Quotes Hathaway
Anne Hathaway - she chameleon. She brilliantly acts out roles in comedies and melodramas in, and now in action movies. After her role in the film "The Dark Knight Rises" could not help thinking, and the role it can play at all? I think this is not found, because her Catwoman, no matter how skeptical viewers initially, many of the best recognized during the existence of the character on the screen. Ann 29 years old, she is really talented, but with awards for his work her a little luck. She was nominated on "Oscar" and "Golden Globe", but the winners in the nominations were completely other actresses ... Although there's which way you look: it can be carried and it has an even greater incentive to move on? In any case, she Hathaway on this occasion did not bother, because in the end no figurines happiness. Roles she got excellent, and soon will be in the privacy of peace and quiet - Anne marries actor Adam Shulman.
Actually, I'm a simple girl from a middle class that has grown in New Jersey, and I always like staying.
I believe that everyone has the right to live as he wants.
In fact, I'm very insecure person, and most of all afraid that not cope with some kind of role does not justify someone's expectations.
Seventeen years I was first shown on TV. It was a shock: it seemed to me that on the background of the surrounding beauties I looked lame duck. But then the Pope said: "The camera loves you." And I still can not believe it.
I like it when a man listens to what you say. I also like, if it similar to my sense of humor and if a man has the same priorities in life that I have. It's great when you find in each other a lot of similarities, but even better - when you're different and has something to teach each other.
Sometimes, people live happily together twenty or thirty years, and then one of them dies, the other a year later met, they say, the love of his life. So I think we should just be honest with them at any given point in time - figuratively speaking, if you're in love now, so you're in love. And the point. And there come what may.
I am a very open person, but at the same time I do not go out too often on all sorts of public events. And I feel great, saying, "I'm not going to go there».
For me to undress in public is never easy. For example, I once refused to star in the comedy "Knocked Up" is just for this reason. I do not want to play in full screen laboring woman with all the biological details. Although I was promised that the details will be shown not mine, but quite another woman.
I do not have a perfect body, but I'm not worried about it, I like everything. I think that society is slowly moving away from the idea that everyone should look the same. For many years, women were encouraged in an effort to "customize" your body for an ideal. I'm healthy. Happy. Things are going well. Of course, I have my days when I look at myself in the mirror and wailed: "Why you did not go to the gym for six weeks? "Or:" All is lost, the hair does not fall as it should, and why yesterday it was necessary to have that third slice of pizza? "All the girls it happens.
It's strange: I'm a family man, most people close to me - my family, father, mother, brothers. My parents were together 28 years, I do not romanticize their relationship, they have experienced all, but together we are a family. And I see myself in the family, but do not see myself married a signatory to certain marital obligations. I do not know how to resolve this contradiction. But probably find out later. There's always, sooner or later you learn what you do not know before.
I hope to be a mother and to find a balance between family life happy and fulfilling career success.
From cinema in my life I have led only one friend - Emily Blunt, with whom we played together just as "the devil ...". And with starving - because my character of "Andy, 6th dimension" had become "Andy, 2nd", and Emily was the same drama. You can not forget how we cried, embracing - from hunger. It's almost front-line friendship.
My mother, Kate McCauley, taught me to always treat people with the understanding, and to itself - with humor.
As a child I thought I was everything, absolutely everything, doing wrong, I'm a loser. I had to visit the hundreds of auditions and get hundreds of failures. I'm used to failure and no longer hoping for a positive response ...
I do not consider myself the most talented and are always afraid of losing his fortune.
Me and Lindsay Lohan are similar to much more than it may seem to others, everyone in life has moments of stroke, which is better not to remember and not to tell anyone. In college, I have created such that no one looking at me now, would have thought. I'm not a saint. I spent a lot of time wasted, destroyed themselves, as she could. I tried to dance on a huge number of bar counters and tables. I'm glad I went through all this, remaining sensible and healthy. And, as I said, trying to hide the details of my past.
It is strange to hear that I was an idol. We all make mistakes, many mistakes, I corrected her in front of others, and it pleases me. If someone imitates me because I behave this way and not another, maybe it's good. But my life - this is my life. I am a good person and I try to keep them. First of all, for yourself.
I think a lot about the relativity of time and space, I was shaking the idea that everything - I, you, building, and even the human brain is composed of atoms. Elementary particles and subatomic particles - this is what really fascinates me. His spare time I devote to reading scientific journals and books on physics.
Yes, you can assume that I'm a nerd in disguise.
Previously, it was the least glamorous, and I loved it. Understand correctly, I am not against this style, but when you are waiting on, you'll look like a super model, going beyond just coffee, it's just funny!
I would like to become a mother, but I can not imagine sedentary. I would like to have a home in different places, because I live in the gypsy wanderlust. Most of the actors little gypsies, hard for us to stay in one place too long ...
In my imagination I in the next five years will become mom. Just die, I want it. Perhaps I'm not quite ready for this, but it's one of the joys of life, which I look forward.
When I play, I do not exist - I am dissolved in her character.
I find that my face does have the advantage - it is volatile, gutta-percha. Useful stuff in our business. As for beauty ... I do not think this is such a necessary thing. Millions of people live without her, and happy. With it, too, can be happy. But certainly not because of it.
I believe that I have a strange facial features. I have a rather large features, and a small head. But, you know, I'm not going to engage in self-flagellation about it. This is my face. I'm not particularly pretty. But I feel fine, because I know I look each other and in the end, much more important person. If I do not do with their appearance, my hair is too curly, and no tone of the face, and it's not normal. But I'm trying to find a balance in the work with his appearance.
I always wanted to be an actress only: very much liked to pretend. But about Hollywood, I never dreamed, I do not want to live there. Never interested in those who have a boyfriend of Julia Roberts or that it is, I just like it a comedy, and I wanted to be like her.
The title of "greatest acting range." That's what I really wanted to achieve! And yet - "the best young actress who has ever worked with Meryl Streep." And that it has awarded itself Meryl Streep.
As a child I was a tomboy and a teenager - Tear. Also, I was not at all beautiful. Up to 14 years went solely shirts older brother and boys 'shoes, and after 14 ... Well, I'm from the' 90s generation of "grunge"! Of course, I wore some rags with etnoaktsentom despised and cosmetics. And parents with me enough of hardship: teenage rebellion hormones I have put in depression, fits of rage and self-hatred, one's own body in particular. And as a result, and to all others.
By the age of 18 I started to look at myself from the outside, and stopped to look really quite blatantly. In addition, one school friend received a flyer invitation for two persons to the make-up session by Lancome. When the makeup artist has finished, I was shocked! I enjoyed myself and it was a shock. And most importantly, I liked the ritual - personal care, jewelry yourself, even fixes. There was some deep femininity. The one that I did not realize before: before, I thought that to be painted - a face paint. But then I realized: this is the process of improving themselves through attention. And the attention to itself - synonymous with self-esteem. Its something I did not have enough. Since then, I am calm ... your physical incarnation.
Now I know: for each of our life gets cons plus the loss - a lesson, a new opportunity.
My favorite movie - "Sense and Sensibility." Everything in this movie perfectly. It's an extraordinary movie.
Actually, I'm a simple girl from a middle class that has grown in New Jersey, and I always like staying.

