10 effective techniques from the book Paul Palagina "Speed reading in practice"
We are the most reading country in the world, you have not forgotten? What is the last book you read, remember, when it was useful and that you learned from it? Hardly remember even the name? It is not surprising, because experience shows that people do not know how to read the lessons in primary school do not count - in the ability to perceive many of material and have not advanced beyond school skills. As you know, in today's world, the most valuable commodity - information, and to master it, it is necessary to learn how to read. According to the materials of the bestseller Paul Palagina "Speed reading in practice" we have prepared a few tips that will help you re-learn how to read, but it is much more efficient, and at the same time prepare you for the amazing development of the techniques developed by the author.
1. Teach yourself to read The more is diverse literature in your life, the easier , you will learn how to effectively read h4> To start Develop the the habit of reading to devote at least 30 minutes a day. We are not talking books and documents that you need to read the work - choose to practice reading what you think is useful for self-development or artistic works. The more diverse literature will be in your life, the easier you will learn how to effectively read, workers, say, or training materials.
Thanks to the remarkable property of our memory, even a superficial acquaintance with the information greatly facilitates its perception and memory h4> It is known that any experienced traveler, if he had to travel on an unfamiliar area pre zapasёtsya cards and try to gather as much information about the route. Drawing up a rough plan of action and preparation for all kinds of force majeure - one of the main components of success journey.
If the book is yours, feel free to make notes in the margins , emphasizes the desired phrase, forget about the strict suggestions from teachers and school librarians that «spoil the book is not good» h4> For better storage and subsequent effective use of the new material is to outline the key points of the text
1. Teach yourself to read
The more is diverse literature in your life, the easier , you will learn how to effectively read h4> To start Develop the the habit of reading to devote at least 30 minutes a day. We are not talking books and documents that you need to read the work - choose to practice reading what you think is useful for self-development or artistic works. The more diverse literature will be in your life, the easier you will learn how to effectively read, workers, say, or training materials.
Even if you can not find a convenient time for reading, for example, you are constantly in public or other noisy places, force yourself to perform this kind of schedule - as you learn to focus on the material, regardless of the circumstances.
2. Choose the right pozu
One of the most common mistakes that people make when trying to penetrate into a material - making poses uncomfortable for effective perception of the text. for example - reading lying . Such a position of the body the human brain perceives as a sign of the desire to relax and, accordingly, "relax." Of course, eventually remember and comprehend the material is much more difficult. Read the best standing or sitting with your back straight - the brain receives more oxygen, due to which the data processing is much more intense.
The ideal distance between the eyes and the text - 30-40 cm, in such a situation a person's gaze makes a minimum movement and as a result, the eyes get tired less. This reduces the probability of deterioration of the frequent reading.
3. During the development of the material stocked by energieyZachastuyu development of composite material requires concentration and intense mental work, but for four or five hours to keep yourself in good shape is quite difficult. Therefore, during the reading it is important to take regular breaks - for example, every half-hour or an hour. Breaks dedicate exercise, light gymnastics, it stimulates blood flow to the brain and gives energy boost needed for further work on the text. Push-ups and sit-ups will not only enhance the efficiency of your work, but also a positive impact on overall health.
Another way to save power during mental activity - gymnastics hand
4. reading should be specific tselPoroy people read the book, without even thinking that they want to learn from them. Forget about school facilities, "read a book from the list in the summer, no matter what the cost." As in any business, in reading a good specific goals and actions to achieve them. If you decide for yourself what you want to achieve reading a clever book, even having studied it ten times, you hardly will extract something useful.
The most important thing - you must have a constructive purpose: what you want to know and how it is going to apply in practice
5. preview material
Thanks to the remarkable property of our memory, even a superficial acquaintance with the information greatly facilitates its perception and memory h4> It is known that any experienced traveler, if he had to travel on an unfamiliar area pre zapasёtsya cards and try to gather as much information about the route. Drawing up a rough plan of action and preparation for all kinds of force majeure - one of the main components of success journey.
The same principle works even when any reading material. After examining the contents and viewing potentially relevant pages will be much easier to remember the necessary information, while not overloading yourself with unnecessary data. Due to the remarkable property of our memory, even a superficial acquaintance with the information greatly facilitates its perception and memorization.
6. Take breaks for remembering and understanding Read informatsiiVo time reading the book is not worth to try as quickly as possible, "swallow" paragraph by paragraph, page by page, even if it is written very exciting, and it contains a lot of useful information. Chances are finished reading it in this mode, a couple of days do not remember any clever ideas expressed by the author of "An excellent book! What is it? Oh, I do not remember right now ... ».
To the attention of "registered" in your long-term memory, you can use the so-called technique of "Harvest»
After each complete semantic unit (section) pause, look away from the text information from Imagine just read a passage in the form of an image - circuit situations and so on. In your own words paraphrase the essence of the information received (silently or out loud). A pause will help you to focus on the semantic unit, creating an image will greatly facilitate data storage, and consolidate the results of a retelling. To understand the information the next step. Ask yourself a few questions, how you can use the old practice. Visualize the situation in which successfully use their new knowledge. Please use the information obtained. If the experience can be implemented within 1-3 minutes - do it now! If you need a little more time, use the technique of "Leaves on the implementation" - Take a piece of paper and write on it the idea that showed you fruitful, be sure to include where it learned (chapters and sections). Many books have special blank pages for notes (usually at the end). When reading literature electronic media can use various services such as Evernote.
7. Carefully read tekstSkolko time reading material, you caught yourself in that contemplate a completely extraneous things? Before my eyes - the text about the peculiarities of taxation in South Africa, in which you need to make a report tomorrow, and in my head: "Gasoline prices have jumped again ... I'll have to decide where to go on vacation. What to cook for dinner tomorrow? ».
This is not surprising - speed of perception of the text is much lower than the speed of our thinking, so as long as we make our way through the words and phrases that the brain needs something to keep him occupied
"Stop." Take three deep breaths in a row without exhaling. "Attention". Very exhale. "Let's go." Say your goal you want to achieve reading material and get to work. The first step will help you to clear the brain from extraneous thoughts and contribute to saturate it with oxygen, and the second will set up the commission of actions to mobilize attention and energy, and the third - "load" in the head by one main idea of pronunciation it aloud. Of course, during work on the text you will still be distracted, but much less frequently. Regularly practicing these exercises, you train yourself to work with maximum efficiency - not only in reading and in any other situation.
8. Outline material
If the book is yours, feel free to make notes in the margins , emphasizes the desired phrase, forget about the strict suggestions from teachers and school librarians that «spoil the book is not good» h4> For better storage and subsequent effective use of the new material is to outline the key points of the text
Before reading read the table of contents and fix it on a piece of paper, and then add back the necessary information from each section. Thus, you can fit the whole point of the book on one or two sheets of format A4. Create a "book of wisdom" - a collection of all your summaries.
9. "Wisdom at hand" of your friends probably have a successful and accomplished people - do not miss the chance to benefit from their experience. Make a list of areas of life in which you think you are successful and ask everyone how he managed to achieve positive results. Find out what kind of books they read, on what courses have received certain knowledge that allowed them to succeed. Perhaps the key to solving your family, professional, and very close to other problems - one has only to lend him a hand
10. Make a list of useful books that will perechityvatDlya more effective implementation of their goals in life and just for self-development to periodically review the literature from which learned a lot of useful and wise thoughts. Collect personal library of literature on self-development, and do not forget to fill up the piggy bank "golden knowledge." It is likely that by opening the read the book a second time, you will once again learn a lot of new. A good book - a wise man , contact with which is never boring. Read books!
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