The Venus Project
The Venus Project (The Venus Project) - an international organization founded by Jacques Fresco, along with Roxanne Meadows and is implementing a technocratic project, aimed at achieving a peaceful, stable, permanent and stable development of the global civilization, through the transition to a world resource-based economy, general automation, the introduction of the latest scientific advances in all areas of human life and the use of scientific methodology of decision-making.
Main provisions
Jacque Fresco says that the Venus Project is an integrated socio-economic system in which automation and technology would be intelligently integrated into all spheres of society in order to improve the standard of living, and not for profit. Profits should stop playing the role of a criterion when selecting solutions. The project also proposed a set of values of human existence. Fresco believes they are quite feasible and practical.
In keeping with the integrated approach to the problems, Fresco believes that the implementation of less than described in the "Objectives and proposals" lead mankind only to repeat the mistakes committed earlier, only on a larger scale.
It is expected that the project will give the public a wide range of options that will lead to a new era of peace and sustainable development. The introduction of a resource-based economy, aimed at the good of all mankind, should be to eradicate crime, poverty, hunger, homelessness and solve the problems of many other pressing issues that are relevant today in the world.
Most of the problems in modern society, the project's supporters believe Venus consequence of living conditions in the monetary environment. For example, they believe, automation replaces manual labor machine that in a situation of monetary relations leads to a decrease in the purchasing power of the unemployed people.
Objectives of the project
The official website declared the following goals:
Worldwide recognition of the earth's natural resources heritage of mankind.
Cancel the artificial boundaries that separate people.
The transition from a monetary-oriented national economies of individual countries to the global resource-based economy.
Stabilizing world population through better education and voluntary birth control.
Restoring the environment.
Reconstruction of cities, transportation systems, agricultural and industrial enterprises in the energy-saving, environmentally friendly, able to satisfy the needs of all people.
Complete phase-out of such forms of management as corporations and governments (local, national or multinational).
Interchange technologies and use them for the benefit of all peoples.
The development and use of clean renewable energy.
Manufacture of products of the highest quality for all people in the world.
Preliminary studies of any large construction projects for possible impacts on the environment.
Encouraging creativity and the creative principle in man in all its manifestations.
Getting rid of the vestiges of the past (nationalism, fanaticism) and prejudice by raising the level of education of the population of the Earth.
Eliminating any kind of elitism, including technical.
Develop methodologies through research rather than random opinions.
Creating a new language of communication on the basis of its rapprochement with the outside world.
Ensuring people not only the necessities of life, but also the education of the individual tasks at stimulating the human mind.
Intellectual and emotional preparation of people for the upcoming changes.
The Action Plan
Activists of the project are aware that the pace of implementation of the plan depends on the financial resources, especially in the early stages of the project, and the number of people interested in the project. It is expected that the increase in the number of supporters will allow the transition to a new social model is not revolutionary but evolutionary way.
The first phase of
The first stage is reduced to inform the public about the project Venus. He has already been partially implemented. For information about the project were released videos, brochures, press kits, book "All the best that money can not buy" (eng. The Best That Money Can not Buy), enjoy free online training. An international team of volunteer translators at the beginning of 2013 transferred the main site in 13 languages. Some materials, such as the film "Paradise or Oblivion" has been translated into more than 30 languages.
Jacque Fresco and Roxanne Meadows in the framework of the presentation of the project completed the construction of the research center of 10 hectares in the town of Venus (Venus), Florida, USA. The new center organizes regular tours for visitors.
The second stage
Activists Venus Project believe that at the present time (2013) implemented the second phase of the project. It is expected that will create a full-length feature film, which is bright and clearly will have to show how the work proposed innovations in different areas around the world, show version of society where man, nature and technology coexist and develop in a state of constant, stable, dynamic equilibrium.
The film should create a positive expectation of the audience of the future of a peaceful society in which all people are one big family on planet Earth. Fresco claims that the film will be both informative and entertaining for both adults and children.
The third stage
Creating experimental research city, to be built on the collected donations and proceeds from the sale of earlier developments.
The city will test new technical and social ideas that will give the opportunity to see their practical implementation and to assess their impact on quality of life. It also plans to create enticing and educational theme park.
It is expected that more cities will be part of the transitional period and will evolve from polukooperiruyuschih monetary-oriented communities in resource-based economy.
According to Marxists, the project Venus is close to utopian socialism. The way to overcome the economic crisis Fresco sees the destruction of the monetary system. But the project is not a continuation of the Venus development of modern society, and a proposed alternative to private ownership of the means of production. It is assumed that people must simply choose it consciously. This subjective approach Marxists perceive the utopianism of the social project. Fresco does not propose ways out of the current crisis, it only considers that after the project Venus crises will not disappear because the conditions for their occurrence.
On the proposal to publish the specific technologies that have been developed within the framework of Venus, Jacque Fresco refuses to do so, citing the potential for commercialization, the city will live comfortably, and it will lead to high cost of rent. As a result, there is no possibility in more detail to get acquainted with the project, except with the narrative. At the beginning of the project in 2014, Venus does not provide the published scientific and engineering base, limited only by the lectures, videos, brochures and discussions.

