Eight life crisis

According to the theory known psychologist Erik Erikson's life cycle is divided into 8 stages. And waiting in each crisis. But it is not catastrophic. Just comes a turning point, which is to prepare ...
18 - 20 YEARS
Life is held under the motto "We need to break away from the family home." And in 20 years, when people have really distanced himself from the family (institution, military service, short trips, etc.), Another question arises: "How to stay in the adult world?»
Plaguing thought: "And what I have achieved in life?" Appears desire to snatch a piece of the passed life and start all over again.
Single person begins to look for a partner. A woman who used to be satisfied with the fact that sitting at home with the children, tends to see the light. A childless parents - to have children.
After 30 years of life becomes more efficient and streamlined. We are starting to settle. People buy the house and make drastic attempts to move up the career ladder.
Women tend to reach the peak of their sexuality. But at the same time demanding that the men had for him first of all respect. Men understand that the sex they "are not the same, that in 18 years." They are brighter than in women appear the first signs of aging.
By 40 years ends with "young age" of young scientists, aspiring writers, and so on. D.
Reaching the middle of life, we can already see where it ends.
Time begins to decline. The loss of youth, fading physical strength, changes in usual roles - any of these things can lead to a crisis.
In 40-year-old is unlikely there will be new friends.
To achieve the highest achievements, needed more punch and power. In the last 40 years, leaving the chances to get ahead.
Who has not yet been seen, that it will be bypassed on subsequent promotions.
45 years
We begin to think seriously about what mortal. And if we do not hurry to decide, life becomes a trivial implementation of obligations to maintain existence. This simple truth is, we shock. The transition to the second half of life seems very rigid and too quick to accept it.
Dispassionate statistics states: the number of divorces in people who have reached 40 - 45 years, increases.
The nervous system is the iron that many have little to respond to external stimuli such as hail officer or grumbling wife. In his professional life remain valuable employees. At this age they are able to separate the important from the unimportant, fully concentrate on the main issues, which gives good results.
By age 50, many people like rediscovering the joy of life - from cooking to philosophy. And just one day may decide to change the way of life, carrying him with an enviable thoroughness.
Obvious advantages greatly overshadows significant disadvantage: many 50-year-old male potency weakens considerably.
55 years
During these years comes the warmth and wisdom. Especially for those who managed to occupy senior positions. Friends and personal life are more important than ever. Lived to 55 years often claim that their motto now - "not engage in this nonsense." And some are new creative abilities.
The crisis comes when a man realizes that still engage in this nonsense.
And a woman comes to a crossroads. Someone complains: "I never could do nothing for himself. All just for the family ... And now it's too late ... »
Some gladly accept that they are able to live for others, enjoy your garden or get used to the role of grandmother.
56 years and beyond
Surprisingly, this age is found in almost all the scientists who have attained fame. There are many artists who have created their best works at the age of 70 years.
According to legend, the Japanese artist Hokusai said that everything he created to 73 years is worthless. Titian painted his most spectacular pictures in nearly 100 years. Verdi, Richard Strauss, Schutz, Sibelius and other composers have worked up to 80 years.
By the way, writers, artists and musicians than with scientists and businessmen often can longer do their job. The reason is that in old age a person is sinking deeper into the inner world, while the ability to perceive what is happening in the outside world, is weakening.
BTW ...
How to measure the psychological age
We should ask the person to answer the question: "If the entire contents of your life conditionally accept for one hundred per cent, what percentage of the content you realized by now?" And knowing how a person evaluates done and lived through, you can set his psychological age. It is sufficient to multiply the "index realizovanna" on the number of years that a person expects to live.
For example, someone believes that his life is half-implemented, and suggests to live only 80 years. His mental age equals 40 years time (0, 5 x 80), regardless of whether 20 or 60 years he in reality.