"May I lived," or 15 new Odessa jokes!

Edition Site Odessa loves jokes! And you? - Tsilechka and what you feed her husband
? - What do we eat, and the feed
. ***
- Nahum Izrailevich, you are living beyond your means
! - There is nothing complicated about it. It is difficult to find a means by which one can live.
- Celia, what do
vie? - The same can be engaged in a respectable married woman at 10pm ?! I sit it.
- Sonya, I would have, of course, asked how things were going ...
But you do not shut up then ...
- I think I sho yet reached financial stability
! - It's like
? - There was no money, it is not, and does not seem to be
! ***
Odessa railway station, ad:
- To meet the train from Bryansk! Your train is delayed. Can a passenger is found from Tula. There, too, people are traveling, they will be pleased!
Rabinovitch holds a meeting:
- Who is the fastest to make a plan, get me a chocolate
! - Chief, the salary would be ...
- Begins! I already bought chocolates!
Zhora, sho you again so nervous? Wee tried to put the puzzle elements of the 3000? We tried it, but does not add up? Here! A ve still want shtoby life easily folds!
- Monya, sho vie think for people who are running around in the morning
? - I still think, Bob, Shaw they have a very uncomfortable sofa
. ***
- Monya, you will have a minute to talk about the meaning of life
? - No
. - Then let's go the short way. Want a drink?
According to the constitution, Semyon Markovich had the right to work. But I try not to abuse them.
- Faina Yakovlevna, how would you describe your life in a nutshell
? - What
? ***
- On the first-second in Hebrew
pay off! - I support ...
- I'm tired ...
- I can not ...
- I do not permit my mother
! - Calculating finished
. ***
Visiting tourists Odessits says:
- I'm so like Odessa humor
! - I beg of you! Is humor ?! All humor Jews were taken during emigration! One was laughing ...
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