1. Sleep less. This is - one of the most important contributions that you can do in fact make your life more productive and decent. Most people need no more than 6 hours of sleep to maintain excellent health. Try to get up an hour early just for 21 days, and it will turn you into a strong and powerful habit. Remember that it is important not the quantity but the quality of sleep. Now imagine that you will have an additional 30 hours per month at a much more important things for you.
2. Every morning highlight for myself for one hour on something to think about issues of personal development. Mentally and visually imagine the day ahead, listen to recorded music that motivates you, or read anything from classical literature. Use this period of calm to lift and revitalize your spirit for the upcoming productive day.
3. Do not let the things that are most important to you, stay in the shade of the things which are not so important. Every day, find time to check yourself, "Was this the best use of my time and my energy?". Time management has control of life, so manage your time as best you can.
4. You can use a piece of gum as a training tool for your mind, makes him focus only on positive thoughts and elements of your life. Wear rubber band on the wrist. Whenever negative or weak thought trying to break into your brain, click yourself on the wrist band. Through efforts in training your brain will associate pain with negative thinking and you will soon develop into a strong positive mental attitude.
5. Always answer the phone with enthusiasm in his voice and immediately shows its respect for the caller. Good manners are very important. In order for the phone lines transmit your confidence rise. This will give your voice even more strength and credibility.
6. During the day, on any one of us finds inspiration and sometimes come brilliant ideas. Should always have on hand a stack of cards small size (even the size of a business card, these cards are available at any office supply store) and a pen to immediately capture the essence of enlightenment. Arriving home, rewrite ideas in a convenient place, such as Notepad, to read them from time to time. As noted by Oliver Wendell Holmes: "The human brain is stretched a new idea, no longer shrinks to its former size».
7. Every Sunday evening dedicate yourself and make it their permanent habit. Plan carefully your upcoming week, imagine visually all their meetings and what you want to achieve them, read new materials and inspirational books, listening to quiet soothing music and just relax.
8. Always remember an important rule that the quality of your life is the quality of your communication. It is important not only how you communicate with others. More importantly, how do you communicate with them. What you focus on, what you get. If you are looking for a positive result, it will be so. This is - a fundamental law of nature.
9. Focus on your goals and not on results. In other words, does the job for the reason that you like it, or because it's someone who can help or give a rewarding experience. Do not do anything just for money or for recognition. They will come by themselves. That's how the world works.
10. Every morning laugh for five minutes in front of a mirror. Steve Martin is exactly what comes. Laughter triggers a lot of useful chemical reactions in our body that lead us into a wonderful and happy state. Laughter also causes the body to a state of equilibrium.