, and the fence, no, no! Wali back to the grave, and it dawns - scare people ...
"If abortion - is legalized murder, and blow - cannibalism, the use of condoms - legalized the establishment of concentration camps for the young with the total, followed by the destruction of the prisoners, not to mention the fact that the use of spermicidal lubricants - is a legal use of chemical weapons of mass destruction." < br />
A little girl walks into a pet shop. She smiles sweetly seller
and says:
- I would like to buy a rabbit.
The seller is responsible:
- Do you want to buy this little gray handsome with huge sad eyes or that furry white rabbit lazy?
The girl responds with a smile:
- And I FSUs boa @ rd!
Dulbecco's egg. Egg - to duck.
Yes, fun met in surgery New Year
- Dad, how to write in the book about the atrocities Gerasimos: "While he was served with the ladies, he sank 25 Mum, Mumey or minima»?
- Yes, just write: "All the mummified river»!
No need to run away from the sniper, only die tired ...