I believe that everyone has the right to live as he wants.
In fact, I'm very insecure person, and most of all afraid that not cope with some kind of role does not justify someone's expectations.
Seventeen years I was first shown on TV. It was a shock: it seemed to me that on the background of the surrounding beauties I looked lame duck. But then the Pope said: "The camera loves you." And I still can not believe it.

I like it when a man listens to what you say. I also like, if it similar to my sense of humor and if a man has the same priorities in life that I have. It's great when you find in each other a lot of similarities, but even better - when you're different and has something to teach each other.
Sometimes, people live happily together twenty or thirty years, and then one of them dies, the other a year later met, they say, the love of his life. So I think we should just be honest with them at any given point in time - figuratively speaking, if you're in love now, so you're in love. And the point. And there come what may.

I am a very open person, but at the same time I do not go out too often on all sorts of public events. And I feel great, saying, "I'm not going to go there».
For me to undress in public is never easy. For example, I once refused to star in the comedy "Knocked Up" is just for this reason. I do not want to play in full screen laboring woman with all the biological details. Although I was promised that the details will be shown not mine, but quite another woman.
I do not have a perfect body, but I'm not worried about it, I like everything. I think that society is slowly moving away from the idea that everyone should look the same. For many years, women were encouraged in an effort to "customize" your body for an ideal. I'm healthy. Happy. Things are going well. Of course, I have my days when I look at myself in the mirror and wailed: "Why you did not go to the gym for six weeks? "Or:" All is lost, the hair does not fall as it should, and why yesterday it was necessary to have that third slice of pizza? "All the girls it happens.
It's strange: I'm a family man, most people close to me - my family, father, mother, brothers. My parents were together 28 years, I do not romanticize their relationship, they have experienced all, but together we are a family. And I see myself in the family, but do not see myself married a signatory to certain marital obligations. I do not know how to resolve this contradiction. But probably find out later. There's always, sooner or later you learn what you do not know before.
I hope to be a mother and to find a balance between family life happy and fulfilling career success.

