Money does not happen much!

Installation on abundance. Repeat every day 3 weeks!
Assume a comfortable position for you. Relax. Take a few deep breaths and slowly exhale. Imagine that you are standing in the middle of his room. You look around and notice that on the table, on the couch, not a chair, anywhere where your view is drawn, the money is. It's your money. Collect them. Then you leave the room. If it is an apartment, get out of the apartment, just grab a bag, and more, because you're going to collect money. Going down the stairs, you see the money on the steps. Lift, put in your bag. Do not forget to look in the mailbox. There, too, for sure, the money is. Go outside, look around, and of course, you see the money. On the bench, a tree, yes anywhere, let you tell your imagination. Go and collect them.
Listen and you will hear the rustling of this money rain falls on you from the sky. You open the bag and money fly into it, take as much as you want!
When you compile a full bag, feel its weight. Thank the universe for such generosity. You're glad that have collected so much money. Try to feel and remember this state of joyful gratitude. Let it remain in your heart and in your mind.