11 mistakes that women

article Julia Rouble about what women's hyperactivity and how it interferes with relationships. em>
- I was sitting in a freshly dug pit in the yard and waited for Anton. Anton was from next door, but the hot water just looking at us and pits were dug only at us. The hole was red, clay, and on its walls have sprouted some daisies. Anton came and jumped into the pit. We had talked a bit. Suddenly, on the pit wall very quickly crawled tiny pauchishka. I'm afraid of spiders a lifetime to squeal, but this one was quite a millimeter, probably. I have brought it a finger to his crush (I inhumane), but something stopped me.
- Oh, - I squeaked, - a spider! I'm afraid!
Anton raised his hand and luxurious schelbanom pauchishku killed. And then I muttered that I was the most beautiful, and he liked me very much. Needless to say, with some genuine admiration I looked at him? I was three years old, he was - four. On top of the pit of my grandmother looked after us. I have a lifetime to remember this nowhere survived to me "stop" signal: it is not necessary to kill the spider itself, when there is a boy who is capable of luxury schelbany.
But seldom follow this rule. There was a time when I thought that with my huge "spiders" of all stripes not consult anybody, except me. And she coped.
Let's see what women hyperactivity. That's what happened to me finally, if I in the three years she heard the old "stop».
Spider One: "I myself, because you can not handle it," I look at Anton, I understand that he is too frail in advance of his contempt, kill the spider itself, casually say, "Look, I killed a spider." Anton as a spat comes out of the pit, or looking for a bigger beast, that I had something to prove, but I'm proud of myself, like a fool, because I strongly Anton. Well, I generally brave.
Spider Two: "I always know everything and tell you," Anton kills the spider, and I told him: "Anton, what do you know about spiders? They have eight legs, for example, you know? »
Quickly I jump out of the pit, nesus home Bram grab and run back to explore together with Anton. Anton tries to escape, but I am perplexed - how he can be so interesting? How can he bravely fight with the spider, without receiving any educational program about eight feet?
To pit with all his runs Antonova grandmother. Anton pulled out and crying, I'm rocking bow, reads out the pieces.
Spider Three: "I know better than you,
You do not argue "Anton kills the spider, and I said to him:
- Anton, what do you know about spiders? They have eight legs, for example, you know?
- I know, - says Anton important. - I have my grandfather - an ornithologist (or ophthalmologist). They still have a sting.
- I do not sting, and mandibles, - I laugh - ha ha ha! He does not know how to distinguish the tip of the mandibles! Marketing of the franchise! Right now, I'll tell you - I say, holding Anton's shirt - that is floating.
And, shaking his braids, say forty-five minutes. Anton limp.
To pit with all his runs Grandma Anton.
Spider Four: "Quickly, quickly developing a relationship!" Anton raised his hand and luxurious schelbanom pauchishku killed. And then I muttered that I was the most beautiful, and he liked me very much.
Needless to say, with some genuine admiration I looked at him?
- And now, kiss me, - I whispered languidly, his eyes closed, and substituting the cheek.
- I'm not ready - shy Anton - I ... only spider until I can ...
- No, now you have to kiss me - I stomp foot - otherwise all this would not be the truth! If you kill a spider, you love me!
- I'm still just killed the spider - is justified by Anton - I need to sort out their feelings ...
- No, it symbolically means a lot! You have already claimed responsibility!
To pit with all his runs Grandma Anton.
Spider Five: "I'm not worse!" Anton raised his hand and luxurious schelbanom pauchishku killed. And then I muttered that I was the most beautiful, and he liked me very much.
- Ho-ho! - I cried. - Beautiful - it's garbage. I can also, like you!
After five minutes of this I find eight brothers of the deceased and with gusto smear their finger on the pit wall.
Anton darkens or even frightened hiccups.
To pit with all his runs Grandma Anton.
Spider-sixth: "Right now, I cheer you up!" After the murder of Anton pauchishki fills me thanks and good mood.
- I'll sing to you now - I say Anton and down his leg in sandalike, sing and we dance forty-five minutes.
Anton tries to get out of the pit, but I did not shoot, because I have an extensive repertoire.
To pit with all his runs Grandma Anton.
Spider-seventh: "You did not, I'll show you how to" Anton raised his hand and luxurious schelbanom killed pauchishku.
I looked at him scornfully.
- You'd kill him inaccurately, - I said - and now eight feet will roll across the pit. See how to kill spiders!
And very quickly I find his left hand and killed eight brothers of the deceased. Carefully picking up the remains in a bag.
Anton startled hiccups.
To pit with all his runs Grandma Anton.
Spider-eighth: "You do not treat me well, I will teach how to" Anton raised his hand and luxurious schelbanom pauchishku killed. And then I muttered that I was the most beautiful, and he liked me very much.
I looked at him coldly.
- What's the matter, darling? - Hiccuping anxiously asked Anton.
- You do not say so, - I rapped. - You said quietly. Speak clearly, so that I could hear every word! Then I believe you!
- I hesitate, - said Anton.