Main provisions
Jacque Fresco says that the Venus Project is an integrated socio-economic system in which automation and technology would be intelligently integrated into all spheres of society in order to improve the standard of living, and not for profit. Profits should stop playing the role of a criterion when selecting solutions. The project also proposed a set of values of human existence. Fresco believes they are quite feasible and practical.
In keeping with the integrated approach to the problems, Fresco believes that the implementation of less than described in the "Objectives and proposals" lead mankind only to repeat the mistakes committed earlier, only on a larger scale.
It is expected that the project will give the public a wide range of options that will lead to a new era of peace and sustainable development. The introduction of a resource-based economy, aimed at the good of all mankind, should be to eradicate crime, poverty, hunger, homelessness and solve the problems of many other pressing issues that are relevant today in the world.
Most of the problems in modern society, the project's supporters believe Venus consequence of living conditions in the monetary environment. For example, they believe, automation replaces manual labor machine that in a situation of monetary relations leads to a decrease in the purchasing power of the unemployed people.

Objectives of the project
The official website declared the following goals:
Worldwide recognition of the earth's natural resources heritage of mankind.
Cancel the artificial boundaries that separate people.
The transition from a monetary-oriented national economies of individual countries to the global resource-based economy.
Stabilizing world population through better education and voluntary birth control.
Restoring the environment.
Reconstruction of cities, transportation systems, agricultural and industrial enterprises in the energy-saving, environmentally friendly, able to satisfy the needs of all people.
Complete phase-out of such forms of management as corporations and governments (local, national or multinational).
Interchange technologies and use them for the benefit of all peoples.
The development and use of clean renewable energy.
Manufacture of products of the highest quality for all people in the world.
Preliminary studies of any large construction projects for possible impacts on the environment.
Encouraging creativity and the creative principle in man in all its manifestations.
Getting rid of the vestiges of the past (nationalism, fanaticism) and prejudice by raising the level of education of the population of the Earth.
Eliminating any kind of elitism, including technical.
Develop methodologies through research rather than random opinions.
Creating a new language of communication on the basis of its rapprochement with the outside world.
Ensuring people not only the necessities of life, but also the education of the individual tasks at stimulating the human mind.
Intellectual and emotional preparation of people for the upcoming changes.

The Action Plan
Activists of the project are aware that the pace of implementation of the plan depends on the financial resources, especially in the early stages of the project, and the number of people interested in the project. It is expected that the increase in the number of supporters will allow the transition to a new social model is not revolutionary but evolutionary way.
The first phase of
The first stage is reduced to inform the public about the project Venus. He has already been partially implemented. For information about the project were released videos, brochures, press kits, book "All the best that money can not buy" (eng. The Best That Money Can not Buy), enjoy free online training. An international team of volunteer translators at the beginning of 2013 transferred the main site in 13 languages. Some materials, such as the film "Paradise or Oblivion" has been translated into more than 30 languages.
Jacque Fresco and Roxanne Meadows in the framework of the presentation of the project completed the construction of the research center of 10 hectares in the town of Venus (Venus), Florida, USA. The new center organizes regular tours for visitors.
The second stage
Activists Venus Project believe that at the present time (2013) implemented the second phase of the project. It is expected that will create a full-length feature film, which is bright and clearly will have to show how the work proposed innovations in different areas around the world, show version of society where man, nature and technology coexist and develop in a state of constant, stable, dynamic equilibrium.
The film should create a positive expectation of the audience of the future of a peaceful society in which all people are one big family on planet Earth. Fresco claims that the film will be both informative and entertaining for both adults and children.
The third stage
Creating experimental research city, to be built on the collected donations and proceeds from the sale of earlier developments.
The city will test new technical and social ideas that will give the opportunity to see their practical implementation and to assess their impact on quality of life. It also plans to create enticing and educational theme park.
It is expected that more cities will be part of the transitional period and will evolve from polukooperiruyuschih monetary-oriented communities in resource-based economy.

According to Marxists, the project Venus is close to utopian socialism. The way to overcome the economic crisis Fresco sees the destruction of the monetary system. But the project is not a continuation of the Venus development of modern society, and a proposed alternative to private ownership of the means of production. It is assumed that people must simply choose it consciously. This subjective approach Marxists perceive the utopianism of the social project. Fresco does not propose ways out of the current crisis, it only considers that after the project Venus crises will not disappear because the conditions for their occurrence.
On the proposal to publish the specific technologies that have been developed within the framework of Venus, Jacque Fresco refuses to do so, citing the potential for commercialization, the city will live comfortably, and it will lead to high cost of rent. As a result, there is no possibility in more detail to get acquainted with the project, except with the narrative. At the beginning of the project in 2014, Venus does not provide the published scientific and engineering base, limited only by the lectures, videos, brochures and discussions.