From cinema in my life I have led only one friend - Emily Blunt, with whom we played together just as "the devil ...". And with starving - because my character of "Andy, 6th dimension" had become "Andy, 2nd", and Emily was the same drama. You can not forget how we cried, embracing - from hunger. It's almost front-line friendship.
My mother, Kate McCauley, taught me to always treat people with the understanding, and to itself - with humor.

As a child I thought I was everything, absolutely everything, doing wrong, I'm a loser. I had to visit the hundreds of auditions and get hundreds of failures. I'm used to failure and no longer hoping for a positive response ...
I do not consider myself the most talented and are always afraid of losing his fortune.

Me and Lindsay Lohan are similar to much more than it may seem to others, everyone in life has moments of stroke, which is better not to remember and not to tell anyone. In college, I have created such that no one looking at me now, would have thought. I'm not a saint. I spent a lot of time wasted, destroyed themselves, as she could. I tried to dance on a huge number of bar counters and tables. I'm glad I went through all this, remaining sensible and healthy. And, as I said, trying to hide the details of my past.
It is strange to hear that I was an idol. We all make mistakes, many mistakes, I corrected her in front of others, and it pleases me. If someone imitates me because I behave this way and not another, maybe it's good. But my life - this is my life. I am a good person and I try to keep them. First of all, for yourself.
I think a lot about the relativity of time and space, I was shaking the idea that everything - I, you, building, and even the human brain is composed of atoms. Elementary particles and subatomic particles - this is what really fascinates me. His spare time I devote to reading scientific journals and books on physics.
Yes, you can assume that I'm a nerd in disguise.

Previously, it was the least glamorous, and I loved it. Understand correctly, I am not against this style, but when you are waiting on, you'll look like a super model, going beyond just coffee, it's just funny!
I would like to become a mother, but I can not imagine sedentary. I would like to have a home in different places, because I live in the gypsy wanderlust. Most of the actors little gypsies, hard for us to stay in one place too long ...

In my imagination I in the next five years will become mom. Just die, I want it. Perhaps I'm not quite ready for this, but it's one of the joys of life, which I look forward.
When I play, I do not exist - I am dissolved in her character.
I find that my face does have the advantage - it is volatile, gutta-percha. Useful stuff in our business. As for beauty ... I do not think this is such a necessary thing. Millions of people live without her, and happy. With it, too, can be happy. But certainly not because of it.
I believe that I have a strange facial features. I have a rather large features, and a small head. But, you know, I'm not going to engage in self-flagellation about it. This is my face. I'm not particularly pretty. But I feel fine, because I know I look each other and in the end, much more important person. If I do not do with their appearance, my hair is too curly, and no tone of the face, and it's not normal. But I'm trying to find a balance in the work with his appearance.

I always wanted to be an actress only: very much liked to pretend. But about Hollywood, I never dreamed, I do not want to live there. Never interested in those who have a boyfriend of Julia Roberts or that it is, I just like it a comedy, and I wanted to be like her.
The title of "greatest acting range." That's what I really wanted to achieve! And yet - "the best young actress who has ever worked with Meryl Streep." And that it has awarded itself Meryl Streep.
As a child I was a tomboy and a teenager - Tear. Also, I was not at all beautiful. Up to 14 years went solely shirts older brother and boys 'shoes, and after 14 ... Well, I'm from the' 90s generation of "grunge"! Of course, I wore some rags with etnoaktsentom despised and cosmetics. And parents with me enough of hardship: teenage rebellion hormones I have put in depression, fits of rage and self-hatred, one's own body in particular. And as a result, and to all others.
By the age of 18 I started to look at myself from the outside, and stopped to look really quite blatantly. In addition, one school friend received a flyer invitation for two persons to the make-up session by Lancome. When the makeup artist has finished, I was shocked! I enjoyed myself and it was a shock. And most importantly, I liked the ritual - personal care, jewelry yourself, even fixes. There was some deep femininity. The one that I did not realize before: before, I thought that to be painted - a face paint. But then I realized: this is the process of improving themselves through attention. And the attention to itself - synonymous with self-esteem. Its something I did not have enough. Since then, I am calm ... your physical incarnation.
Now I know: for each of our life gets cons plus the loss - a lesson, a new opportunity.
My favorite movie - "Sense and Sensibility." Everything in this movie perfectly. It's an extraordinary movie.