- At this stage the relationship properly embarrassed! - I said, and waved her pigtail. - This is the second stage of courtship, of Gray: it is necessary to do everything well, clearly communicate your message across to a woman! Now you tell me again, and then we kiss! This will be the norm and standard!
... Anton climbs, I contemptuously whistling a march on his back through the fallen baby tooth. Anton's grandmother gave him her hand, and together they escape with all haste.
Spider ninth: "I am terribly modern and witty" Anton raised his hand and luxurious schelbanom pauchishku killed. And then I muttered that I was the most beautiful, and he liked me very much.
I laughed.
- You're the spitting image of a knight - I said with a laugh, - do not you think that everything that happened between us, so funny?
- Uh ... - said Anton.
- Well, look, all these norms, standards, compliments - all this vulgarity! As a textbook on psychology. I'm better than that! "Spider such a fool" - a cool rhymes like "stick-herring", huh? You read "Dunno"? Dont worry! Between us nothing serious, relax! Spider you to nothing obliges! Now I'll tell you an anecdote about spiders! Only he is a vulgar, close your ears!
... To the pit with all his runs Grandma Anton.
Spider tenth: "I'll tell you all of myself," Anton raised his hand and luxurious schelbanom pauchishku killed. And then I muttered that I was the most beautiful, and he liked me very much.
- How are you well said! - I admire. - You know, when you kill him, I felt a tickling in the nose ... usually before the tears ... I'm, you know, I love to cry ... Do not cry, boys do not cry ... And the girls cry ... I am a Girl ... I cry every night ... And so I'm afraid of spiders ... I think it's a repressed desire to murder their parents ... I read Freud's, but did not believe it - I know, in fact, this incredulous ... When you're here it said, before tickle in the nose, I thought - and Suddenly he is manipulating me? Suddenly, he says, specifically, that I admired them? But then I thought that all of a sudden you say that with a pure soul? It is very difficult to believe in a pure soul, suddenly cheated ... I even thought Anton, only you do not laugh, that suddenly I made you a feeling of revulsion? No no! I then thought more and realized that it's unlikely ... because you're looking at me like look ... and I have a tickle in the nose ... Sometimes I still tickles before sneeze, but he obviously was not that ... is clearly a hunch ... a premonition of what -That light, which could be between us ... I'm very sensitive to all that relates to relationships, you know? Anton? Anton, you go out tomorrow? I'll still have to say about the emanation and sensitive - it's so important for you to better understand what I am ... Lidia, do not drag it so out of the pit, you his collar tear off ... I was so worried when something is too fast ... And without explanation ... I do always very worried, you know ...
Spider eleventh: "We are now living in a new" Anton raised his hand and luxurious schelbanom pauchishku killed. And then I muttered that I was the most beautiful, and he liked me very much.
Needless to say, with some genuine admiration I looked at him?
- How is your mother's name? - I purred.
- Nina Andreevna, - said Anton.
- Oh yes, I saw her we near the third entrance. Luxury woman, but her maxi she did not go. I will give my mother a dressmaker telefonchik, will transfer his, let sew decent. How many of your rooms?
- Well, two, - said Anton.
- Yeah ... um ... um ... If prodolbit wall ... you have not already done so? Make it'll be good. On the wall hangs a carpet?
- Yeah ...
- Remove the carpet, you're allergic. You eat cheese?
- Nah, I hate him.
- It should be there, you have milk teeth change. I eat here - you see the hole? - And I very quickly grow new ones. Do you see the hole? Uh-uh? S-s-s? I eat a pack a day. You eat, too, it will be good. Cat you have?
- Well, there's ...
- Cat necessary to instill. And comb. I Remember Me? Instill cat prodolbit wall and cottage cheese. Oh yeah, and my mother. And the carpet. This will be good. I'll then write a list. Let me address elektronku? And you still do not know how to read? Anton, that's all. Tomorrow will come to me, you will learn. And at the same time eat cheese, I'll see ... Anton, what are you doing with the victim spider? Trying to resurrect? Lidia, he just refused to eat curds and put dirty fingers in his mouth, I will tomorrow bring special soap from microbes, seven in the morning, that all had to wash ... He said that I'm a fool, but I do not mind, the boy you have a good, perspective ... It will be good ...
Unscientific explanation: hyperactivity - this is when the lady always brings, she can not stop, either continuously or says or does, or wants to say or want to do. He knows everything right and generally knows everything. It is active, responsible, often caustic, and always joking, and fighting back. Does not occur on your throat, leaving always the last word, successfully fighting with a man on all fronts, dramatic, artistic, witty and always excited, is able to fit and clowning, and indeed the casual words can say, no quarter will give everyone show and prove to everyone cope and burning horse rescue. Men are in a relationship with a lady very hard to have time to do something, start something to do or want to do something. In a family with such a lady man calms down and over the years it becomes invisible, inaudible, sometimes drinking, almost always unsuccessful and, as a rule, very tired.
Girls! Girl should be modest. I beg you - silent more! Or at least pauses in time! Its 14 thousand words a day, songs, dances, Bram, cottage cheese, and other nervous organization mainly discuss with friends, mothers and grandmothers.
This is for you my will.
Author: Julia Rublev
Photo: Jean-Francois Zhonvil
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