How to start your day

1. The first hour of the day - the golden hour. Robin Sharma argues that the first hour of the day the most important time. better to devote the first hour self-development and work on them. Do not include any computers and TVs. To nothing clog your brain with unnecessary information. Engage in self-development: writing personal notes, meditation and contemplation, reading inspirational books. Remember how effectively pass your first hour after waking up, so will the whole day. To do useful things, and be very effective at least the first hour. Then it all goes itself.
2. The morning of the page. Morning is the best time for writing morning pages. Morning pages are very well-head free from all unnecessary - it is the same as keeping a personal journal.
3. In the morning, you can meditate.
4 Affirmations. In the mornings, so it is useful to say positive affirmations, they set a good mood for the whole day. For example: "Every day I enjoy life." "I celebrate every day of your" and "Life - is an endless stream of happiness, success and abundance».
5. Useful books. You can read your books. Read at least 30 minutes a day. So you can not read a book, and even the most complex and difficult to master can be.
6. Exercise. The best time for sports - this morning. In the morning a lot easier to make myself do it. Yes, for this would have to get up earlier. If you find it difficult to accustom themselves to engage in sports, then do it in the morning. On the morning of resistance is much less. I do business and the whole day is free. It eventually becomes a healthy habit.
7. Important things. If you are at work or freelance, all important things to leave in the first half of the day. In the morning, even the most complex and difficult things are done effortlessly. So long since schools and universities to work with 9 hours. On the morning of very high creative activity. Articles written much easier.
8. The plan for the day. In the morning, good to plan for the day. We need to write down your goals for the day and a minimum program that must be done.
9. The morning should be calm and relaxing. No hurry and hassle. If you do not happen without it, then you may get up late.
10. Exercise Thanks. In the morning, so you can write down everything for which you are grateful. It sets you on the right way. Write or need to verbalize everything you are grateful for what the universe. Remember the movie "The Secret" was Stone Thanks? So you can find yourself a ritual of thanksgiving. Why thank you? Your health, your ability, your talents, your mate's health, your parents for food on your table for a roof over his head.
11. A glass of water. Immediately after lifting drink one glass of water. So your body makes up for the lack of moisture, do you wake up faster. Some even charge the water with positive affirmations.
Correct start of the day can repeatedly increase your efficiency. In the morning, very good to engage in self-development. If your morning will be very productive, then for dinner you are surprised to see how to do all that planning. You will have free time to spend on hobbies or search for their vocation.
The only difficulty is to accustom themselves to the early rise. So the first time you have to fight the urge to sleep.